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SHTF diet?

I've often wondered why it is that when considering foreign aide, food, water... we tend to send the same supplies over and over again to the same people. Not that it isn't ever warranted, but in many cases the causation of the food/water shortages are never addressed. Political complications of the masses aside, I think of a small tribal group that has suffered from starvation and thirst again and again. For all the aide we could provide, I have sometimes posited the question as to why we don't look into moving the tribe to a location where the resources could be sustained. Then I think of our Creator and my past (and future) positions in which I am starving because I won't go to the place where provisions await. Whether a change in physical location, mental or spiritual focus, or any combination thereof. The difference between myself and the tribe: I have no excuse. The tribe may be unaware of the means with which they could communicate their needs to us, or that we even exist.

I know my Creator exists, provides, and is ALWAYS faithful to do so. I have no excuse not to change my location, my mind, or my heart. If I choose not to, then I am choosing myself and "my" world over my Creator.

Moving and changing is painful when you consider the world around you and its response, resistance, and resentment. It's glorious when you fix your eyes, ears, mind and heart on the Creator that has gone before you and set your path. Give thanks, be joyful, keep your eyes on the Creator, and don't let anyone (us included) distract you.

Our words and actions are nothing if they don't emanate the love of our Creator.

A story/joke/ modern day parable told hundreds of ways:
A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately.

A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.”

The neighbors came by his house and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!” But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.”

As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No thanks, God will save me.”

The floodwaters rose higher pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!”

The flood waters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop.

A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, "Grab my hand and I will pull you up!" But the man still refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No thank you! God will save me!”

Shortly after, the house broke up and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned.

When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?”

And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?”

If you are aware of the potential situation, you've already been warned. Don't wait for the car, canoe, helicopter, or rapture. Act now.
cwcsmc said:
But you would agree 'everything He provides is exactly what we need', yes?

Of course sir, only if we (here in my country) will wait for lamb fillet instead of assuaging our hunger on the rat-atouille being provided, we might have to wait for a very long time. :D

Actually, I'm not a picky eater. In my line of work, survival is part of life (not the apocalypse preparedness thing). We have conducted surveys and inventories in our dense forest and jungles, all mountain ranges where the terrain is unforgiving (which I think will be our last hideaway), and we cannot carry heavy packs, otherwise we can only cover a hundred meters per day. So, while we do our work, the guide often forages for what little protein he can find (frogs, tadpoles, rats, and bats).

This is part of my mental and spiritual preparation and I want to make sure that whatever I tell other people is right.

As for plant food, the forest is full of plants but a lot have no nutritive value, even toxic. Regarding our agriculture, like I stated before, we are already experiencing disruptive weather patterns for 3-4 years and natural calamities (earthquakes and typhoons) have increased in number and strength. This has already reduced our productivity. This year, a drought is also predicted to come (el nino), which is an anomaly as it (el nino) usually occurs in cycles and it is not supposed to be in my country this year.

Even without the tribulation happening, we still have to deal with the Chinese threat as there has been much saber-rattling in this part of the world lately. Even Japan, who used to rely on the US for defense is revising its stance (They have a peace-inclined constitution) and arming itself. If China plans to have Australia as its goal for adventurism, then they definitely have to pass through this tiny specks of islands. Japan did that in WWII, thinking of rolling-over the Philippines in, at most, six months. But we held them here for the rest of the war, they were not able to pass. Such scenario could happen again. Besides, we are at loggerheads with China right now over some territories, which is kind of funny since it's like a mouse taking on a bear.


Sir, I've read that faith is an action word, a verb. We need to place our belief and trust in God, but we still need to "do" something, such as praying. During the time Jesus/Yeshua was here, there was that woman who got hold of His robe. She didn't stayed home and waited, instead her faith lead her to seek Jesus/Yeshua and touch Him.

Even OT Israel in the wilderness, God could have simply kept them healthy without eating yet they have to go out and gather the manna. And if you have seen quail, these little birds won't stand still so somebody could simply pick them up and turn them into adobo.

Besides, where can we go as a nation? We are briefly mentioned in prophesies as part of Japan's team on the side of Israel, that is comforting enough. It is worthwhile to stay where we are and be instruments for the exaltation of His written word and His name.

BTW, good point with that little story. :D

Thank you all for all the insights provided here.
We actually got a copy of the Mormons guide to prepardness. I think everyone shoulld get a copy because it lays out a guide of what you will need to get through a SHTF scenario.
Personally, I think the Mormon religion has a lot to offer when it comes to family preservation and wholesomeness. I even think the concept of celestial marriage is worth pondering, but that might be for those who can stomach bleeding edge spiritualism. :lol:
There is a great need in in keeping the direct link open between you and the Holy Spirit. That way he will lead and guide you in all truth. ( all situations) He could give you understanding when a neighbor offers help. He could lead you to the food you can eat according to the understanding you have. He can blind the enemy to where they bypass you or literally translate you to a safe haven.

It often bothers me how wrapped up in prepping one can get through his own supposed wisdom and planning and never even seek to have the guidance of their Father.

Well, while it's true that God can and does do those things, the Bible also tells us to be wise, to prepare, not to be lazy, etc, etc. I'm somewhat in the middle of the road these days. I want to be wise and prepare to an extent, but I recognize that I cannot forsee everything, and am very glad that I have the creator watching my back.
Well one main reason we prep If you will is given the fact that we live in a region where we can get snowed in during the winter months and spring we can get rock slides that prevent us from being able to get to stores etc. We just never know. I think for us food storage is a must. We also keep some things in our vehicles in case it ever breaks down and we have to sleep in it overnight. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing what I would call preparing for the unexpected as much as one can.
Oh I absolutely believe in preserving foods and being prepared according to the blessings we are given.

I just don't want to be consumed with the worries or motivations coming from a fear of the future.

It's when I see friends stockpiling weapons etc. and hear their plans of safeguarding their possessions through their own strength that I realize my own carnality. (Not that I don't own guns) :-/

I have an amish heritage that I respect and a lot of values we promote as a family. So we are used to a lifestyle that is nondependent on the fast food chain.

I just pray that I can walk openly and honestly before God that he can lead and guide me in all things.

Yes but If something happens I would rather be able to protect my family than be a victim. I like to use the metaphor Zombie. A zombie is not what the media and movies protray but someone who will kill you for a loaf of bread or some Milk. We have lived in places where looting is an issue. We moved away from that but stuff does happen and we should be prepared for the unexpected.
I have to say, before our family started keeping Torah, we begged for bread, we were on WIC. We were in the military, and worked a second job delivering unclean pepperoni pizzas, babysat other people's kids, and we were still struggling. We quit all that when we started walking in the revelation of Torah, and we have not had to beg for bread since. Isn't that what scripture says, that His people will not have to beg for bread, so why don't "believers" believe that? Why are we looking for hypothetical situations where we might be "forced" to eat rats? The Israelites were given manna and quail and Elijah was fed by ravens.

"For YHUH will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by YHUH will be many. "Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go to the gardens, Following one in the center, Who eat swine's flesh, detestable things and mice, Will come to an end altogether," declares YHUH. "For I know their works and their thoughts; the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory.…" Isaiah 66:16-18

"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." Luke 17:33

If we would compromise our faith by eating the unclean in order to preserve our life, would we be willing to compromise our faith in other situations? What if we were asked to denounce Messiah in order to preserve our life? What if we were asked to give a false witness about a brother in order to save our life? See where that thinking can lead? I wouldn't want to pollute my tabernacle, because if I am defiled, He cannot dwell in me. What good is my life without Him? However, in death, I can rest until He wakes me to dwell with HIM!
Forgive me if I missed it, are you guys messianic or not? There are some New Testament things I'd mention along these lines, but I don't know if they'd bear any relevance for you.
If we resorted to cannibalism to save our life or stole food from people, wouldn't we be the very "definition" of a "zombie" mentioned earlier in the thread? hmmm
“It's okay, Pa, you can put away the chainsaw. They’re Messianic zombies and they said we’re unclean.”
This is a topic to be careful with. Meat was one of the issues Paul specifically pointed out as a stumbling block. Certainly it can seem pretty cut and dried but reality is a little more complex.

Those who adhere to the dietary laws do so out a desire to be obedient and take the Scriptures literally, both very admirable things. Conversely, many who dismiss the dietary laws do so without being able to say why, which is a horrific thing.

I would just hate to see this topic foment discord.
It is a topic I find difficult myself. I find myself unsure of the answer and so in the meantime, until taking the time to study this deeply, continue by default to eat everything as per the culture I have grown up in. But I am becoming uncomfortable with that being my default position, as my default should probably be obedience unless I see a scriptural reason not to. Hmmm...
Zec that's why I was asking some clarification questions before just jumping in and saying that eating anything is ok. Though as I recall "meat sacrificed to idols" was the specific stumbling block mentioned, not the type of animal it was from. From my perspective, I am a gentile, and the "rules" set forth for gentile believers by the apostles are pretty easy to follow. Now, I also look at the law, because as Paul says, the law is how we know the heart of God, and try to honor the law, but at the same time acknowledging that I am not bound by it. I don't look down on those who choose to follow it strictly as a form of worship, but if someone believes that Jesus is their lord but thinks that they *have* to follow the law then I would look for opportunities to enlighten as well. Clean and unclean meats are specifically addressed in the New Testament, but respecting believers that do not feel the same freedoms are ok is also addressed. Samuel if you'd like I could provide a link to you on my research on the Covenant of Jesus vs the Law of Moses, but again, to be respectful of those that do not believe the New Testament to be cannon I won't be like: THIS IS HOW IT IS, PERIOD! ;)