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Wife literally fighting me

Sometimes it helps to give them a different mindset to focus on, outside of themselves.
Discuss with her women who don’t have covering and cannot find a good man. Old joke; Men are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken and only the handicapped ones are left.
Ask her if she thinks that it could be selfish to not want to share. “I’ve got mine, sorry about your plight”. Because that’s the bottom line for women who are willing to be part of an existing family, but can’t find a good one.
In Acts the instructions are for the “widows” (the word actually included all women without husbands) that were under 60 to get married and not depend on the church. Obviously an impossibility if families wouldn’t accept them. In a backhanded way it was requiring families to share their head with women who needed a covering.
In Acts the instructions are for the “widows” (the word actually included all women without husbands) that were under 60 to get married and not depend on the church. Obviously an impossibility if families wouldn’t accept them. In a backhanded way it was requiring families to share their head with women who needed a covering.

I couldn't find that in Acts, are you referring to 1 Tim 5:9 ? I'm curious about that word meaning all single women without a husband ...
By fighting back, you mean laying hands on her? Can't bring myself to do that. I was raised around too much of that to ever want my kids to see that. Plus biblically, she being my flesh i must treat her like I'd like ro be treated. Which is not beaten up. (Re-reading that last sentence while editing made me chuckle a bit, haha)

“So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭28‬-‭29‬

Sorry if this isn't what you meant to say and I misread you.
I do mean that. She knows you won’t fight back and she is essentially being a bully. I’ll tell you what I was told by a man I greatly respected when I went to him looking for easy forgiveness for getting physical with me ex-wife. He sort of sneered at me because he saw through my attempts to duck responsibility for my actions (he was also working on a race car at the time which was kind of apropos for the moment) and he said “There’s worse things, sometimes they need that.”

This woman is acting like a terrorist or a cartel member. She thinks she has a monopoly on violence. She needs to see that if there is going to be violence unleashed that you can match it and that if she’s going to go full retard then she’ll have to bear the consequences of those actions.
Thats NOT how the courts will act. Been there, done that. Domestic Violence is a NO NO! Bear the defensive scars and don't leave a mark on her. It is more than jail time, it is LOSS of everything you own. Well maybe not everything, I did have a truck and a blanket, and never went back.
I have also been there and done that and I maintain that dealing with the problem head on is the better option.

There have been some moderations on this front in recent years. Women aren’t getting away with AS much as they used to. However you’re right, there will be a heavy immediate cost if she decides to unleash her he court system on him.

BUT that cost is bearable. You can come out the other side of it unscathed for the long term. And then you’ll know that that was a rebellious woman who was never going to change and you can stop wasting precious time and energy on a jezebel.

I’m not saying that he should beat her to a pulp but he can meet force with appropriate force. Self defense is a valid argument. But even if it doesn’t work and he catches a domestic abuse charge, that something that takes a few years to get over, unlike the lifetime of living in bondage to an irrational and violent woman.

I say again, if she wants to fight then fight. She won’t want to do it more than once or twice.
Sometimes it helps to give them a different mindset to focus on, outside of themselves.
This is very true. I'm aware of the hell unchecked emotions can be. I find that it's at its worst when my focus is me, it gets much better when I think of others, and it just doesn't get better then when I can get my focus on YHWH. Projects are great, anything that gives you a forward directional focus.
Discuss with her women who don’t have covering and cannot find a good man. Old joke; Men are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken and only the handicapped ones are left.
I first came to this idea from a place of empathy. My husband had asked a long time friend to marry him just weeks before we met. She said no, but had regrets. About five years later her older live in bf dumped her, and it was then that I wondered if maybe it was part of a bigger plan, and God was giving her aa second chance at having a good man. She eventually decided that was not what she wanted and moved on, I realized I liked the idea and that empathy then extended to other women who might not be so blessed. I knew my husband could love another, and knew that wouldn't hurt our relationship (lessons learned hanging out with the old gf for a couple years).

I used to get frustrated with my hubby's nieces who were always negative. They would say things like "I could never share MY man!" ...and I realized they always assumed they would have a good one. One of those nieces did get a good husband, the other got into a relationship with a man who already had two baby mommas ...(like that is a WORSE kind of sharing in my opinion) who later commited suicide. Now she is a single mom that still doesn't want to think about sharing.....she is looking for the impossible, a man who doesn't want his own children but will be a good father to her daughter....and stay with her.
I was just thinking last night about a friend of mine who divorced and raised her son alone...never remarried or had more children, and now lives alone.... and I am so glad that the sweet used to be dingle mom that is my sisterwife will have a husband, children, and the support of our big loving family.

You got a lot of advice. Some of it may be valid, but not quite a fit in your situation. You really have to go with God's leading. I will keep your family in prayer. Let your wife know too there are women here who understand and are willing to listen to her. Life is easier when you don't feel alone, and not many women understand polygyny.
I couldn't find that in Acts, are you referring to 1 Tim 5:9 ? I'm curious about that word meaning all single women without a husband ...
You are correct, I was going from (bad) memory.
The word widow translates as deficient. As in without a husband. Which is true of a widow, but also true of a divorced female.
My belief is that the problem that they were having is women who believed in Yeshua but were divorced by husbands who didn’t.
There’s a lot I don’t know about the situation and the two of you. But more often than not, a man finds out about polygyny and broaches the subject far before his wife is ready to hear about it. Then in typical logical male fashion he continues talking about it without understanding her perspective.

(Live with your wife in an understanding manner)

Now before I say this, please don’t anybody hear me saying women are equal with animals. That’s absolutely not my point.

I’ve done a lot of work with animals in the past and currently. Horses, cattle, dogs, all kinds. And most of them are dangerous and powerful. You cannot have a horse that trusts you and yearns to work with you, to do your will even before you can give the command to do the thing IF you use brute force to dominate and subdue the animal. Sure you can beat and “break” a horse down until it will obey. But that kind of animal will be ruined. A dog beaten daily will never have joy in and run to fulfill your wishes like one trained with patience and gentleness.

On the flip side, I’m not proposing nothing but sunshine, roses and butterflies. Those animals must understand that you are smarter, and more powerful than they are. Or they will dominate you.

If your wife is angry it’s probably because she is terrified. It’s likely because your bringing up polygyny has torn down her boundaries, made her feel vulnerable and exposed, turned her world upside down.

She needs reassurance and often, that you will never cast her aside, that she is precious and priceless to you. That she is treasured and a pearl beyond worth. You need to convince her that not only is divorce not on the table, but that she belongs to you, and you will not tolerate losing her.

You honestly probably need to shut tf up about poly, and get your house in order. Teach her (slowly) about patriarchal headship and the proper role of a wife. Shut up about polygyny.

Teach her and your whole house about biblical authority, God’s nature, His relationship towards us. Our responsibility towards others.

I’ve only had to look disapprovingly at my wife once and inform her she should get a spanking once. (I’ve never hit her though, never needed to) That’s because I’ve spent the time demonstrating and proving through my actions that I am the head of the household. But she knows if she’s going to act like a fool, that there are stripes for the backs of fools, and God chastens those who he loves.

Again, I know nothing of you, your wife, your attitudes, history or anything. So I’m just making guesses here. But often, people who act that angry and violent are scared and have no boundaries.

Remove the fear, establish boundaries. Provide security, be a man and teach the Word.

Listen to the hard men podcast. Read Athol Kay’s Married Man Sex Life Primer. No it’s not about getting more sex, that’s just marketing. A woman who’s willing to go nuclear like that on a man doesn’t respect her man. You need to be respectable before she will respect you.
And how is your wife now? Is she on the other side of the conversation, supporting you and following your lead even if you took a second wife?

Thank you for the encouragement brother. God bless you, I don't pray enough, as I should. I need to get out of my own head and on my knees to pray.
She is fine now, following my lead with faith, although she occasionally will have a moment when something reminds her of the old days. She is completely open and honest with me, and so when those moments happen, she tells me that she misses one thing or another, but quickly adds that she is just telling me so that so that I know, and would not for all of it give up the love and joy that she's found in this "new life". She is still occasionally having to let go of some other equally deeply-rooted "rights" that she thought she had to have authority over me in other ways that were not discovered or addressed earlier as they had no direct bearing on the most prominent thorn. So, it's not completely done. Even I am still discovering old traps and perversions in my mind leftover from my upbringing. It's shocking sometimes.

It cannot be overstated (and you've noticed it): we in the West are all from birth steeped in romanticism, feminism, and other false doctrines. We are ignorant and deceived. "Claiming to be wise, they became fools." Rooting these things out and replanting with truth requires revelation, effort, and time. We don't know what we don't know, and it can't all be revealed at once, otherwise we would go insane. As the Good Book says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is grown he will not depart from it," and of course it's true. It's amazing how deeply-seated these things are that we were immersed in as children. It's not like being deceived as grown men and having a basis to return to once you realize your error. These things make up our psyche, the very framework of our understanding of the world, formed as neural networks during the development of our brains as our parents taught us to walk, talk, and think like them. I don't think any of us not born into a "primitive" culture will ever be done tearing down and rebuilding. That includes our wives, but importantly also includes us men who are attempting to lead our wives out of the darkness that we ourselves are still in. That's why I say it can't be done without divine intervention. It is supernatural that any of us are able to escape these chains as much as we have so far.
I wanted to clarify but don't really have the time to type a lot. Watch this video.

1 Peter 3
7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Eph 5
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

She's your partner, your treasure. Treat her like a weaker vessel. Just like with any animal, you can't push too hard too fast. You can't expect too much too quickly. Take it a little bit at a time and you'll get there.

Having a horse that trusts you and wants to follow your lead isn't nearly as beautiful as a wife who trusts you and wants to follow your lead.
Oversimplification but if you really think about it, women are more like prey animals and men more like predators. Women seek peaceful security and provision. Men seek to dominate and conquer. Us men can't relate to women like we would relate to other men. We have to think of them as a sort of prey animal who's trust needs to be won and kept. The similarities between training horses and caretaking of a wife are striking.

Oversimplification but if you really think about it, women are more like prey animals and men more like predators. Women seek peaceful security and provision. Men seek to dominate and conquer. Us men can't relate to women like we would relate to other men. We have to think of them as a sort of prey animal who's trust needs to be won and kept. The similarities between training horses and caretaking of a wife are striking.

Those videos are great, thank you for sharing that.
I don't think this has been mentioned, so I want to put this out there as another option for you to add to the list lol.
Is your wife hormonally balanced? When hormones get out of control, that can affect behaviour. This could be pregnant, menopause, a certain point of her cycle, or just for whatever reason her body isn't quite working right.
Where is she at with vitamins and minerals? Is she taking care of herself? Is it possible she is missing something there that is contributing to her behaviour?
Don't get me wrong, this does not explain why she feels the way she does, or how she's struggling with it, and putting her on a multivitamin will not just fix it. But it might help to explain the extreme reaction to that struggle.
I don't think this has been mentioned, so I want to put this out there as another option for you to add to the list lol.
Is your wife hormonally balanced? When hormones get out of control, that can affect behaviour. This could be pregnant, menopause, a certain point of her cycle, or just for whatever reason her body isn't quite working right.
Where is she at with vitamins and minerals? Is she taking care of herself? Is it possible she is missing something there that is contributing to her behaviour?
Don't get me wrong, this does not explain why she feels the way she does, or how she's struggling with it, and putting her on a multivitamin will not just fix it. But it might help to explain the extreme reaction to that struggle.
That's a really good point to keep in mind. Thanks for mentioning that Sarah. One of the "benefits" that came with covid was we all upped our vitamin D intake. One of my wives noticed quite a change in the emotional swings she would experience, smoothing the highs and lows significantly. Check vitamin D out as it can help reduce the extremes your wife may be experiencing.
There’s a lot I don’t know about the situation and the two of you. But more often than not, a man finds out about polygyny and broaches the subject far before his wife is ready to hear about it. Then in typical logical male fashion he continues talking about it without understanding her perspective.

(Live with your wife in an understanding manner)

Now before I say this, please don’t anybody hear me saying women are equal with animals. That’s absolutely not my point.

I’ve done a lot of work with animals in the past and currently. Horses, cattle, dogs, all kinds. And most of them are dangerous and powerful. You cannot have a horse that trusts you and yearns to work with you, to do your will even before you can give the command to do the thing IF you use brute force to dominate and subdue the animal. Sure you can beat and “break” a horse down until it will obey. But that kind of animal will be ruined. A dog beaten daily will never have joy in and run to fulfill your wishes like one trained with patience and gentleness.

On the flip side, I’m not proposing nothing but sunshine, roses and butterflies. Those animals must understand that you are smarter, and more powerful than they are. Or they will dominate you.

If your wife is angry it’s probably because she is terrified. It’s likely because your bringing up polygyny has torn down her boundaries, made her feel vulnerable and exposed, turned her world upside down.

She needs reassurance and often, that you will never cast her aside, that she is precious and priceless to you. That she is treasured and a pearl beyond worth. You need to convince her that not only is divorce not on the table, but that she belongs to you, and you will not tolerate losing her.

You honestly probably need to shut tf up about poly, and get your house in order. Teach her (slowly) about patriarchal headship and the proper role of a wife. Shut up about polygyny.

Teach her and your whole house about biblical authority, God’s nature, His relationship towards us. Our responsibility towards others.

I’ve only had to look disapprovingly at my wife once and inform her she should get a spanking once. (I’ve never hit her though, never needed to) That’s because I’ve spent the time demonstrating and proving through my actions that I am the head of the household. But she knows if she’s going to act like a fool, that there are stripes for the backs of fools, and God chastens those who he loves.

Again, I know nothing of you, your wife, your attitudes, history or anything. So I’m just making guesses here. But often, people who act that angry and violent are scared and have no boundaries.

Remove the fear, establish boundaries. Provide security, be a man and teach the Word.

Listen to the hard men podcast. Read Athol Kay’s Married Man Sex Life Primer. No it’s not about getting more sex, that’s just marketing. A woman who’s willing to go nuclear like that on a man doesn’t respect her man. You need to be respectable before she will respect you.
Literally perfect advice.
My wife has explosive anger, but I don't believe she'd hurt me like that. I think you hit the nail on the head with your assessment. She's hurt and depressed, and she sulks and thinks about it all of the time. More than I probably even notice. She is a boiling pot with foam seething over.
@b_ce , I believe that women who respond with excessive emotion, especially with anger, are probably motivated in some way by the spirit realm to respond to Truth in that way. Witchcraft in my mind is someone who walks in a certain amount of manipulation in words or deeds (passive aggressiveness, outright aggression) to retain or gain control over someone else. The waters become muddy with other descriptive words like feminism or a spirit of Jezebel but I believe they all stem from the Occult in some form. If a generational sin has happened dealing with the Occult, it can possibly manifest itself with manipulative behaviors in the family, a destruction of the family thru abusive control, anger, and punishments (which bring fear). The goal being destruct of, and hinder righteousness in, God's people. I have no idea if this is something your wife's family deals with or not. You will have to ask for discernment in that. Anger is the first layer of a deep fear in our hearts. Fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of hurt, fear of losing control of something that defines us, etc. I do not know you or your wife, I can only speak to what I felt the Spirit tell me when I read your post. You will have to ask the hard questions of your wife's past, of her family's past, i.e. generational sins. I suspect her anger hasn't just magically appeared over this subject. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you need to "see" in your wife's heart so that you might be the instrument that God uses to free her from this bondage or curse. I pray your wife will desire to be free of it herself. Being angry and fearful takes a great deal of emotional energy! It also drains our hope for good things in our lives. Pray and fast for her, or better yet do it together if she is willing, for the purpose of asking God to tell you what you both need to be understanding at this moment.

I agree with the others that polygyny should be put on the back burner for now. Dealing with the unhealthy, or unacceptable, way your wife interacts with you will be enough work for the time being. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and a committed love for your wife. I know God will give you all the tools you need to help your wife be a Godly woman. It will take time and effort but if you do this work, you will not regret it; you will be building a stronger foundation for your family and marriage. There are many books on these subjects. I would encourage you to look for a book on Generational Curses first. Getting those removed will help the growing of other truths to come more easily. Ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you.

My prayers are with you both. I am also happy to talk with your wife if she ever desires to talk with someone.
I don't think this has been mentioned, so I want to put this out there as another option for you to add to the list lol.
Is your wife hormonally balanced? When hormones get out of control, that can affect behaviour. This could be pregnant, menopause, a certain point of her cycle, or just for whatever reason her body isn't quite working right.
Where is she at with vitamins and minerals? Is she taking care of herself? Is it possible she is missing something there that is contributing to her behaviour?
Don't get me wrong, this does not explain why she feels the way she does, or how she's struggling with it, and putting her on a multivitamin will not just fix it. But it might help to explain the extreme reaction to that struggle.
That aspect crossed my mind too, but interruptions abound. A hormonal imbalance can make all the difference between life being good, or an emotional hell.

Topical progesterone is safe, and it is a precursor to testosterone for men, so won't hurt him either if he contacts it, or puts it on his lady.
@b_ce , I believe that women who respond with excessive emotion, especially with anger, are probably motivated in some way by the spirit realm to respond to Truth in that way. Witchcraft in my mind is someone who walks in a certain amount of manipulation in words or deeds (passive aggressiveness, outright aggression) to retain or gain control over someone else. The waters become muddy with other descriptive words like feminism or a spirit of Jezebel but I believe they all stem from the Occult in some form. If a generational sin has happened dealing with the Occult, it can possibly manifest itself with manipulative behaviors in the family, a destruction of the family thru abusive control, anger, and punishments (which bring fear). The goal being destruct of, and hinder righteousness in, God's people. I have no idea if this is something your wife's family deals with or not. You will have to ask for discernment in that. Anger is the first layer of a deep fear in our hearts. Fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of hurt, fear of losing control of something that defines us, etc. I do not know you or your wife, I can only speak to what I felt the Spirit tell me when I read your post. You will have to ask the hard questions of your wife's past, of her family's past, i.e. generational sins. I suspect her anger hasn't just magically appeared over this subject. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you need to "see" in your wife's heart so that you might be the instrument that God uses to free her from this bondage or curse. I pray your wife will desire to be free of it herself. Being angry and fearful takes a great deal of emotional energy! It also drains our hope for good things in our lives. Pray and fast for her, or better yet do it together if she is willing, for the purpose of asking God to tell you what you both need to be understanding at this moment.

I agree with the others that polygyny should be put on the back burner for now. Dealing with the unhealthy, or unacceptable, way your wife interacts with you will be enough work for the time being. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and a committed love for your wife. I know God will give you all the tools you need to help your wife be a Godly woman. It will take time and effort but if you do this work, you will not regret it; you will be building a stronger foundation for your family and marriage. There are many books on these subjects. I would encourage you to look for a book on Generational Curses first. Getting those removed will help the growing of other truths to come more easily. Ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you.

My prayers are with you both. I am also happy to talk with your wife if she ever desires to talk with someone.
Thanks for this. I will keep it in mind and look into it more. We had a long discussion about things today and she was the one to bring this up, due to reading these comments.
This comment is for everyone reading. We had a great discussion today. Took and her and the kids for a walk around some ponds near sunset. She eventually told me she's read all of your comments. She was much more mellowed out today and we spoke exstensively on the subject without her getting angry, and of what our thoughts were on your comments,

Disagreement on how can a man be one flesh with more than one woman? Hard for her to get that.

I felt that this verse was a perfect explanation for why. Love to hear your thoughts on that too.

“But now are they many members, yet but one body.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭20‬

Second disagreement, there being multiple interpretations on the 5 virgins going into the marriage chamber with the bridegroom. A common one them being bridesmaids. I think it is a bogus interpretation and explained my thoughts to her. Even before I believed it was acceptable for a man to have more than one wife, I read that parable plainly that He was clearly speaking of marrying 5 women. I even found it to be strange.

Third disagreement, is just in general That Christ's bride is singular and not plural. Hard for her to see that all of us Christians are a plural bride. I do think that she recognizes that God has two wives, nations, though, but that it doesn't really dent her argument of polygyny not being "ideal" for men.

The most interesting point that she made, was when she watched a video of a deliverance testimony, and how the man had cast out a spirit of "polygamy" out of a muslim man. Made me scratch my head? Hmm... is there a spirit of polygamy, like how there may be a spirit of lust? For her such a thing would rule a man having more than one wife, completely out of the picture in the realm of what is good and acceptable. And with this possibly in the picture, she holds the theory that I could also be affected by it.

My rebuttals were that, it could of been the deliverance minister prescribing his own feelings of polygamy toward a man who may have had a spirit of lust in him. Like how american missionaries sometimes break up marriages in 3rd world countries, as part of them receiving the gospel. Or that, the spirit may have been lying. Or if there is such a thing, how would that work biblically being that God has given wives? Surely He wouldn't allow an evil spirit into one of His most righteous servants, David, or at least cast he would cast it from him and we would read that in scripture. Food for thought, and I thought who else to share this specifically with, but with you all.

Lastly, I'd like to add that my wife has also been having nightmares often and has been under spiritual attack. I believe it is due to all of the emotional upheaval, that the enemy is pouncing on her weakness. Please pray for her. She truly needs it. And I am grateful for all of your comments. I read every single one, but it would take me all night to respond to you all.
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This comment is for everyone reading. We had a great discussion today. Took and her and the kids for a walk around some ponds near sunset. She eventually told me she's read all of your comments. She was much more mellowed out today and we spoke exstensively on the subject without her getting angry, and of what our thoughts were on your comments,

Disagreement on how can a man be one flesh with more than one woman? Hard for her to get that.

I felt that this verse was a perfect explanation for why. Love to hear your thoughts on that too.

“But now are they many members, yet but one body.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭20‬

Second disagreement, there being multiple interpretations on the 5 virgins going into the marriage chamber with the bridegroom. A common one them being bridesmaids. I think it is a bogus interpretation and explained my thoughts to her. Even before I believed it was acceptable for a man to have more than one wife, I read that parable plainly that He was clearly speaking of marrying 5 women. I even found it to be strange.

Third disagreement, is just in general That Christ's bride is singular and not plural. Hard for her to see that all of us Christians are a plural bride. I do think that she recognizes that God has two wives, nations, though, but that it doesn't really dent her argument of polygyny not being "ideal" for men.

The most interesting point that she made, was when she watched a video of a deliverance testimony, and how the man had cast out a spirit of "polygamy" out of a muslim man. Made me scratch my head? Hmm... is there a spirit of polygamy, like how there may be a spirit of lust? For her such a thing would rule a man having more than one wife, completely out of the picture in the realm of what is good and acceptable. And with this possibly in the picture, she holds the theory that I could also be affected by it.

My rebuttals were that, it could of been the deliverance minister prescribing his own feelings of polygamy toward a man who may have had a spirit of lust in him. Like how american missionaries sometimes break up marriages in 3rd world countries, as part of them receiving the gospel. Or that, the spirit may have been lying. Or if there is such a thing, how would that work biblically being that God has given wives? Surely He wouldn't allow an evil spirit into one of His most righteous servants, David, or at least cast he would cast it from him and we would read that in scripture. Food for thought, and I thought who else to share this specifically with, but with you all.

Lastly, I'd like to add that my wife has also been having nightmares often and has been under spiritual attack. I believe it is due to all of the emotional upheaval, that the enemy is pouncing on her weakness. Please pray for her. She truly needs it. And I am grateful for all of your comments. I read every single one, but it would take me all night to respond to you all.
Wow, awesome update! One step at a time and we'll keep praying for you. Blessings
Second disagreement, there being multiple interpretations on the 5 virgins going into the marriage chamber with the bridegroom. A common one them being bridesmaids. I think it is a bogus interpretation and explained my thoughts to her. Even before I believed it was acceptable for a man to have more than one wife, I read that parable plainly that He was clearly speaking of marrying 5 women. I even found it to be strange.

Why do bridesmaids need to be virgins, or if it's not a requirement, why do we need to know they are? If they aren't the one's being married, what good does that information do us or how is it relevant?