• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

So I'm Introducing Myself...

I know traditionally we grew up with monogamy so that is what everyone is comfortable with, but polygamy opens up a lot more things. And just because I believe that does not mean I look down on anyone who doesn't. And I definitely don't look down on people who have only one wife. Why would I? I just think it's a principle that if lived perfectly would be much nicer than a normal monogamous relationship, but as we are not perfect and are fighting our own traditions I think it is probably pretty hard and a lot of work but worth it
As for things polygamy opens to girls is the chance for closer friendships and ties. Pretty much every girl I know has a tendency to fan over boys. When we are younger in school the girls love to pick a boy that they all like and talk about how manly and handsome he is, or how funny and "Oh my gosh he said 'Hi!' to me today!" Then as you get older you are afraid because you can't all marry the same man so jealousies ensue and girls are forced to pick different guys than their friends to like and pursue. So I want to marry a man with another wife who I can giggle over, talk about how handsome he is and talk about our different romance stories with him, because love is love. And if you marry a man who you love and who loves you you are going to have a story about it.
This is cute! And I don't mean that at all in any condescending way. As @MeganC has said, she thinks only wives miss out. "The plural wife has someone to share being a woman with." :)
I grew up with sisters but they were all younger then I, and put me in the adult category with my mom, meaning (and maybe a lot of this was my nature too) I never was in their circle or confidence like that.
I feel I have that more now, even if it isnt spoken, because my sisterwife and I have that man in common. I got to watch her love story happen! That was sweet! And I got the cutest updates from our children too! They told me when they were holding hands....or touching foreheads...or went for a walk. *grin*
Jealousies do happen as we are not perfect but you know that's never going to change whether you're in a polygamous relationship or not. I don't think there's a married woman I know, and I personally only know monogamous women, who doesn't complain over some jealousy or another.
I honestly never could even imagine being jealous. Still can't.
Another polygamy helps with is the physical differences between men and women. I grew up hearing women complain about men's sex drive. Men from what I can tell and have heard have a much greater drive. They don't need a break every month, and they don't get pregnant, so from what I can tell, a relationship with one many and a few wives is beneficial for both genders.
Hmmm. Can't relate to those ladies that complain.....or those who think an upside of sharing a man is "having" to do that less. (and neither can my sisterwife)
In my limited experience nothing could ever take the place of sex, and except for the times I was so tired I could not stay awake....or before a misunderstanding had been resolved....it has always been a good idea!
We kind of agree....that if a woman has a list of hobbies that she thinks are better then sex? She maybe hasn't experienced good sex! (With someone she loves and trusts)
I'm sure there are more reasons and maybe one day when I get married I'll make a list for you all. I know I know, I am not in a polygamous relationship nor do I personally know anyone who is, so my opinions are not perfect but I don't think being in a relationship leaves you with a perfect knowledge either.
I hope to read that list someday.....as you seem like a gal who might just have a realistic perspective.....and what it takes to be happy in that life!
Frankly I think any complaints about polygamy lie with people not being perfect and not the basic principle itself.
I suspect this is partly right....but I think many have unrealistic ideas about marriage in any configuration, monogamous or polygynous.
Women don't really want a man they can bend to their will, they want a leader and protector. If they can succeed in bending the man to suit them, then they usually no longer want him. Respect for the man is a must for attraction. If she loses respect she loses interest. She can do her part to guard that vital aspect by reverencing her man. This encourages him and builds him up. She should also choose carefully and look for a man who shows a strong desire to do right....even when it is hard and inconvnient. Don't marry a man you feel sorry for....or pity!

A circumcised heart is invaluable, priceless in a husband!
A reverent fear of YHWH is priceless in a wife.
I honestly never could even imagine being jealous. Still can't.

Hmmm. Can't relate to those ladies that complain.....or those who think an upside of sharing a man is "having" to do that less. (and neither can my sisterwife)
In my limited experience nothing could ever take the place of sex, and except for the times I was so tired I could not stay awake....or before a misunderstanding had been resolved....it has always been a good idea!
We kind of agree....that if a woman has a list of hobbies that she thinks are better then sex? She maybe hasn't experienced good sex! (With someone she loves and trusts)
I liked your comment! It made me happy! Not being Jealous and not fighting with my husband are ideals I have had for a long time but I've met so many girls who berate me if I say that, that I kind of gave up! Yeah I never understood when girls talked about their husbands tiring them out and not wanting to do it, and I hated hearing people say "When the honeymoon is over..." But you hear it so often that I was like "Well I never want my honeymoon to be over, but I can understand if you're pregnant or on a monthly, so whatever." But having you say what you did made me very happy thank you!
Yeah I never understood when girls talked about their husbands tiring them out and not wanting to do it, and I hated hearing people say "When the honeymoon is over..."
Well, my teenage daughter did some backward math once when I told her when my baby was due. She said "We were all sick that week!?!" And we were very sick! But we weren't THAT sick! :cool: *grin*
My sister says that she would be friends with anyone who isn't determined to commit and promote the sins God destroyed nations for, and I think that's a safe bet.
This sounds like a really good rule of thumb! I like it!

I think most just find it very difficult to be friends with people that they have little in common with. The deeper you get into the study of polygyny, Torah, or even the Bible for that matter - the less you will have in common with outside religions or walks of faith. It's just natural.

Jesus prophesied about it.
[Mat 7:14 NASB95] 14 "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."
I wasn't going to post an introduction as I hate the spotlight and only joined to try the Ladies Only Weekly chats. However, I ended up commenting on more threads than I meant to, so when someone suggested I make an introduction it felt silly not to. So here I am! I am LDS but I believe that polygamy is the way that God designed for marriage to be seeing as the men who knew him best on the earth lived that way.
I am the oldest of thirteen children and yes we all come from the same mother. I spent my life moving all over the United States and Canada, and when I turned 19 I lived in England for some time. (So if ever I do come to a meet, which I doubt cause I'm dirt poor, and only living by the grace of God, just know that if I slip into a British accent I am not faking, rather I am panicking and nervous and I just happened to pick it up living there.) Now I reside in the middle of nowhere on the east coast of the United States. As for my job, I work as a children's book artist and author. I also do some art for the homeschool curriculum my mother writes. So if I comment at random times in the day, please don't view me as idle and unemployed but rather on a flexible schedule.
I am single... (Don't mention it, it makes my mother cry, but I'm picky and refuse to marry a man I don't respect or love!) So the point is that I've never actually lived polygamy, nor are my parents polygamists, I just wanted to associate with people who were, as I believe it's the right way to live.
I joined the forum to meet other girls who believe in plural marriage and hopefully make some friends. Please do not feel obligated to tell me "Welcome :)" This is just out there so you get a briefing of who I am when I comment. Cheers

I hope you find this a place to gain insight and meet like minds.

I grew up as the second oldest (oldest girl) of 8. I was raised Traditional (Sedevacantist) Catholic. We were often asked the question: Are you Catholic or Mormon? I was homeschooled and loved the ability it gave me to read as much as I did. I have a always loved England and British History (Especially Tudor and Elizabethan/Shakespeare), books, and culture and anyone around me knows when I've been watching a British show for hours after. lol

I am married with a beautiful almost 7 month old daughter. My husband and I are Torah Keeping Christians now, which is a journey all its own. We live off grid. My husband is an Illustrator/Graphic Designer and I work part time as a writer/copyeditor so I completely understand the freelance lifestyle!! I'd love to chat with you about writing/your work sometime.

I grew up as the second oldest (oldest girl) of 8. I was raised Traditional (Sedevacantist) Catholic. We were often asked the question: Are you Catholic or Mormon? I was homeschooled and loved the ability it gave me to read as much as I did. I have a always loved England and British History (Especially Tudor and Elizabethan/Shakespeare), books, and culture and anyone around me knows when I've been watching a British show for hours after. lol

I am married with a beautiful almost 7 month old daughter. My husband and I are Torah Keeping Christians now, which is a journey all its own. We live off grid. My husband is an Illustrator/Graphic Designer and I work part time as a writer/copyeditor so I completely understand the freelance lifestyle!! I'd love to chat with you about writing/your work sometime.

That's funny! When I moved south I often got asked if I'm Amish. And why I'm not dressed like they do in those old 1800's paintings.
I do enjoy British history. But more especially I enjoy books written by British authors. Like Shakespeare, Dickens, Charlotte Bronte and of course Jane Austen :)
Oh cute! That would I only just learned more about the Torah
I would love to chat with you about that sometime too :)
That's funny! When I moved south I often got asked if I'm Amish. And why I'm not dressed like they do in those old 1800's paintings.
I do enjoy British history. But more especially I enjoy books written by British authors. Like Shakespeare, Dickens, Charlotte Bronte and of course Jane Austen :)
Oh cute! That would I only just learned more about the Torah
I would love to chat with you about that sometime too :)
If you like the British authors, I hope JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis make the list. There is far more to Lewis than just Narnia. "The Space Trilogy", "Screwtape Letters", "The Great Divorce", "Till We Have Faces", "The Four Loves", and "Mere Christianity" and several others are well all worth reading.

John Bunyan is also a an important writer. His classic "Pilgrims Progress" is one of the most famous books in the English language for a reason. It is truly excellent.

I'm reading "Pride and Prejudice" by Austen right now. I'm very familiar with the story, having watched all the movies with my wife, but books are always better than movies. Austen was such a great writer.
If you like the British authors, I hope JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis make the list. There is far more to Lewis than just Narnia. "The Space Trilogy", "Screwtape Letters", "The Great Divorce", "Till We Have Faces", "The Four Loves", and "Mere Christianity" and several others are well all worth reading.

John Bunyan is also a an important writer. His classic "Pilgrims Progress" is one of the most famous books in the English language for a reason. It is truly excellent.

I'm reading "Pride and Prejudice" by Austen right now. I'm very familiar with the story, having watched all the movies with my wife, but books are always better than movies. Austen was such a great writer.
Yes! I quite enjoy JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis although I regret to say I have only read the "Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe," but I had picked them up to start the whole series this week.
I've heard of "Pilgrims Progress" but I've never read. I'll look it up.
I love "Pride and Prejudice." The 4 hour movie with Colin Firth is pretty good. The acting was great and they took the time to keep a lot of the dialogue and character development. I don't have anything good to say about the other versions of it though. Out of Jane Austen's books my favourite one is probably "Northanger Abbey."
Yes! I quite enjoy JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis although I regret to say I have only read the "Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe," but I had picked them up to start the whole series this week.
I've heard of "Pilgrims Progress" but I've never read. I'll look it up.
I love "Pride and Prejudice." The 4 hour movie with Colin Firth is pretty good. The acting was great and they took the time to keep a lot of the dialogue and character development. I don't have anything good to say about the other versions of it though. Out of Jane Austen's books my favourite one is probably "Northanger Abbey."
My wife strongly agrees with you about the Colin Firth version 👍

The whole Narnia series is awesome, and each book is quite different! I hope you enjoy them.
If your wife enjoys Pride and Prejudice she may well enjoy Cranford, North and South, Wives and Daughters, and Belle. They are all excellent English movies that my wives thoroughly enjoy. Also, RED is a fun American movie we all enjoy.
She also enjoyed Cranford, North and South, Wives and Daughters. We don't know about Belle or RED. Thanks for the suggestions.
Shalom and welcome from Missouri. May YaHWeH lead and guide you on your journey.
Yes! I quite enjoy JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis although I regret to say I have only read the "Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe," but I had picked them up to start the whole series this week.
I've heard of "Pilgrims Progress" but I've never read. I'll look it up.
I love "Pride and Prejudice." The 4 hour movie with Colin Firth is pretty good. The acting was great and they took the time to keep a lot of the dialogue and character development. I don't have anything good to say about the other versions of it though. Out of Jane Austen's books my favourite one is probably "Northanger Abbey."
Wait...a single lady shows up and she reads.
Hahaha! Funny enough I expected to be one of the least commented on introductions since I said I don't really care about people posting welcomes
Dream on! Lol