"Minor setback" is a bit of an understatement, and "losing lately" is very different than "dooming".It's this sentence, Sir:
Trend is opposite. We are winning. Minor setback is no cause for concern.
Winners will be one willing to live in reality. Problems are "pragmatics" prefering social approval over truth. It's this guys moving right toward left over time and accepting left's assumptions.
It applies only to human-human relationships, not Lord-human. It's basic, simple, neccesary, morally right and practiced in 90+% of time rule. Only allowable usage of force is in self-defence.
Only problem is anarchists insistence on absolutism of rule. So no, BS excuse, I'm right to take your property or order you something.
Christ is on the Throne. His enemies are being, and will be put under His feet. His Kingdom will prevail. The world is on a long term upward trend.
Any individual man, woman, family, church, or people who follow Christ will be blessed.
That said, Christianity in Protestant Western Europe and the English speaking world (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) has been in serious decline for the last hundred plus years, due to apostasy.
Our cultures and nations are dying because we are largely denying the rule of Jesus Christ. As an American, and as someone in the stream of the English cultural tradition, I hate to see that. I hope to help reverse that trend.
Sadly, most of our religious leaders in Evangelicalism (including the somewhat more serious Reformed branch of it) are more of a hindrance than a help. Our "conservative" politicians are also pretty pathetic.
I intend this as a call to faithfulness, not a call to despair.
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