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Taking advice from your wife

Anyone ever heard in church (or in a womens bible study) the phrase, "The husband is the head, but the wife is the neck, and the neck turns the head." I have.
I have. Then I ask, “Where is that in the Word?” Suffice to say, it never gets better after that question. LOL!! Yeah, nothin but love there. Right.
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I know right but it does keep us on our toes. I stink at mind reading and I try not to do it cause I am usually wrong LOL
Men are even worse. Maybe that’s why God said in summation, “You listen to Me ONLY and your wife should listen to you!” Almost eevvvvvvery wreck in our marriage was because I listened to a Voice other than God’s or she listened to another Voice other than God’s Voice in me. Oh the pain I could have saved us.
That's exactly what a lady in my MOPS group told me when I told her Slumber's advice of listening to what her husband says and following it. It made me sad. It was then that I realized she didn't really want advice, she more just wanted to air out why she wanted what she wanted and to have other's agree with her so she could justify herself in doing what she thought should be done.
Think about this with regards to advice (communication) from our wives: As the Word teaches, Christ is the head, just as the husband is. The Bride is His body, just as a wife is. Simple enough. Here is where it gets tough for some. All of the five senses are found in one place, the head. Where are the eyes? The ears? The nose? The mouth? Though the head sends all the signals out to operate, yes even the neck. The sense of touch that sends the signals back are found primarily in one place. The Body. Our wives. Have we ever studied just nerves? Amazing!! My point here is this; “heads” need to hear, look, speak, and yes smell better to what our “body’s” receptors are trying to “communicate” to us. They are our primary feelers!! If my foot kept trying to be my eyes I’d be tripin. We would be dead, if we didn’t listen intently and see clearly what our bodies tell us on a minute by minute basis. The critical factor in the biological success of my physical body is communication to and from my body to my head. Then would it not be just as critical, if not more, between this Head/husband and my Body/wife?
The critical factor in the biological success of my physical body is communication to and from my body to my head. Then would it not be just as critical, if not more, between this Head/husband and my Body/wife?

I'm curious, do you think that means Christ needs the Body/Church to function, exist or even in order for him to survive? If we are the head as Christ is our head, then maybe we're looking too literally at the term "head". I'm the head of my company for example, it existed prior to my "body" - employees, communication - and didn't depend on their communication in order for it to grow but on Gods blessing. Just my thoughts.
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Have you ever been in a situation where you need to make a scary jump and you understand that mentally, but physically your body refuses? Your legs just can’t seem to function? Your mind has to basically talk your body into action because your body can sense to pain that will come about.

There is nothing wrong with a wife expressing her feelings/ concerns. It is up to the man to make the final decision before God and her to follow his decision. What is wrong is for her to call the shots and take over the headship position.
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to make a scary jump and you understand that mentally, but physically your body refuses? Your legs just can’t seem to function? Your mind has to basically talk your body into action because your body can sense to pain that will come about.

There is nothing wrong with a wife expressing her feelings/ concerns. It is up to the man to make the final decision before God and her to follow his decision. What is wrong is for her to call the shots and take over the headship position.

Yes but that doesn't mean I can't function without her input or influence to my brain haha...I often ask what she thinks, but God doesn't exactly ask us what we think of his plans. I do see her as my helpmeet and appreciate her input when appropriate, there is a line with it that can be crossed easily if given to much allowance. Kind of like putting the cookie jar in the kids room and telling them they can only have one a day, the temptation will be to strong to resist.
Oh no, I totally agree. I’m just saying that the “body” or the wife doesn’t always see what the head sees or understands. It’s just the wife’s role to follow and trust her husband. I don’t see anywhere scripturally that says my husband has to consult me on anything. He may because he values my opinion, but it doesn’t mean he has to follow what I think.

When we become believers in Jesus Christ, we are choosing to trust and follow Him. When I became my husband’s wife, I chose to trust and follow him. I may not “see” where he is leading us, but God did not create me with that position.

I was moreso responding to the post above yours by Curtis :)
Oh no, I totally agree. I’m just saying that the “body” or the wife doesn’t always see what the head sees or understands. It’s just the wife’s role to follow and trust her husband. I don’t see anywhere scripturally that says my husband has to consult me on anything. He may because he values my opinion, but it doesn’t mean he has to follow what I think.

When we become believers in Jesus Christ, we are choosing to trust and follow Him. When I became my husband’s wife, I chose to trust and follow him. I may not “see” where he is leading us, but God did not create me with that position.

I was moreso responding to the post above yours by Curtis :)

:) yes I agree with you fully! I know this is hard for my ladies at times to trust me and letting go of fear and worry. My 1st wife has told me after 4 years she's learned to just trust me because I'm usually right anyway.... I would never say that about myself traditionally, it's just interesting how it takes so much before we fully trust God so I can't fault her for the struggle. At least after time we become better, usually!
I'm curious, do you think that means Christ needs the Body/Church to function, exist or even in order for him to survive? If we are the head as Christ is our head, then maybe we're looking too literally at the term "head". I'm the head of my company for example, it existed prior to my "body" - employees, communication - and didn't depend on their communication in order for it to grow but on Gods blessing. Just my thoughts.
One needs to be careful in the use of absolutes, it may cause one to miss the point Paul in the Bible was making (Ephesians 5:23). Are you ONLY a head? Is Christ ONLY a body (1Corinthians 11:3)? It speaks only of heads. When a Son marries a Daughter do they become one flesh or are they still separate? Of course Christ does not “need” us. Does He want us though? Like any metaphor IN THE BIBLE, one can take it too far or literally. This could open a discussion that could go for months. For example, What makes God complete? What makes Him God? Is He a creator with no creation? How can Christ be a savior if there were nothing to save? Am I a husband without a wife? Potentially? Now a company as a metaphor. Did you create it? Did it come from a thought? From an empty need? Does God have a company? Does He do it all Himself? Or does He send “employees” out to do his will? Does God have a mission and vision, as many companies and persons do? There are a plethora of questions to be answered here. The answer to these questions is found in through understanding a mission, vision, and the 3rd element that we miss.
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to make a scary jump and you understand that mentally, but physically your body refuses? Your legs just can’t seem to function? Your mind has to basically talk your body into action because your body can sense to pain that will come about.

There is nothing wrong with a wife expressing her feelings/ concerns. It is up to the man to make the final decision before God and her to follow his decision. What is wrong is for her to call the shots and take over the headship position.
Amen Sis! I have found that most of this “paralysis” is caused by fear. Then we must take the time to understand what good fear is and destructive fear is. Briefly. No really briefly, good fear is that which causes respect, caution, reasonining, rational thinking, prayer, wisdom, etc. The fear we typically dwell in is destructive fear, which is debilitating. 1John 4:18 teaches us Love’s opposite is fear. That fear is jealous, selfish, narcissistic. Yes, there’s also scripture that teaches us to fear the Lord. As earlier, I agree we must take the time or get much better at hearing her concerns. It almost comes to a point of God making nearly all all decisions and the husband following Him and his wife following him. Husbands and wives need to ALWAYS (an absolute here) go to the Word for the answer. “I think” attitudes has caused me too many trips and falls. I used to think I ran my house. Nope, nope, nope! I was tooootally wrong. God runs my house (my body, my marriage, my business, my everything). I have realized now, I am merely the managing partner. :D
Oh no, I totally agree. I’m just saying that the “body” or the wife doesn’t always see what the head sees or understands. It’s just the wife’s role to follow and trust her husband. I don’t see anywhere scripturally that says my husband has to consult me on anything. He may because he values my opinion, but it doesn’t mean he has to follow what I think.

When we become believers in Jesus Christ, we are choosing to trust and follow Him. When I became my husband’s wife, I chose to trust and follow him. I may not “see” where he is leading us, but God did not create me with that position.

I was moreso responding to the post above yours by Curtis :)
Love this discussion. It is about walking side by side, in the middle of the road, and together. Not trying to “see” how far we can go or near the “edge,” risking falling in the ditch; but being where we know we are safe . . . IN Him. Always IN the Word.
At the end of the day, we have to go home to our wives. If our wives were aware of all that we had said and done on that day, perhaps we would not be so welcome in our own homes. At least that is the picture of my life. I like to have the wife of my youth with me whenever I do anything of importance or consequence. She is generally very quiet and reserved. She is very respectful and loving and nearly always very careful with her gentle reminders. I would quite literally have none of the wealth that God has blessed me with were it not for her.
I think sometimes men are cruel without the influence of their wife(wives.) But more often, I think that men are cowardly when they are not in a position that they will need to explain themselves to their wife. Either extreme is ungodly. Just my .02
Think about this with regards to advice (communication) from our wives: As the Word teaches, Christ is the head, just as the husband is. The Bride is His body, just as a wife is. Simple enough. Here is where it gets tough for some. All of the five senses are found in one place, the head. Where are the eyes? The ears? The nose? The mouth? Though the head sends all the signals out to operate, yes even the neck. The sense of touch that sends the signals back are found primarily in one place. The Body. Our wives. Have we ever studied just nerves? Amazing!! My point here is this; “heads” need to hear, look, speak, and yes smell better to what our “body’s” receptors are trying to “communicate” to us. They are our primary feelers!! If my foot kept trying to be my eyes I’d be tripin. We would be dead, if we didn’t listen intently and see clearly what our bodies tell us on a minute by minute basis. The critical factor in the biological success of my physical body is communication to and from my body to my head. Then would it not be just as critical, if not more, between this Head/husband and my Body/wife?
I love love love this explanation! Thank you for your wisdom and insight