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Alot of women chop men down and say they are dogs, and so on, but what about the men who are being verbally abused by the wives, verbal and physical they both hurt. Men react physically in certain matters and women react verbally in certain matters.
I think we all have to look at what we do, but sometimes you got horrible men who abuse their wives, and treat them like crap.
Physical violence is not the answer on either side. You told me that Juanita Bynum was abused and that she was prideful. I inferred that you were saying that it was okay for a man to beat his wife because of her transgressions. It is not. Neither is it okay for women to do the same. She may have issues that she is accountable to God for, but her abusers will also pay the price for what they did.

Exactly Lisa

Lisa said:
I inferred that you were saying that it was okay for a man to beat his wife because of her transgressions.

I never said it was okay, both parties are wrong, but the results of un submissiveness can lead to a man getting angry and getting physical, he should take it to the Father and continue to purify and be obedient, but a Jezebel's main focus is to cause the man to sin and tear him down emotionally.
Hi, this is Lissa's husband: Absolute submission is only taught as being to GOD ALONE. Every other institution is delegated authority and as such, can only legitimately be followed conditionally. This is a principle that is expressed in every authorized government of Scripture (i.e. Church, Civil, and Home government). If a wife is to absolutely submit to her husband, her husband is now a false god. God is to be obeyed above everyone - period!
So you are saying that your husband is your God? He knows better than God?

Only Christ was able to take the punishment for all of our sins. Your husband cannot take punishment for your sins. If he causes you to sin, he will be punished but so will you. Kind of like when you go to trial as an accomplice to whatever he did. You still get punished even if he did the crime.

So are you telling me I'm wrong for following my husband in what we believe which you believe is false? I'm suppose to follow whatever he teaches me, and if I didn't or if I were to disagree with him, we are no longer in one mind. "How can two walk if they don't agree." Like I said, if your husband is teaching you this, then you are to follow and submit to it, and I will do the same.

The biggest part of the picture that you seem to be missing is that wives are to submit to their husbands "as to the Lord". You cannot submit to your husband in a way that isn't submitting to the Lord. If you directly disobey God's Word, you aren't submitting to Him. No excuse or reason will change that, even saying "my husband told me to" won't change the fact that God will hold YOU accountable for YOUR actions. He'll hold your husband accountable, too, but that doesn't exempt you.

Also, whatever standard you hold for submission to your husband's authority is the same standard you must hold for submission to all biblical authority which includes church authority and governmental authority.
This what we are discussing is its own example of what happens. If I chose to believe in what yall are telling me over my husband, I would be sinning. If I was to follow this doctrine, I would be sinning because this isnt what my husband is telling me. My husband overrides what any of you may say that is in disagreement, and the same goes for the other wives. If your husband isnt in agreement with this, then you shall follow him, over anything, and when you follow him you are obeying his doctrine, and God in doing so. If you were to tell him this is sinful what we are doing and I no longer want to follow it, you are breaking the commandment to obey and submit in everything.

So this is how it goes :!: And this is what you are accountable to do, obey him, and everything he teaches you.

The sabbath for example, we choose to have a rest day, what ever day that falls on. The bible teaches to keep the 7th day holy and rest. My husband tells me to choose a day and that's all that matters. Am I breaking the commandment and sinning by going against the specific 7th day? The bible teaches do not judge anyone because of the Sabbath or a new moon. I can all day say oh no that is sin, I'm not doing it, and what God's word says is what I'm going to do, but since this is our teaching, this is what I submit to. I ask him questions and look for his leading, not my own, individual mind on matters, and I'm still working on this to perfect it.(asking husband about everything).
Following what other people say is not wise. Following what the Bible says is wise. That is why God gave us the Bible. It is a non-human standard by which we can compare the statements of humans.

All human authority is to be obeyed, unless it is in direct conflict with God's Word. The verses about a wife submitting to her husband specifically say to submit AS TO THE LORD. It really doesn't get any clearer than that. It is impossible to submit to the Lord while disobeying His Word, so it is impossible to submit to a husband while disobeying God's Word.
Following what your husband tells you is wise, and not just anybody. Other people may confirm or go against what your husband says, so you are to go where your husband is and no one else.
Submit to him as unto the Lord is exactly the same, as you submit to your husband, you are submitting to the Lord.
Sola Scripture says
Following what other people say is not wise.

Who is other people, if you are talking about our husbands this is not true. Are you a wife Sola.
It is the wisest thing to follow your husbands, when not doing so you are breaking the commandments. Look at Lot's wife, she was not listening to God or her husband, they both were to be followed. God told them not to look back, but yet she did. Also she was commanded to follow her husband out of there, and she didn't follow him fully, she looked back,so she turned to a pillar of salt. As you follow God you are following your husband.
Sharon, I've been married for 23 years and I believe very strongly in the woman's place of submission to her husband. I believe this because that is what God's Word says. I stated this earlier, but perhaps you didn't read that post. I posted the verses about a wife submitting AS TO THE LORD and stated that I believe that a wife must submit to her husband as she submits to the Lord.

As you follow God, you are following your husband, and I thank the Lord that I have a Godly husband to follow. If my husband asked me to do something in direct conflict with God's Word, I would have to respectfully refuse, because I would not be submitting as to the Lord.

As to the Lord is the same, just alike, as you submit to your husband regardless of what it is, you are submitting to Christ. When you dont submit to him in everything you are not submitting to Christ.
Sharon, I used to be with a man who believes as you do. I believed it too. Until the Lord woke me up and showed me that this man was hell-bent on destroying me and my faith in my Creator. I no longer subscribe to the idea that you have to completely and totally and blindly submit because if that were true, I would still be in that situation. I was totally and utterly controlled. If I had submitted as you say to, I would still be in the sitation and maybe even dead at this point. So I'm sorry but I'm with SolaScriptura and SweetLissa on this one. This idea that you have is dangerous. So long as your husband is following the Lord that is one thing. But salvation is an individual thing and if you are violating direct commands that the Lord has given, you will answer for it on judgment day.
I submit to my husband from faith, love, respect and choice. If he abused those things my wounds would have a negative impact on those contributions to our relationship. In researching this topic just a little, because I admit to struggling some with it, I found a passage that I like very much. It said that God decided to make woman from Adams rib: not from his head to be over him, not from his feet to be tread on, but from a rib so that we could remain protected under his arm and close to his heart. It is also the perfect position to be gently guided on life's path. If submission is a gift, then what is its value if it cannot be freely given. If he loves me as he loves himself, why would I not want to obey God's word (written for my benefit) and trust my husbands guidance with a glad heart.
Hey T what is your husband's belief in it all? And what is your desire, to submit in everything, or submit by choice of what you want to submit to?
My husband believes his responsibility is to lead our family. He doesn't act the "BOSS" he acts as the Leader. That includes leading in everything from prayer to deciding what TV shows our granddaughter may watch when staying with us. He leads by example and by decision. He leads in a way that brings about natural respect for his authority.

We also discuss the major issues in our family and he expects and respects my opinion. He leads because we both agree that is the best arrangement for our family and it is God's design for a healthy family. Because I trust him, I accept his leadership even when I don't want to do something or even disagree with his decision.

However he also respects me as an intelligent adult woman that will voice her thoughts when I believe he is about to make a bad decision. He listens to me and we can discuss problems as partners. If he were to ask me to do something that I believed was wrong or sinful, that discussion would stay on the table until I understood the explaination for the request. And he would give serious consideration to my concerns. I have done things he requested even when I did not fully understand the reasons he asked this of me, and later found my actions were better than anything I was thinking at the time. In that way I have come to trust his decisions as leading to the best results. However, I still follow by choice, by belief, and out of love. I have never felt coerced nor has he ever requested I follow a request that goes against my belief system. Doing something like that would be destructive for both of us as individuals and for our family. Disagreement with his decision is one thing and I will acquiesce, but knowing something is totally sinfully wrong is quite another and I would not put my own mortal soul in that Jeopardy.
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