I find it funny how the goal of the Christian church is to be part of the group of gentiles that makes it into the Kingdom of Heaven, and they feast with Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. But wouldn’t their multiple wives and many children be an offense and stumbling block to them? They want to be part of that Kingdom, yet here on earth they consider such a marriage structure to be some type of cult?
We are living in the true Dark Ages. Good is called evil, and evil is called good. Today’s Christianity will tolerate whoredom, divorce, and homosexuality; which are indeed sins, but if you mention the idea of polygyny and it’s like you murdered someone. What is really happening is violence to the Word - and the Word made flesh is our Savior and Redeemer - who even described himself in a parable marrying 5 virgins in “marriages” (in the Greek the word marriage is plural).
The reality of the situation - majority of women today are not virgins. They give away their virginity like Esau gave his birthright for a bowl of soup. They walk according to the ways of the world, and the majority of women do not like being outcast/outsiders/gossiped about. Take for example - Muslims in the Balkan region - I’ve witnessed first hand of them talking with hatred and negativity about (Islamic) polygyny. But women that live in the Middle East will boast about it and even prefer it over monogamy. Why? Because of the culture. In the Balkan region - it’s Europe - it’s majority Christian - and the norm is monogamy only along with night clubs and fornication. So it’s the culture. Here in the United States - it’s the same culture. Monogamy only - night clubs - fornication. For some one that truly accepts the scripture as truth - know that you’re living behind enemy lines. Polygyny isn’t the only biblical truth they hate, either. Their idol is the world, and they will turn the scripture upside down to create it into their own image.
In the meantime - continue to wash her clean by the Word. Continue to be patient and loving. Continue to pray YAH changes her heart. Continue to seek the Creator’s righteousness. There is a restoration coming.