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Some Einstein sh..tuff, science discussion

Outside universe. You are assuming all that exists is inside this universe.
In the beginning God created the "heavens" and the earth - and this is further clarified to show that it includes the sun, moon and stars, so it's not just talking about the atmosphere, but the entire universe. If He created the universe itself, He cannot just be a part of it, but must be greater and beyond it.
I would think that if they turned up and started talking like that, I'd pay attention and have some very careful thinking to do. But I think that's the least likely possibility for aliens turning up and talking about God.

On the other hand, if they turned up and said "we are God" - no, we're being scammed, they're demons.
Doesn't scripture say to "try the spirits" and if any say the Jesus the Messiah is NOT come in the flesh then those are the bad guys.
I have yet to encounter that unless you speak of my ex...
In the beginning God created the "heavens" and the earth - and this is further clarified to show that it includes the sun, moon and stars, so it's not just talking about the atmosphere, but the entire universe. If He created the universe itself, He cannot just be a part of it, but must be greater and beyond it.
I would think that a glimpse of the universe through the lens of Hubble Telescope is a little taste of eternity. Is God's eternity bigger than that? Probably. Inhabiting a planet with dozens of wives is theoretically doable ;-).
What is SR?
Special Relativity.
It's way more than you think.

Because he start with computing itself. There is special type of math enables creation of space and which behaves as per known laws of physics.

In another words, we starts with pure math (ones Turing machine is capable of doing) and deduces physical laws.

He doesn't observations and here is my theory fitting existing data.
I'll look into it. Any links you wish to share?

EDIT: Google is not very helpful with the search on the name Stephan Wolfman. Special Relativity, has major flaws as I Raymonf Fleming pointed out in his video. IT doesn't really matter if you can come up with some magical mathemativs to make it all work out, if it in fact does not mirror reality. Baumgardener uses computer models to "prove" CPT, but that does not mean anything. It may sound impressive, but it is just a model that he tweaked, and even then, he has an over-reliance on miracles to make it work.

Zero interest why carbon dating on Earth is wrong. What about carbon dating for whole universe?

We do have rocks from outside planet arriving on Earth after flood. Why they are wrongly dated?

This is problematic for HPT. Is starts with flood, rather than general laws.
Not if those rocks are from the Solar system. Read the chapters on Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites, and Trans Neptunian Objects. The evidence of the Global Flood is everywhere, even outside planet earth.
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Where does God abide forever if the universe is not eternal?
Scripture indicates in several places that the heavens will be destroyed. God will never be destroyed. God made the heavens. They had a beginning and they will have an end. God does not need to exist within the universe itself.
I would think that a glimpse of the universe through the lens of Hubble Telescope is a little taste of eternity. Is God's eternity bigger than that? Probably. Inhabiting a planet with dozens of wives is theoretically doable ;-).
If those planets are not first destroyed. We will have a new heaven and a new earth.

EDIT: Also Jesus said that we won't have marriage in heaven. Now He didn't say that there won't be sex in heaven. That concept was based on the notion that we won't have wives, and so having relations with a woman who is not your wife, is thought to be sinful. However, I highly doubt God will remove our genitalia. Most pastors will tell you that what we will experience will be better than sex. Whatever that better than sex is, I will have to try it out with my wife and any other woman whom God sees fit to provide me with in eternity, if not here on earth.
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Special Relativity.

I'll look into it. Any links you wish to share?

This should be good intro:

EDIT: Google is not very helpful with the search on the name Stephan Wolfman. Special Relativity, has major flaws as I Raymonf Fleming pointed out in his video. IT doesn't really matter if you can come up with some magical mathemativs to make it all work out, if it in fact does not mirror reality. Baumgardener uses computer models to "prove" CPT, but that does not mean anything. It may sound impressive, but it is just a model that he tweaked, and even then, he has an over-reliance on miracles to make it work.
Here is math basis:

This implies that our universe obey some specific rules which we call natural laws. These rules are contained inside ruliad (contains all possible rules).

So if we know starting conditions and specific rules specific we our universe with infinite time and resources we can create exact universe as our. Exact as placing every atom in "model" as in reality.

This is power of his approach. He started with ruliad as math investingation and he stumbled to natural laws.

Not if those rocks are from the Solar system. Read the chapters on Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites, and Trans Neptunian Objects. The evidence of the Global Flood is everywhere, even outside planet earth.
My issue is how did he got started woth his theory?

If he started with global food, my theory breaks current evidence, add new elements to explain evidence, additions breaks now relevant evidence, add new additions to explain now revelant evidence...

It's never ending recursion. I'm certain he didn't want to deal with solar system history, now he has.

It's extremely unlikely such theory will work since whole time is spend on patching holes. Historically looking, great theories explain one physical problem very well. Then theoreticians finds implications for new uknown phenomena which are corfirmed experimentally.