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2018 Summer Retreat & Conference News

Another weekend to quickly gone. Great fellowship long to be remembered yet quickly missed. It was awesome and I already miss it.
We had an awesome time, as usual at the retreat! It was the first for us to see the Amelang group all perform together on stage. What a blessing!

To be able to see old friends and meet lots of new friends was a joy, and it keeps adding more love to our family within BF. There was so much to share and not enough time! Good thing we have texting! On the road back home and still talking.

Blessings to you all until we meet again....
Got home laaaateee last night, then eleven hours at work today. Still, the whole time we were on the road home yesterday I was wondering what those who stayed until today were doing. I was jealous. Then, today, I was wondering and thinking about all those good folk on the road... some still.

Wonderful retreat. Many new friends. Especially fun and special to put faces and personalities with the handles of people I know here on the forum.

Abba was clearly present in the awesome worship led by the very talented Amelangs. And, he met us at our needs in the sharing and prayer times!

So blessed to be there and know you guys!!

When is the next one? Some of our crew already want to know!!
About how Murphy saved my life from the bear. That's 5 minutes in the penalty box for a wrong answer.
no the bear story, I haven't heard the referee story! I was afraid he would wake up the toddler in the house we stayed in Saturday night, he kept breaking out in laughter!!! then Kevin told him at breakfast the dog only weighed 30# he thought it was a hundred pound dog!!!
and now he is laughing even more! just a note this is good for his health! thanks Kevin!
"And a good time was had by all." Really enjoyed our time with everyone; our only regret is that there just aren't enough hours in a weekend retreat to spend as much time with everyone as we'd like. May God bless and keep everyone until we meet again!
It was a wonderful retreat especially since I didn't have to cook! Don't get me wrong, I love cooking for all of you but it was nice to have more time to talk and just listen to others for a change. Thank you to all who helped me make drinks and snacks possible, I really appreciated it. Also, a big thank you for all the ladies and teenagers who watched the younger kids. Praying that all were blessed!
Hopped on to post something in the Ladies Group but felt compelled to chime in regarding the brains and eggs. I'm a very adventurous eater. And I'm stubborn. And I don't like to waste food.

Yes, I ordered the brains and eggs. I didn't care much for the texture - a little too "soft" for this bacon-loving gal. I think I would have enjoyed it more with some onions and peppers and cheese mixed in. Oh. And bacon. Or just about any meat... Julie was kind enough to let me add some of her grits and Cheryl donated a part of her omelette so that helped. A little.

I ordered it.
I ate it all.
I probably won't order it again.

Ann and I both agree that the biscuits were heavenly, just FYI.

ANYWAY, enough about brains...

Had a wonderful time at the retreat! So honored to fellowship with and be counted among you.