You’re still doing the false equivalency thing. Some teach that we are saved by keeping the law of Moses. You’re teaching that we must keep the law of Moses. Obviously you’re teaching salvation by works of the law.
And you can't see those aren't the same thing? Talk about "false equivalency"!
Ever seen this?
"If you love Me, keep My commandments."
Isn't that pretty clear?
Obviously, it wasn't. Bur the amount of 'baggage' has been made clear by now, to obscure what SHOULD have been before, absent centuries of 'twisting'.
So this will be a bit more "rigourous."
I have always thought the the One True Master did a far better job of dealing with the "saved by grace" [alone!] issue than what Shaul/Paul arguably may have made too complicated. (Although, I don't blame him - II Peter 3:15-16, as I have oft noted, puts the blame squarely where it properly lies.)
"If you love Me, keep My commandments." (John 14:15)
The logic is simple, obvious (once you shed the baggage!) and irrefutable:
IF (you are 'saved by grace', and choose that free gift, because of what I have done for you) and therefore "love Me," He said...
THEN: What? Keep My commandments. (Which? All of 'em. Did
He EVER say otherwise?!)
Uh, oh. See the order? You are Justified, or Earning, or Meriting - pick a word - Not ANYTHING. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. After all, it was pure 'grace' that Genesis chapter 3 didn't end with "and He smote them....The End."
And just what did the
tzadik Noach find? (He was the first use of that word in Scripture.)
It's just what that same guy, Paul, called your "reasonable service"* for what He has done, which was "unmerited favor."
Now, that is sufficient. But, since the baggage that so many carry (witness: "monogamy") is SO massive, let's try a logical contrast or two, just to bring it home.
Did He say, "If you keep My commands, THEN I will love YOU?" No.
Did He say, "If you keep My commands, THEN you will earn salvation?" No.
Did He say, "If you keep My commands, THEN you will be BLESSED." Actually, Yes.
Did He say, "If you prophesy - cast out demons - in the name of jesus, THEN You go to heaven. No. As a matter of fact, He said something QUITE different. (Matthew 7:21-23 again.)
Did He even say, "IF you say the Magic Prayer (which actually isn't even IN the Book)...THEN you never have to do anything I say ever again?" No to that one, too.
There's a pattern here. Hopefully it's clear.
* Romans 12:1 And keep reading. How do we KNOW what is
"good, acceptable, tamim, and His will?" Answer, He Wrote it down for us, 'changes NOT', and said His 'instruction' hasn't changed either.
Oh, and PS> Paul in that verse says our "
reasonable service" sounds a LOT more "rigorous," even Olde Testament-y than just honoring His moedim or not eating bacon. Some perspective might be helpful.