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Taking advice from your wife

I think we should try it before rejecting it out of hand. Perhaps it could be a meal at a future retreat?
Yeah, we could call it a Bruce Jenner.
Man and woman created as a compliment to one another. Woman from man's rib to be by His side in life, not from his heal to be beneath him or from his head to be over him. From his rib close to his heart.
Sorry, @Patricia C , I respectfully disagree. I've heard this before and it really turns me cold. It's a romanticized sentimental philosophy created by complementarians, which is really just "egalitarian-lite".
Sorry, @Patricia C , I respectfully disagree. I've heard this before and it really turns me cold. It's a romanticized sentimental philosophy created by complementarians, which is really just "egalitarian-lite".
It is beautiful that we don't have to agree. I respect that you have differing opinions. You might want to grab a blanket the next time you read one of my replies as most likely you won't like anything I have to say.
I was thinking the same thing. Whoever came up with chicken and waffles might appreciate spaghetti and waffles. With the right spaghetti sauce, I think we could make that happen!
It is beautiful that we don't have to agree. I respect that you have differing opinions. You might want to grab a blanket the next time you read one of my replies as most likely you won't like anything I have to say.
I think this is just a man and womens difference in perspective. One disagreement doesn't means everything will be disagreed?
So back to the topic at hand. I truly believe communication is key when it comes to dealing with women. Men as well but women generally need clarification. I understand this is frustrating to men. What is comes down to is the way we communicate.
Men- if you say "I don't have anything to wear." What you are saying is the laundry needs to be done, would you not?
Women- when we say "I don't have anything to wear" what we are saying in general I need to go shopping! Or I need something new to wear.
Both of these statements are the same the only difference is the megaphone from which it is coming from.
Men- when you say "I want to snuggle" what you are really saying is.... you need whoopee LOL
Women- when we say "I want to snuggle"
Generally it is us saying I need you to hold me, reassure me I am loved and everything is going to be ok. (Once that is met we are much more likely to whoopee all you want)
Men say what they mean and mean what they say. Women we say what we need in a round about way and hope you care enough to figure it out LOL!
When I said women are like spaghetti is because everything affects how everything else works or doesn't. Example: woman- I have had a bad day at work, I came home and the kids are fighting, I was so frustrated I went outside to get fresh air and the chicken burned. Husband comes home the kids now calm, he is hungry and I burned dinner so I failed my husband. He comes home calm and ready to eat and spend time with the family all you want to do is unload how horrible your day was and you know he really doesn't want to hear all that AS soon as he walks through the door.... he plays with the kids, sees dinner is burnt calls for pizza an hour later he is ready to sleep. Meanwhile you are getting the kids ready for bed, cleaning up the burnt dinner when he calls you to bed..... He is awake and ready to "snuggle" and she is tired and angry and needs to snuggle.
Women react men are proactive. (Of course these are general statements and there is always exceptions to the "rule"
If we take the time to truly understand how to communicate with one another is that not bringing Glory and Honor to our Creator? He was the one who gave each of us the qualities we possess.
I could go on about this but I think you will get the gist.