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What we do now...two adjoining MBs, I move around a lot...

(We would ALL like a bigger kitchen - sadly, that's just not an option...)

I have a medium large kitchen but nothing like I want.
In fact, my notion is a living quarters in a polebarn with a bunkhouse style bedroom and a large commercial kitchen with room to run a single rail system for butchery and the large do dad's like good sized grinders and staffers as well as drying cabinets. Do all your bulk prep and preservation there along with not having to clutter up the garage with freezers tye way mine is currently.

I figure you want big strong sons, you feed them well. Seems to me that translates to the whole family.

Re the adjoining...hmm. would have thought the respective master bedrooms would be spaced as far apart as possible would be ideal would it not?
That was part of the motivation for choosing my current home.
would have thought the respective master bedrooms would be spaced as far apart as possible would be ideal would it not?

Yes. Here the only place I had for the sw was near a window wall on the other side of the children room. (They are 15yo), a halfway the house length from my fw room.

As for intimacy, it’s not the best with a window wall…even if I installed heavy curtains on both sides… so yes, ideally master bedrooms at a good distance from other wives rooms (and children) are good if they are of the shy kind. It’s not everybody who can tolerate the intimacy sounds…
Why not one master bedroom that is sound proof?

One thing I hate about many American houses is that they not very well acoustically dampened. I do not know why the typical american plumber is not capable of installing water lines that make no sound when water flows through them.
Why not one master bedroom that is sound proof?

One thing I hate about many American houses is that they not very well acoustically dampened. I do not know why the typical american plumber is not capable of installing water lines that make no sound when water flows through them.
Is your idea even legal?
Well, USA is way overregulated as Soviet Union.

So if something isn't done everywhere, maybe it's not incompetence, but something that forbidden by law.
Wait what, it is illegal to make quiet water pipes? :( You definitelay have them in other countries.
Something like Moroccan manor layout could work, which a large central area, with more private areas off to the sides. I loved Marrakesch!
Why not one master bedroom that is sound proof?

One thing I hate about many American houses is that they not very well acoustically dampened. I do not know why the typical american plumber is not capable of installing water lines that make no sound when water flows through them.
So in the one one master bedroom scenario, do you mean that the husband would have the master and the wives share a room when not during her day(s) or week with the husband or am I just being thick?

Re sound insulation, my guess would be that it is not apt to be an option when one is available when buying a new house in a new neighborhood and choosing from the various cookie cutter houses and your list of various options.

When you are buying a used home built in the last quarter century or so then they are apt to fit thst same basic pattern.
So it in large part i believe will be profit driven and just one of many cost cutting measures so that tonnes of homes or multi unit apartments can be cranked out as fast as possible.
Plus I don't imagine that most people have the knowledge or forth-thought to consider it at the time of choosing their cookie cutter home.

Personally I like the idea if/when I build in the future but then I have some other notions with respect to materials which would partially if not entirely mitigate the need for more sound dampening material between the studs.
So in the one one master bedroom scenario, do you mean that the husband would have the master and the wives share a room when not during her day(s) or week with the husband or am I just being thick?
I thought one (sound proof or off to the side) master bedroom where the wives can visit the husband. Each wife can then also have her own bedroom, but they can be side be side no need to worry about "sound."
Something like Moroccan manor layout could work, which a large central area, with more private areas off to the sides. I loved Marrakesch!

I have often liked the idea of a large Romanesque style home with a significant interior courtyard.
Several different notions really from several styles I have thought might work for years, other than the square home where master bedrooms are on opposite sides, I always like the idea of multiple wings. Then with the right resources, many things are possible.

In re Moroccan Manner, give us an example?
I thought one (sound proof or off to the side) master bedroom where the wives can visit the husband. Each wife can then also have her own bedroom, but they can be side be side no need to worry about "sound."
Ah, fair enough. So not a ladies bunkroom so to speak
I have never been fond of the bunkroon motion as closet space can be a problem very quickly and I have always thought that ones own space is important so that one can have an occasional retreat.

I would feel odd with the only master being just mine as it were.
I can see the psychological utility of it and reinforcing the whole power dynamic thing which can be necessary on occasion.
I just don't tend to put myself first in the family. Everyone else comes before me.

I would not mind a finished out larger shed or microhome with amenities like air conditioning and room for one of my nicer Persian rugs, a good chair and a bookcase etc though as a proverbial harmony hut. Beyond that I am not overly concerned about a space that is exclusively mine. The home is mine, the wives are mine and the children are mine. I don't need to remind myself with a grander room.

Then again, it is a resource thing. Some people make due with a lot less out of necessity.
Making it work is the only important thing.
Search for Riad Marrakech, though most that come up will be multi million $ ones. Basically a center courtyard, usually with a central water feature, with grennery, with one or several stories around it.
Search for Riad Marrakech, though most that come up will be multi million $ ones. Basically a center courtyard, usually with a central water feature, with grennery, with one or several stories around it.

Gotcha. That is more or less what I was assuming it would be ie similar to the Romanesque style I had in mind but different texture from the use of plaster or stucco and a different colour pallette sort of a thing.

Lots of advantages to the style, especially in the warmer climates.
I have thought for a water feature that one of the swimming in place lap pools which can be a hotter for 10-15 people would be nice. So long as you could make it esthetically pleasing
I'm currently building a house with a center courtyard though it will only be enclosed on three sides. The fourth side is 200' of elevation drop that is being terraced into solar panels, garden, vineyard, and orchard. It's currently a beautiful view from the center of the house facing the hill.
I'm currently building a house with a center courtyard though it will only be enclosed on three sides. The fourth side is 200' of elevation drop that is being terraced into solar panels, garden, vineyard, and orchard. It's currently a beautiful view from the center of the house facing the hill.
Terracing a garden is nice, though it comes with unique challenges.

I love solar panels. My parents have enough solar power that the entire operation is solar powered including two electric cars. The problem is storing it. The house generates more power then is used, however we still need grid hockup since while we have an excess in energy in NOV, DEC, JAN, FEB there is a lull. The house does have a 12 KWh (usable) battery but that only gets you so far. It would be great to use the cars batteries as a storage when hooked up to the house, but neither supports that. Plus in the USA bi-directional AC charging is currently closed eco-system only.

The house is set to usually only allow the electric cars to charge to 30% (since that is sufficient for daily driving) it allows up to 80% if excess solar is available.
I love solar panels. My parents have enough solar power that the entire operation is solar powered including two electric cars. The problem is storing it. The house generates more power then is used, however we still need grid hockup since while we have an excess in energy in NOV, DEC, JAN, FEB there is a lull. The house does have a 12 KWh (usable) battery but that only gets you so far. It would be great to use the cars batteries as a storage when hooked up to the house, but neither supports that. Plus in the USA bi-directional AC charging is currently closed eco-system only.

The house is set to usually only allow the electric cars to charge to 30% (since that is sufficient for daily driving) it allows up to 80% if excess solar is available.
Our solar system is a hybrid, and we send excess production to the grid off part of it. There is sufficient generation and storage for charging an EV. We haven't had an electricity bill all this year, so the ROI is probably about 4 years.
i do not know why solar is not more popular. Ok the initial cost is there, but I think many people are just fundamentally opposed to irrational reasons. Something, something solar power is liberal or some rubbish.
I'm currently building a house with a center courtyard though it will only be enclosed on three sides. The fourth side is 200' of elevation drop that is being terraced into solar panels, garden, vineyard, and orchard. It's currently a beautiful view from the center of the house facing the hill.

Sounds nice