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Whose responsibility is it to earn money?

It sounded familiar to me but when I did an image search, I found a fist full of guys who would only get picked first at soccer, definitely not for rugby or a choice of protector out in the world.
Sometimes...no, strike that...I frequently don't understand woman and how they determine what they find attractive.
Hey man, the heart wants what the heart wants.
Hey man, the heart wants what the heart wants.
Sounds counter productive to me.

The heart getting the biggest voice has given us the modern situation eith respect to the romantic marketplace.

Head first in my mind
Having said this, however, in my opinion, a women with her own income is a negative in my mind. If she has her own income she would be harder to lead and is less likely to stick around during tough times. She has her own income. What does she need you for?
If a godly woman has been blessed as a high earner, why should that be viewed negatively? She might "need" a husband for nights of wild passion (cf. 1 Cor. 7:2).

And if a woman who can financially support herself chooses to stay during bad times then what does that say about her moral character?
And her Christian character!
It sounded familiar to me but when I did an image search, I found a fist full of guys who would only get picked first at soccer, definitely not for rugby or a choice of protector out in the world.
Sometimes...no, strike that...I frequently don't understand woman and how they determine what they find attractive.
Well I have spent most of my life in the city.
Consequently, my first thought isn't to find a man who looks like he would win a wrestling match against a grizzly bear.

If you want to cover most bases of what girls want aim to be a man like Fabio. ;) Muscular enough to scare off the competition and hair silky enough to land yourself as the base for romance novel covers.harms_way_by_colin_greenland_cover.jpg.optimal.jpg
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Well I have spent most of my life in the city.
Consequently, my first thought isn't to find a man who looks like he would win a wrestling match against a grizzly bear.

If you want to cover most bases of what girls want aim to be a man like Fabio. ;) Muscular enough to scare off the competition and hair silkie enough to land yourself as the base for romance novel covers.View attachment 7832
This is how you get the Nephilim
She's not wrong though. Sex sells, and there's a reason the vast majority of women go nuts over the typical "romance novel cover" type. Chippendale dancers, girl smut books, they're all very predictable.

That's why us men need to look for old fashioned, traditional, country girls. My wife had a requirements list, one of them was "He can't be a Pale Faced City Slicker". She and I started our relationship when I was working pipeline clearing. I built hundreds of miles of fence from barbed wire to elk farm fence. I supervised burn crews with piles of burning timber the size of houses and operated equipment. I checked the box, my face was just as brown as the Mexican guys I worked with.
Well I have spent most of my life in the city.
Consequently, my first thought isn't to find a man who looks like he would win a wrestling match against a grizzly bear.
Grizzly? Yeah, not so much. But that is why I am always armed. Make is realistic and a black bear, could be. My grandfather fought one at a carnival once and while he got a broken jaw he won, so I figure I am in with a chance.

If you want to cover most bases of what girls want aim to be a man like Fabio. ;) Muscular enough to scare off the competition and hair silky enough to land yourself as the base for romance novel covers.

Working on that fitness signal for a fact. The hair though I am out. Mine curls if it gets long. When i was fairly fresh out of college it was long enough that I wore it in about an 18inch braid so it would not tangle constantly.
I figured out the hard way that big guys look terrible with long hair.
The hair though I am out. Mine curls if it gets long. When i was fairly fresh out of college it was long enough that I wore it in about an 18inch braid so it would not tangle constantly.
I figured out the hard way that big guys look terrible with long hair.
My policy at university was to never cut my hair until some girl got so sick of it she offered to cut it for free. It took about a year for my hair to get long enough for someone to make that offer. I got three haircuts from three different girls over about 3 years, and married the third one.
It's disturbing my joke got taken that way....
We are professionals at that in these parts.
And then we derail the conversation without even trying.
My policy at university was to never cut my hair until some girl got so sick of it she offered to cut it for free. It took about a year for my hair to get long enough for someone to make that offer. I got three haircuts from three different girls over about 3 years, and married the third one.

Looking back on it, I am moderately amazed that I ever had long hair, especially then. I was mowing lawns to pay for our college and living and long hair combined with manual labor in Texas is kind of dumb.

I also happily finally got my wife cutting my hair a few years back.

If I started using the technique you used, I suspect I would be back to full hippy style
She's not wrong though. Sex sells, and there's a reason the vast majority of women go nuts over the typical "romance novel cover" type. Chippendale dancers, girl smut books, they're all very predictable.
That's porn for women.

If woman blames men for being damaged by porn, return back with Disney altitude from romance novels.
My policy at university was to never cut my hair until some girl got so sick of it she offered to cut it for free. It took about a year for my hair to get long enough for someone to make that offer. I got three haircuts from three different girls over about 3 years, and married the third one.
Imagine if this story was in Bible. Try imagine sermon "grow your hair till you find wife".

I'm certain people will have to get close to long haired person to perceive is it a women or a men in active wife search.
It takes much longer than a year to grow long flowing hair that would make people wonder if you were a woman @MemeFan. If it was getting that long the strategy would be failing and it would be time to pay for a haircut.
Agreed. My response was intended to point out that if you desperately need your present wife to work both inside and outside of the household, then it comes across as entitled behavior to be actively seeking more wives, instead of actively pursuing better ways to provide for them.

I think pretty much everyone here would agree to this.

And if a woman who can financially support herself chooses to stay during bad times then what does that say about her moral character?

Anyone who chooses to stay during hard times has a good character, of course. :)

There seems to be some talking around each other of people who are all of the same opinion in this thread. :)
It takes much longer than a year to grow long flowing hair that would make people wonder if you were a woman @MemeFan. If it was getting that long the strategy would be failing and it would be time to pay for a haircut.
Or buy hair ties for a ponytail.
Maybe even braid it?
Or buy hair ties for a ponytail.
Maybe even braid it?
The point was to find a wife, not scare them away. :)
No offence to yours truly of course, but as a general rule for most men I would think this would be a risky strategy.