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The War On Men

CecilW, Feminization of the church; It would be interesting to look back in time to the settlement of Europeans in this Great Country.
The Indians had been here for thousands of years. The men hunted, and fished, and made war. The Indian women were taught how to be good wives, by their mothers. The Indian women raised the gardens, raised the kids, and made love. There was no taxes, there was no divorces, and no Obamacare, no Wal Marts. If a Indian man wanted more wives, He just took a bunch of deer hides, and bought as many wives as He wanted, considering, He was a good hunter. There was no Feminization. However, all inhereitance passed through the women. That's not Biblical, of course. Also, The Indian men carried big knives, long bows and arrows, maybe spears, no laws about going armed, here. All is well. The men trained the Sons to hunt and fish and make war.The women trained their daughters, as their mothers had trained them. The Women made the clothes for her family out of deer hides.
Then came the Europeans, and others.
The land had to be marked, so each man could claim his part, they had to appoint somebody to tell them all what to do next. they had to raise a revenue to pay for that, now there's TAXES to pay. The man has to work to make some money to pay those taxes. The man has to make a garden so He can feed His family, while the women have their tea parties, and catch up on the latest gossip. On up the line; The women have taught their daughters that a man is supposed to pamper them continuiously, and not even look at anouther woman. The women today are taught to be jealous, from birth. Women want to be equal to men, instead of filling their position as the Creator made them.
When the man finally gets tired of His position, and tries to correct it, then comes the divorce court, where the man looses everything else, He didn't have to start with. Now, the man has no time to hunt and fish, or make a garden, and can't afford to trade for another woman.
The big Question is "Whose fault is it that the Man today is in that Position?" It's His own fault.
Feminization, could not have succeeded unless the men played into it.
The only thing worse is International Banking, for the distruction of civilization, as We know it.
I know every woman is not as described here, but too many are. I have been blessed to know some good ones, and can recognize the others. If a man finds one good wife He's found a good thing, if He can find 2, He's really blessed.
Just something to think about;

We will set up a perfect system in the Millenium, G2S.
I look forward to working with you on it.

(I am guessing that it will still involve boundaries for landowners) ;)
steve said:
(I am guessing that it will still involve boundaries for landowners) ;)

And prolly no hunting, as the lions & lambs will be coming up to get petted on their own, right? :lol:
Isa 65:25 said:
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith JHWH

Guess we guys will have to sit around, gossip, and have tea. ... :? ... ummm, coffee! (Wait a minute! Sounds like a BF Retreat! Yay!!! :lol: )
Just for general interest's sake, on this topic ...
Fla. Man Who Tricked Girlfriend Into Taking Abortion Pill, Killing Unborn Baby, Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison

The reason I find this interesting is that the courts have consistently ruled AGAINST men, when the woman wanted an abortion and the man didn't. He could cry, and plead, and say that it was his child, and he was able & willing to raise it, but ... it's HER body to do with as she likes!

But let a man cause the abortion without her consent, and it's 13 yrs 8 mo in prison.

I'm not defending abortion one tiny whit. Just pointing out the dual standard stacked so heavily against men.

Yes, I still believe in marriage, and the benefits of PM. "Looking", actually. But interested and aware of this situation nonetheless.
CecilW, it is a shame, but what You say is mostly true. It is true that, in the Courts, the women have an advantage most of the time, but why? "My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge." This is one more curse that has been put on the Israelite men, (and women) for their lack of understanding. Our Enemy surpresses us by our own hand, as a people. One reason is the Creator's people don't follow His law, because They've lost that knowledge, or are in rebellion against it, as they are in rebellion of most truth, today.
We were all taught in the public Fool system to fight Communism. It was a RUDE awakening for Me, when I found out that We who are alive today, have never lived under any other form of government. About 1972 the last part of the 10 Planks of The Communist Manifesto was fully implimented against the people of the united states of America, when Nixon demoneitized silver.
These things I say to You are well documented in Congressional records, which I have.
The Creator left His People a way out, but because of their lack of understanding they're caught in Satan's snare.
The Courts have never ruled that abortion is right or wrong, nor can they rule on that matter. The rulling is, "The Woman Has a Right to Her Body," all of us have that same right. The Creator also gave every soul a right to choose. Most just choose the wrong way and wind up in a contract that they wish they had not made. Knowledge is freedom, the lack of knowledge is Slavery, that's why 90% of the people who is in prison, signed themselves in.
The man in the case You speak of, committed a Capitol Crime against the woman and her unborn, according to the Scriptures He should be stoned. He denied Her, Her right to choose, and the unborned the right to life. He'll have to answer for both crimes. Any woman who has agreed to have an abortion is guilty of murder, but our enemy has convenced the people otherwise.
All law opperates on contracts, whether direct, or adhesion, the outcome is the same. Satan has to get Your consent to snare You, and the Courts have to get Your consent to convict You, neither can deny You Your right to choose. Check it out.

Courting4Life said:
steve said:
Oui, we :D

we will fix it, not "we are in retreat".
being beaten back a ways doth not equal retreat. for some reason YHWH gave me no armor for my back. ;)

Whew... just wanted to clarify. I so dislike having to do something twice... it normally means we didn't do it right the first time. It's a treat to move forward in battle, retreating seems such a waste of time!
Finally... after three months on the forum...
I made a funny!

I know this thread is an oldie, but it's even more relevant today.

I have never, ever come across this scenario. None of the divorced men I met or know (and I worked in a mostly male environment) fit this template.

I have met several such men.

That poster was doing the very thing the article in the original post stated...

It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry.

People in the church do this all the time. It's women worship.

- Husband's second woman (whether an unconsummated love interest or 2nd wife) = dirty skanky whore who is unwelcome in any church.

True in the first world. But often not true in Africa so far as I can tell. At least historically.

On any given Sunday, all across the world, churches are likely to have more women in the pews than men. Some estimates place the so-called “gender gap” in America at 61 percent women versus 39 percent men (www.uscongregations.org). That means that every Sunday there are millions more women attending church than men.

There are several theories put forward for why, comparatively, there are so few men attending church.

I don't know why this has been a historical problem thousands of years ago (although not in Anabaptist churches I think). But today there are some other causes. Even in churches that attempt to appeal to men, their so called Gospel has been corrupted to appeal to women. It has zero appeal to men, not to mention being false. Their life practice is also all show and no substance, which has no appeal to men. Then there is the denigration of men and worship of women. And if they stay for all that, masculine men will quickly find themselves either run out or emasculated.
Something else that I observed in Oregon that I believe is a cause for churches to be filled with a disproportionate amount of women, is that most of the men in the clergy profession would not be qualified to lead men in any other profession either. I witnessed the mirror image of this outside Pendleton Oregon in a little farm community church that had a young man’s man as pastor. Those farmers packed the place out, the same farmers that for years couldn’t be bothered to go to church.

When I asked about how they’d gotten there, the answer that I got was that everybody respected him very highly because of his work ethic, his financial ethics, his family and wife was in order, and he was a lead by example, not by fiat. And he was a decent preacher but an excellent man.
We will set up a perfect system in the Millenium, G2S.
I look forward to working with you on it.

(I am guessing that it will still involve boundaries for landowners) ;)
When our society blows up, we may be counting on you to deliver the ammo to the right groups of people! :)
When our society blows up, we may be counting on you to deliver the ammo to the right groups of people! :)
By the time that society blows up, it will be a skosh late to acquire ammo. ;)
By the time that society blows up, it will be a skosh late to acquire ammo. ;)
Well, I am thinking that if the ensuing Civil War drags on, we might need ADDITIONAL ammo, when our supplies are exhausted. Food and blankets as well!
Well, I am thinking that if the ensuing Civil War drags on, we might need ADDITIONAL ammo, when our supplies are exhausted. Food and blankets as well!
You want food, blankets and ammo you better get ‘em now while supplies last. :cool:
Beans, bullets, bandaids, books and boots.
In other words have a supply for your family of food & water, any and all ammo/weapons you can think of (and then some), medical supplies, books with knowledge, and seasonal clothing for hot summers and freezing winters needed for a ‘Light’s out’/grid down situation. My 2 cents. Oh, and chocolate, cus momma’s gonna be cranky, lol.
There’s a good probability that access to fuel will not be what we are accustomed to.
Not to mention that I will have a home front to care for.
Well, if we don't have proper strategy, that condition will last longer than anyone can prep for. Texas will be firmly in our grasp, but I imagine some parts of the country will have it pretty rough.
If it gets to that point, nowhere will be immune from the effects.

When/ if it does happen, and you don’t already have the means to protect yourself, you won’t make it to the first ammo resupply. Particularly if you don’t have the means to use it already.
I would think there might be a few dead gangstas that won't be needing their firearms. My boys train with nerf guns.