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So I'm Introducing Myself...

Would be less interested in argumentative myself. Vastly more about engaged and interested in participating in conversations and ideas...presuming that we are talking about within the context of wives.
I am smarter than the average bear but I have a real hankering for intelligent women...that is amazing on so many levels, not to mention just super attractive...and while I am as big as any guy on being head of the family, if a wife knows things or has ideas I dont...I damn well want to know.
I like being objectively correct and if that requires being corrected, then I can be right next time.
Not so much being challenged, more being shown evidence or shown a process or new factor.

Not saying the quiet and less engaged couldn't work but I do enjoy dialog not just my normal talkative monolog
Having met more bears then the average park ranger, I don’t know that I would use them as an objective standard by which to measure my intellect. Centaurs, on the other hand…

I don’t think debating on forums is necessarily a sign of intelligence. Come to think of it, the opposite might be more true. I wonder if that is why my smart wife doesn’t mix it up too much on the forum here 🤔
Having met more bears then the average park ranger, I don’t know that I would use them as an objective standard by which to measure my intellect. Centaurs, on the other hand…
I will play checkers against any bear you can produce
I don’t think debating on forums is necessarily a sign of intelligence. Come to think of it, the opposite might be more true. I wonder if that is why my smart wife doesn’t mix it up too much on the forum here 🤔
Mine just entirely eschews it beyond occasionally answering questions through me. Just not as online as me I suppose. She has to for work whereas I talk to people and analyze in person stuff. Makes sense that during off time it might go the other way.
I like to try to find bears in the woods with my bow. Much rather meet a bear in the woods than a man. That man’s likely to be a game warden spooking all the critters off.
I like to try to find bears in the woods with my bow. Much rather meet a bear in the woods than a man. That man’s likely to be a game warden spooking all the critters off.
The penalty for taking a Game Warden out of season is pretty stiff.

They are never in season *sigh*
Many thanks to the both of you. I had no idea! Sounds like a lot of hassle. Will definitely avoid.
I like to try to find bears in the woods with my bow. Much rather meet a bear in the woods than a man. That man’s likely to be a game warden spooking all the critters off.
Consider me a paranoid.
While I am working on my bow skills here and there as time allows, I don't know that I would go after bear with them regardless of what skill level I may reach in time. Not even particularly confident in heart shots with a high caliber rifle.
Consider me a paranoid.
While I am working on my bow skills here and there as time allows, I don't know that I would go after bear with them regardless of what skill level I may reach in time. Not even particularly confident in heart shots with a high caliber rifle.
Use universal pest fixer.

Use universal pest fixer.

They are 349 at palmetto state armory every two or three months. You let me know when you are in the area and we can go hunt bear.

You carry the flame thrower. I will back you up with a 30-06 AND my shorty AK on the sling.
They are 349 at palmetto state armory every two or three months. You let me know when you are in the area and we can go hunt bear.

You carry the flame thrower. I will back you up with a 30-06 AND my shorty AK on the sling.
Why would you take a Krink when you already have a .30-06? Under what scenario would a round from that Soviet dumpster fire be preferable to another shot of .30-06?
They are 349 at palmetto state armory every two or three months. You let me know when you are in the area and we can go hunt bear.

You carry the flame thrower. I will back you up with a 30-06 AND my shorty AK on the sling.
Zec has never faced down a bear, obviously. The Russians know a thing or two about bears, and they always go with the “Suka”…
Why would you take a Krink when you already have a .30-06? Under what scenario would a round from that Soviet dumpster fire be preferable to another shot of .30-06?
Not preferable but backup.
If things go so sideways that Memers blasts of fire and five rounds of 30-06 hasn't stopped a bear, I bloody well want something that has a large capacity mag. I generally think the 40 rounders are awkward but I will make an exception for a bear that tough. Ten extra rounds might make the difference...even if the resultant rug I would make might be a bit manky.
Suppose I could borrow a friend's saiga 12g. I know they make a 25 round drum...but it would be a hell of a lot to hang on a sling down your front
Not preferable but backup.
If things go so sideways that Memers blasts of fire and five rounds of 30-06 hasn't stopped a bear, I bloody well want something that has a large capacity mag. I generally think the 40 rounders are awkward but I will make an exception for a bear that tough. Ten extra rounds might make the difference...even if the resultant rug I would make might be a bit manky.
Suppose I could borrow a friend's saiga 12g. I know they make a 25 round drum...but it would be a hell of a lot to hang on a sling down your front
The better option here is shot placement and a hand cannon back up pistol. Its rare that a pistol is a better choice than a rifle, but a short barrel AK is the worst of every world, especially since you're most likely shooting FMJ through it at short ranges and with a short barrel and its most likely not going to dump much energy. I know I'm flexing here a little bit but even a .357 would be a better choice.
Suppose I could borrow a friend's saiga 12g. I know they make a 25 round drum...but it would be a hell of a lot to hang on a sling down your front
I'm basically with @The Revolting Man on this one. I know nothing about bears but I'd be going for the shortest 12G semi or pump that is legal where you are as backup, standard size magazine, loaded with slugs. Or even just a double barrel. If you have to use your backup against a charging bear you're going to have so little time you'll struggle to get off more than a couple of shots before it's on you anyway, so they need to be something that will count - but also from a small enough gun that you can actually get it on target in an awkward situation. I don't have any experience with large calibre handguns and appreciate they'd probably be a good option also, but you can't beat a 12G slug for stopping power at close range.

And I'd persuade @MemeFan to ditch the flamethrower and take a shotgun instead also! :)
Not preferable but backup.
If things go so sideways that Memers blasts of fire and five rounds of 30-06 hasn't stopped a bear, I bloody well want something that has a large capacity mag. I generally think the 40 rounders are awkward but I will make an exception for a bear that tough. Ten extra rounds might make the difference...even if the resultant rug I would make might be a bit manky.
Suppose I could borrow a friend's saiga 12g. I know they make a 25 round drum...but it would be a hell of a lot to hang on a sling down your front
That’s not gonna leave much for the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace.
The better option here is shot placement and a hand cannon back up pistol. Its rare that a pistol is a better choice than a rifle, but a short barrel AK is the worst of every world, especially since you're most likely shooting FMJ through it at short ranges and with a short barrel and its most likely not going to dump much energy. I know I'm flexing here a little bit but even a .357 would be a better choice.
Pretty sure the flex is misplaced. I am simply going to disagree on every level. Based on experience.
Not with bears but with large groups of hogs (feral ones ladies, this is the sort of thing that happens in specific types of hunting, not abusing domesticated livestock).
A pistol is fine. I have an old s&w mod 29 .44 that would be the sort of thing you likely have in mind. It however is limited capacity and the point of the original gag was capacity and the notion of the sort of comedic behemoth behemoth that would withstand having all its hair burned off by a flamethrower, shrugged off 5 rounds of 30-06 while eating our memeing friend. Presuming that this was a real scenario and not silliness, I would want as high a capacity as is practical in a high caliber rifle round. Given my druthers it would be a bally BAR with a banana mag against a super bear. I am a hoss but I have never seen any man that can have a BAR hanging from their two point. So that is out. AR10? Maybe. Not encountered a shorty in the wild but I don't go to shows now days and I have not been looking...can build it obviously but that seems like an expensive proposition for one hunting trip I would think was zany to start. So, intermediate caliber that is already on hand and has the high capacity.

Re the only having FMJ...we have not had the opportunity to hang out to date but take my word for it...this is one of my nerd topics and a field I have worked in ie hunt guide as well as firearms instructor. If we get the opportunity to in the future and the topic comes up, I am a bit of a bore on it after a while... Now I am just a too busy to indulge hobbiest. So, if I were going hunting, I would take the annoyingly expensive actual hunting 7.62x39. Yeah I have way more FMJ than hunting ammo but you do more recreational shooting than hunting. Now I hunt to fill a freezer only. Would prefer to ring steel or punch paper.
Also, not a krinkov type of guy. Nothing that silly and gangstery. For context, I have never once in my life discharged a weapon sideways. I have however gone R Lee Ermy at volume on dumbasses at the range doing that kind of crap and bounced several for that sort of unsafe shenanigans.