I wish I had his stamina!Zion Pastor in Choma Dies, leaves behind 520 children, 32 Wives

I wish I had his stamina!Zion Pastor in Choma Dies, leaves behind 520 children, 32 Wives
Definitely, but the situation being he had that many wives and kids; when would he get time to read stuff and post here?? Grief, it used to take me every moment I had for preparing preaching notes and dealing with all the challenges with people in the assembly. This guy would have awesome ideas and insights for organization and getting stuff done.Well I know he's got me beat by a long shot. Being as he was a pastor, I wish he could have joined in here and contributed to the discussions. I think he might have had some insightful things to say. I do hope that he as a Christian raised all those 520 kids to know the Lord. If that's what he did, what an amazing legacy to leave behind in this world!
You sure that's not Alan Keyes?Zion Pastor in Choma Dies, leaves behind 520 children, 32 Wives
Wow.Zion Pastor in Choma Dies, leaves behind 520 children, 32 Wives
@windblown has pointed out to me something which all of the eagle eyed amongst us will be ashamed to have missed that this man would of had to average over a hundred children per wife. Obviously some skepticism is in order here.I wish I had his stamina!Seeing to the needs of 10 wives a day.... I feel tired just thinking about it.
His bedroom probably had a turnstile rather than a door.
Wouldn’t it have been 16.25 kids per wife? In the article it says he had 47 wives at one time but it dwindled down to 32- so it could have been 11 kids per wife if all 47 wives had children.@windblown has pointed out to me something which all of the eagle eyed amongst us will be ashamed to have missed that this man would of had to average over a hundred children per wife. Obviously some skepticism is in order here.
Hmmm.... he wasn't 16!And then there's the servicing 10 wives a day comment . . .
Heck, that's so many children, no doubt some families in the community just dropped kids off on the doorstep and nobody was the wiser... lolWouldn’t it have been 16.25 kids per wife? In the article it says he had 47 wives at one time but it dwindled down to 32- so it could have been 11 kids per wife if all 47 wives had children.
Oh for crying out loud. I trust her implicitly when it comes to grammar. Apparently I need to check her math a little more rigorously.Wouldn’t it have been 16.25 kids per wife? In the article it says he had 47 wives at one time but it dwindled down to 32- so it could have been 11 kids per wife if all 47 wives had children.
She really has that old addition down, that’s the important stuff.Apparently I need to check her math a little more rigorously.
Lol, you’re right about that. The woman can certain add.She really has that old addition down, that’s the important stuff.
Interesting find. Thank you.An excerpt from: The story of Jewish polygamy
Good pointVery interesting article, @Frank S. My only quibble with it would be that their concern about the danger of interpreting ancient Greek attitudes about Persian polygamy in a way that one mistakenly ascribes modern Western values onto those Greeks should also be turned on its head; it's just as dangerous to fail to recognize how much those ancient Greeks very purposefully set in motion belief systems that have resulted in modern Westerners seeing things the way the Greeks intended them to be seen.
But even for concubines, there was discipline, he says, and a man found with another man’s concubine was to be beaten. “This was a lesser punishment compared to when you were found with someone’s wife where the sentence was death by stoning,” he adds.
“........Polygamy is not about men needing many wives but it’s about women needing husbands.”
The concubine part I just don’t see supported in Scripture.