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BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

Ugh...forgot which topic I was on. Can't believe I wrote a positive message about plural marriage where that nozzle might read it.

Maybe others will appreciate the practical positivity you shared. I do.

I appreciate my sisterwife and her influence in our family. The additional perspective and what another mother in the home could bring to family relationships was certainly part of the appeal for me.
Not gonna comment on the nookie thing publicly but I very much applaud the strive to be more part of the equation.

I can add an extra aspect for men...or perhaps it is just guys like me who are somewhat mentally and verbally hyperkenetic (or maybe spastic...hmmm)...it is so wonderful to have a new and hopefully smart woman to bounce ideas around with. To debate and analyze topics and share interests and discover things with her. Oh and to share stories and past experiences and interests.
Quick example. I am an intentional cultural luddite with soupçon of tech luddite (various reasons big enough for separate thread) so I enjoy antique malls, fleamarkets, steam shows especially if they have hit and miss engine category and lots of other activities where anachronistic objects or ideas are showcased.
Basically it is the amazing positive energy of sharing with a new partner....yeah yeah physically as well and that is amazing but not really a public topic...getting that exchange of energy as you mean about her fascination and you weave those new ties and strengthen bonds between you....it absolutely gives a new wife utility withing a family as we are speaking in practical terms. A new injection of her personal brand of energy and the print she makes upon the family. Ideally a super positive impact of course.

Early on I certainly recognize can be a struggle but in my own experience, both sides have to swing for the fences. The extant family needs to be warm and open as well as doing their best to not only get a new wife up to speed on how the family works but be open to ideas for the future. The new wife just has to put anxiety aside, roll up her sleeves and jump in. Learn about household routines and interpersonal dynamic and understand that this family may have Very different ways from whst you are used to.
Both sides need to remember this not about any of us personally but about the family and that there will be give and take, just it needs to be absolutely with good will towards each other.

This is not a new sort of arrangement for humans by the longest possible chalk. We have been living plyg-life since far before recorded time. It is natural for early issues but likeIi said... good eill and effort wins the day
Pastor Joel here would say that you are lying and that the only reason you think polygny is OK, is because you want more sex.
I scanned above a little to see what caused this comment, but didn't see what anyone said to bring about this reaction. But the thought occurred to me... "Is it WRONG to want more sex?" If so, I've been really, really, really, really (x 10,000) WRONG most of my adult life... NAY, ALL my adult life.
I scanned above a little to see what caused this comment, but didn't see what anyone said to bring about this reaction. But the thought occurred to me... "Is it WRONG to want more sex?" If so, I've been really, really, really, really (x 10,000) WRONG most of my adult life... NAY, ALL my adult life.
but these polygamists what we really need is some honesty from at least some of them
perhaps not all we need some honesty here and what
am I talking about well in at least one case I'm aware of I was being told about the
wonders of polygamy companionship for the wife and help around the house and all this kind
of stuff and the wife asked the husband what's in it for you come on man we know what's in it for
us and what I see again and again is these polygamist will say everything else but they will not say the one thing
that they're really all about and they'll s all sanctimonious and oh you know help around the house and you know
fill the Earth with people and companionship you know my wife needs compan yeah your wife needs companionship yeah with you as a husband
As you can see at the end of that snippet, he kind of expects the husband to fill the role of other women. I just posted a coment saying that all he is really doing, is brow beating men into becoming Beta males.
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Pastor Joel here would say that you are lying and that the only reason you think polygny is OK, is because you want more sex.

Don't accept that frame. Boinking more women is great:

Pastor Joel here would say that you are lying and that the only reason you think polygny is OK, is because you want more sex.
I wonder..... what kind of dance around argument Mr Joel would give me? I was the one who brought the idea up to my husband....and NOT because I wanted more sex or a new sex partner!!

It was always about more support for each other, and that is a benefit to the second wife too! My sisterwife has said she thinks the upside, especially for single moms, is not talked about enough in the polygyny world.
As you can see at the end of that snippet, he kind of expects the husband to fill the role of other women. I just posted a coment saying that all he is really doing, is brow beating men into becoming Beta males.
This is a problem in many marriages. Wives have unrealistic expectations of their husbands, expecting them to meet their emotional needs in ways that most men are just not equiped to do so.

I saw a video once of a woman that ran a matchmaking service ...then quit when she realized the list of "Must have" qualities these average women were looking for was literally impossible to fill. You want a "traditional man" you can NOT expect him to be all emotionally sensitive like your best female friends. Men that are that way are GAY!

Anyhow. No one with EXPERIENCE is at the mercy of someone with a mere opinion. Tucker Carlson thinks polygyny wouldn't work because the man wouldn't have incentive to resolve conflicts if he had another woman to run to.

Thank you for playing Tucker.

I can't speak for others, but in my short 26 months of living this way I can honestly say that if there is anything unresolved between a wife (most frequently me) and the husband, it is a problem for ALL OF US! ....especially our husband who feels a responsibility to the entire family to keep things running right.

Our happiness is connected. That means we WANT to support each other and see smiles on faces.
This isn't for everyone. BUT, for those that it actually appeals to, this is an AWESOME way to live!!

I love seeing my children love on and enjoy their baby sister....that is not even related to me by blood. I LOVE that little one as much as my own. I love her mama as much as any other member of my family.
This was and is my first choice for how to do the rest of my life.
Most people...and especially most women, DONT GET IT! They can in NO WAY relate to me.
I am so thankful that there was another woman in the world that is my kinda crazy....and loves the same man!
She is a walking, talking, real flesh and blood answer to the prayer of my heart.

So Mr Joel can pretend to understand what he obviously doesn't, but that will never actually increase his knowlege....or understanding.

Bit of advice for Mr Joel here...

In the translated words of the loved son of a man after God's own heart....(who had many wives)
Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Another bit of advice we all can reflect on at times.

It's better to be silent and thought a fool, then to speak up and remove all doubt!
I wonder..... what kind of dance around argument Mr Joel would give me? I was the one who brought the idea up to my husband....and NOT because I wanted more sex or a new sex partner!!
Yeah but see, in his mind, you were brainwashed. You didn't really want this! You somehow got talked into it by your husband.

It was always about more support for each other, and that is a benefit to the second wife too! My sisterwife has said she thinks the upside, especially for single moms, is not talked about enough in the polygyny world.

This is a problem in many marriages. Wives have unrealistic expectations of their husbands, expecting them to meet their emotional needs in ways that most men are just not equiped to do so.
As long as he can pretend that people like you don't really exist, he can get away with this.

I saw a video once of a woman that ran a matchmaking service ...then quit when she realized the list of "Must have" qualities these average women were looking for was literally impossible to fill. You want a "traditional man" you can NOT expect him to be all emotionally sensitive like your best female friends. Men that are that way are GAY!
I saw that one as well. The reality is that women have a wish list, but when they have feelings for a man, the list goes out the window. The problem with matchmaking services, is that they are too analytical, which works well for the men, but not so much for the women.

Anyhow. No one with EXPERIENCE is at the mercy of someone with a mere opinion. Tucker Carlson thinks polygyny wouldn't work because the man wouldn't have incentive to resolve conflicts if he had another woman to run to.
This stems from this misconseption that all marriages are supposed to have a little give and take.

Thank you for playing Tucker.

I can't speak for others, but in my short 26 months of living this way I can honestly say that if there is anything unresolved between a wife (most frequently me) and the husband, it is a problem for ALL OF US! ....especially our husband who feels a responsibility to the entire family to keep things running right.

Our happiness is connected. That means we WANT to support each other and see smiles on faces.
This isn't for everyone. BUT, for those that it actually appeals to, this is an AWESOME way to live!!
These are facts that blow the mind of feminized Christianity.

I love seeing my children love on and enjoy their baby sister....that is not even related to me by blood. I LOVE that little one as much as my own. I love her mama as much as any other member of my family.
This was and is my first choice for how to do the rest of my life.
Most people...and especially most women, DONT GET IT! They can in NO WAY relate to me.
I am so thankful that there was another woman in the world that is my kinda crazy....and loves the same man!
She is a walking, talking, real flesh and blood answer to the prayer of my heart.
Most men don't get it either. They will go all white knight on you and try to shame you for bringing it up, telling you that you are causing harm to your wife and kids.

So Mr Joel can pretend to understand what he obviously doesn't, but that will never actually increase his knowlege....or understanding.

Bit of advice for Mr Joel here...

In the translated words of the loved son of a man after God's own heart....(who had many wives)
Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Another bit of advice we all can reflect on at times.

It's better to be silent and thought a fool, then to speak up and remove all doubt!
Pastor Joel is among the know-it-alls who think that because they studied under some other great know-it-all that we are supposed to respect, that their version of the truth is "the plumbline of truth". I had a friend tell me that he learned under two such great men, but in so doing, he stated that they had differing views on dispensation. How funny! Obviously the two men he learned under couldn't both be correct, but he insists that they guided him with this purported plumbline.
Sorry, but you guy are talking like the - being kind - Pulpit Pimp actually CARES about Scripture, or what works, or what YHVH has to say about things.

In other words, as a friend once told me, "you're having an Attack of LOGIC!"

It won't work in this situation. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can "wipe the dust off your sandals as a witness against him."
Sorry, but you guy are talking like the - being kind - Pulpit Pimp actually CARES about Scripture, or what works, or what YHVH has to say about things.

In other words, as a friend once told me, "you're having an Attack of LOGIC!"

It won't work in this situation. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can "wipe the dust off your sandals as a witness against him."
That is called "Benefit of the doubt", and I do believe these pastors have merited that, but I know where you are coming from, and from your perspective, you don't. That is something we are always going to agree to disagree on.
Yeah but see, in his mind, you were brainwashed. You didn't really want this! You somehow got talked into it by your husband.
Commie mentality. You don't have right consciousness. Off course all you experience is illusion. Our path is light of truth.
As long as he can pretend that people like you don't really exist, he can get away with this.
Even if he seen her, he will still pretend she doesn't exist.

Their worldwiev is based on pretending reality doesn't exist. When something is part of every human culture, it's Lord design, not mistake.
I saw that one as well. The reality is that women have a wish list, but when they have feelings for a man, the list goes out the window. The problem with matchmaking services, is that they are too analytical, which works well for the men, but not so much for the women.
This stems from this misconseption that all marriages are supposed to have a little give and take.
There should be close balance in giving and taking. Otherwise, it wouldn't work.

Just give and take could be in form not expected by society.

These are facts that blow the mind of feminized Christianity.

Most men don't get it either. They will go all white knight on you and try to shame you for bringing it up, telling you that you are causing harm to your wife and kids.
Same as pure commies.

Pastor Joel is among the know-it-alls who think that because they studied under some other great know-it-all that we are supposed to respect, that their version of the truth is "the plumbline of truth". I had a friend tell me that he learned under two such great men, but in so doing, he stated that they had differing views on dispensation. How funny! Obviously the two men he learned under couldn't both be correct, but he insists that they guided him with this purported plumbline.
Sadly, curse of being expert. You can't thing, but you can repeat authority. And if authority says some gibberish, he muzt be truly great if we can't understand him. He must have said something special.
by the same logic he has to at least concede that the woman has the right to share her man with another woman if she chooses. Of course he isn't bound by logic.
Yes, indeed. And he contradicts himself so logic doesn't apply.

By the way he speaks, I get the impression his cultural biases have more authority than the plain truth of Scripture. No modern feminist woman in his church would tolerate a husband having more than one wife so Scripture must fit that bias.
By the way he speaks, I get the impression his cultural biases have more authority than the plain truth of Scripture.
These guys are convinced that the plain truth of scripture is on their side.
It just cannot be logical that everyone who came before them was wrong.
It’s also the intimidation factor, they must not go against what they were taught and what “everyone else that I know believes”.
He makes a big deal about the woman owning the man's body and uses that as a claim that the man no longer has the right to give it to another woman. If he really believes what he said there, then by the same logic he has to at least concede that the woman has the right to share her man with another woman if she chooses. Of course he isn't bound by logic.
Is he right that the Greek words match those used in the “own wife/own husband” verse? That seems like a big deal and another point for our side. If the husband owns the wife’s body in a different manner then the wife owns the husband’s body then we have another New Testament support for poly.
Yes, indeed. And he contradicts himself so logic doesn't apply.
Of course. "Special pleading" is by it's very definition a Logical Fallacy.

By the way he speaks, I get the impression his cultural biases have more authority than the plain truth of Scripture. No modern feminist woman in his church would tolerate a husband having more than one wife so Scripture must fit that bias.
Boy that would be a huge adission to make! I just sat down with a fellow the other day (same plumbline of truth guy whom I told to calm down as he was raising his voice at me), and got him to admit that he was adding to the Word of God, by asking him what Paul was talking about in Rom 7:2-3 and refuting his response. In response to me telling him that he added to God's Word, he literally said "I did".