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The War On Men

Strategy Session #1: Nov 2020. Donald J. Trump gets reelected. Leftists go berserk! 2016 pales in comparison. Know your enemy.

Gangstas, Drug Dealers, Mafia hit men, Terrorists are the guerrilla foot soldiers, backed by George Soros and his ilk. One of their favorite weapons is the Molotov Cocktail, and their favorite targets are the oil fields and refineries. Note that they will attempt to break into minimum security prison facilities, in order to free more comrades who will swell their ranks. While the misdemeanor types are typically housed in Urban areas, the hardened criminals are typically housed in remote parts of the country, because of their NIMBY effect, and the reality that legislators have learned that they can bring jobs to their community by taking the worst of the worst offenders. Keeping these offenders behind bars, has to be our first and foremost priority. Any of them who have been reached with the message of the gospel, we have to get our officials to grant them early release, as their lives will be in immediate danger, and we will most certainly need their help.
I'm not sure how a thread on the cultural/legal war on men veared into talking about physical war. But then with the VA situation threatening to send us into hot war I guess it is fitting.
Check out what I came across:
Check out what I came across:

I followed this back to the website of the movement and found this in https://propertarianism.com/marriage-and-family/
"This may be a bit hard to digest, especially in short form. However, what I am advocating is that we have as many marriages as possible, and that we encourage as many forms of marriage as possible, as long as such a grant of property rights to one another is also met with obligations to one another: that we do not use government to compensate for our productive differences." (Emphasis mine)
After reading through this I would have to say that the war on men started years ago and is an ever increasing problem. We have a society that is pushing our girls to be more masculine and our boys to be more feminine. For example, back in 2014 Angelina Jolie got upset at Brad Pitts mother who is a Southern Baptist for buying Shiloh their daughter girl style clothes because she likes to dress like her brother. This wouldn't have been a discussion in the 1940's and 50's it would have been put some girl clothes on her and treat her like a girl. The assault against men I fear will only get worse before it gets better. I know lady friends who say you have to act like a man, cuss like a man etc. to make the sale. I worry for future generations.
After reading through this I would have to say that the war on men started years ago and is an ever increasing problem. We have a society that is pushing our girls to be more masculine and our boys to be more feminine. For example, back in 2014 Angelina Jolie got upset at Brad Pitts mother who is a Southern Baptist for buying Shiloh their daughter girl style clothes because she likes to dress like her brother. This wouldn't have been a discussion in the 1940's and 50's it would have been put some girl clothes on her and treat her like a girl. The assault against men I fear will only get worse before it gets better. I know lady friends who say you have to act like a man, cuss like a man etc. to make the sale. I worry for future generations.
I stopped buying GS cookies years ago, after I heard about their support for abortion, only to find out the Feminist/Lesbian direction this group has been steering young girls towards all along. I don't have any daughters, but if I did, I would consider American Heritage Girls for them.
I stopped buying GS cookies years ago, after I heard about their support for abortion, only to find out the Feminist/Lesbian direction this group has been steering young girls towards all along. I don't have any daughters, but if I did, I would consider American Heritage Girls for them.
Just my two cents on American Heritage Girls-it is a decent group, there’s a lot of fun projects for the girls to do and community service opportunities. We met at a Baptist Church however, it was not Baptist doctrines being taught. Before joining any group, do your homework. Sometimes it’s not worth the risk, sometimes you hope your kids will spit out the bones.
Well maybe one day we will grow large enough to have our own BF girls and boys clubs.