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Meat Why the Patriarchal form of family leadership is wrong.

  1. Semantics: there is The Bible; most properly in writing, all formal books should be underlined when written, as well as every word being capitalized except for prepositions and conjunctions, but . The word 'biblical' just means pertaining to or congruent with The Bible. Personally, I'm not at all suggesting that we start underlining the name of every book (any more than I'm going to promote putting the names of articles in quotes, etc.) -- I'm primarily drawing a distinction between The Thing (capitalized) and an uncapitalized word that pertains to The Thing. Bible/biblical.
  2. Semantics: same thing with Scripture and scriptural.
  3. As far as boat analogies go, there is no mutual submission going on between the captain and a member of the crew who steers the boat while the captain sleeps -- and it's not just a matter of semantics; it is a crucial distinction. The captain delegates, and the crew member submits by taking the helm temporarily. The crew member would also submit to the captain if the captain withdrew the taking-the-helm delegation or if the captain assigned deck-swabbing to the crew member. At no time does the captain submit to the crew member; if he does, he will no longer be in charge, and chaos will incrementally -- and often quickly -- ensue.