New Member
Good morning everyone,
Long time lurker first time poster. I’ve been married 2.5 years and have two children with my wife. I introduced the truth of Polygyny to her about a year ago and it’s been rocky to say the least.
When we got married, she told me that she wanted scripture to be the center of our marriage and that she wanted a patriarchal marriage. I agreed. I did not know scripture made no moral difference between polygyny and monogamy at the time, otherwise I would have told her my desire to pursue it before we married.
I made a vow of monogamy to her which I intend on keeping unless she absolves me, however she knows I desire Polygyny and wants me to give up that desire. She has told me she will absolve me of the vow on condition of her divorcing me, as she will not be a part of a polygynous household.
I have shown her scripture, she has read BP’s article, but she refuses to believe it’s correct. She believes that I am wrong and other pastors who argue against it are right. She has recently asked we speak to a third party on this, someone with experience and authority, as she does not trust me on this topic.
I want to honor God and the desires he put within me, but not at the expense of blowing up the family I currently have. At the same time, I know she’s in rebellion and I’ve told her as much, but she believes she’s in the right no matter what I try to show her.
Any counsel you all have would be a blessing to me. Thank you all.
Long time lurker first time poster. I’ve been married 2.5 years and have two children with my wife. I introduced the truth of Polygyny to her about a year ago and it’s been rocky to say the least.
When we got married, she told me that she wanted scripture to be the center of our marriage and that she wanted a patriarchal marriage. I agreed. I did not know scripture made no moral difference between polygyny and monogamy at the time, otherwise I would have told her my desire to pursue it before we married.
I made a vow of monogamy to her which I intend on keeping unless she absolves me, however she knows I desire Polygyny and wants me to give up that desire. She has told me she will absolve me of the vow on condition of her divorcing me, as she will not be a part of a polygynous household.
I have shown her scripture, she has read BP’s article, but she refuses to believe it’s correct. She believes that I am wrong and other pastors who argue against it are right. She has recently asked we speak to a third party on this, someone with experience and authority, as she does not trust me on this topic.
I want to honor God and the desires he put within me, but not at the expense of blowing up the family I currently have. At the same time, I know she’s in rebellion and I’ve told her as much, but she believes she’s in the right no matter what I try to show her.
Any counsel you all have would be a blessing to me. Thank you all.