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Under a father's covering until marriage?

And if we substitute "ownership" for covering then we get a simple answer to the question.

If a woman's father has "disowned" her - if he does not consider himself to be her owner, and considers her to be free to make her own decisions in life - then she has no owner. And that is the case for almost all single women. So they are free.
Yep! This is what I've believed for decades. Has he relinquished authority? If so, then she is under her own authority for good or ill.

If she removes herself from his authority, she is under her own for good or ill. The exact same as my wife. She has the liberty to forsake my authority, provision, protection and "covering" if that umbrella term will suffice (pun intended). I can certainly see situations where that would be best for the woman.
Yep! This is what I've believed for decades. Has he relinquished authority? If so, then she is under her own authority for good or ill.

If she removes herself from his authority, she is under her own for good or ill. The exact same as my wife. She has the liberty to forsake my authority, provision, protection and "covering" if that umbrella term will suffice (pun intended). I can certainly see situations where that would be best for the woman.
She has the liberty to forsake your authority on all matters? Even marrying another man?
She has the liberty to forsake your authority on all matters? Even marrying another man?
Yep, she definitely has the liberty to sin, murder, adulterate herself, any number of things.
Just as God gives us the liberty to do whatever we please with our lives. Nevertheless, there will be consequences should we choose not to follow His instructions and decide to go our own way instead.

Consider the difference between what you are practically able to do @Joshua, and what you ought to do.

One trap that Christians frequently fall into is confusing what should happen with what has actually happened. For instance, in scripture divorce is highly inadvisable and only permissible in very limited circumstances - to the point that it is simplest to think of divorce as entirely forbidden. Many Christians however jump from "divorce is forbidden" to "therefore it is not real". If a man and a woman have divorced, they do not recognise that divorce, and consider them still to be married. We run into that here most commonly when discussing whether someone can marry a divorced woman - some people consider her still to be married to her former husband and therefore it would be adultery to marry her.

But just because something is sinful does not mean it did not occur. Murder is sinful - nevertheless if someone does get murdered, they're still dead. Theft is sinful - nevertheless if something is stolen, it is now truly in the possession of the thief. And although someone may have divorced for a wrong and sinful reason, that doesn't change the fact that they're divorced.

So a woman ought not to divorce her husband. That is absolutely clear in scripture. But that does not mean she cannot divorce him.

And a father ought to be concerned about who his daughter marries and guide her to a good husband. But that does not mean he cannot choose to ignore this responsibility and leave her to make these decisions without his input.
One correction, Samuel: (For the reader, since I suspect you know this.)
So a woman ought not to divorce her husband. That is absolutely clear in scripture. But that does not mean she cannot divorce him.
She does NOT have the Authority, according to Scripture, to issue a "certificate of divorce," nor to "put him away."

But in a world where "law" doesn't mean $#!t - and isn't worth the NY paper it's printed on - she can do whatever she can get away with, and men who hate His Word will call it "legal."

Lawlessness abounds.
One correction, Samuel: (For the reader, since I suspect you know this.)

She does NOT have the Authority, according to Scripture, to issue a "certificate of divorce," nor to "put him away."

But in a world where "law" doesn't mean $#!t - and isn't worth the NY paper it's printed on - she can do whatever she can get away with, and men who hate His Word will call it "legal."

Lawlessness abounds.
I agree with this, I see no way for her to actually cancel the vow. Just live in fantasy land.
Free to go it alone
Free to be be wistful
Free to dream
Free to shoulder all burdens

Ignore me, I am not fond of the idea of single life in the slightest and it is entirely possible that comes through now and then
I’m not fond of the idea either.
According to what is written in 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, if one spouse in a marriage becomes a believer and the other does not, if the unbeliever departs, let him (or her) depart; the brother or sister is not under bondage (v:15). The believer is not enslaved to the unbeliever if the unbeliever departs the failed marriage. The believer therefore has the freedom to marry. Shalom
According to what is written in 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, if one spouse in a marriage becomes a believer and the other does not, if the unbeliever departs, let him (or her) depart; the brother or sister is not under bondage (v:15). The believer is not enslaved to the unbeliever if the unbeliever departs the failed marriage. The believer therefore has the freedom to marry. Shalom
I guess in that case it’s an equivalent to a divorce certificate.
I recently had a little disagreement with someone on social media (imagine that). He proceeded to tell me that, as a woman, I couldn't "question" him. He stated that if I'm married, my husband must do so, and if I'm not, then my father should be the one speaking to him, not me.

I didn't realize that a man and woman couldn't have a simple conversation or disagreement on a public platform without a father or husband's headship. I was under the impression that a father's covering applied to women in their youth and women living in their father's household. I'm far removed from both.

Can anyone offer some insight into what a covering for unmarried women would consist of? Now I'm curious if I've been misunderstanding all along.
I heard some guy stood up for you though
Ironically, I thought I suddenly knew who this was because this exact same thing happened to another woman that I know, and I stood up for her, and it turned into a total sh@&show. Now I’m conveniently not allowed to post in the group for a while. Hey! Guess what! YOURE NOT EVEN HER!😂😂😂
🤣 I was wondering who stood up for me because I ended up getting banned or blocked by this guy. It's ok, I imagine that sort of thing happens a lot in those groups!
🤣 I was wondering who stood up for me because I ended up getting banned or blocked by this guy. It's ok, I imagine that sort of thing happens a lot in those groups!
Let me guess. The group was americas biblical polygyny, and the guy was Joseph Cooper? I’m gonna have a good laugh if it was the same guy but different situation