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Community Poll about Man Caves

Do you have or would you want a man cave?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
In my opinion, a man cave is for males who don't have the balls to stand up to their wives and say NO, we're not going to do that. For instance, my wife loves elephants and I don't mind some of her elephant stuff, but NO we are not going to have an elephant theme. I know that is a harsh saying, but it is true, women run the house. Your house is either your domain that your woman gets to share with you or it's her domain and you get a little tiny man cave. Now don't get me wrong I love my woman's touch in my house, my woman helps me complete my house and when we lived in a bigger house @Proverbs3.5 helped me pick colors for some of the rooms, but now in our 275 square foot home, it is just white with white cedar trim inside.
I think there may be some of the not wanting to stand up but I imagine most is escapism.

I am not a sports bro, a video gamer or golfer etc or any any other get away from wife and family type of hobbiest. Prefer home and family.
I like to shoot which would qualify but happily my wife likes it also so we can share the hobby.
I just get the vibe that in our modern world where both men and women are outside of our evolutionary niche and by extension really unhappy. Guys are listless and unsatisfied because they have no mission, no crusade, no big challenges to overcome. No meaning in their lives.
Figure if you are unhappy, you will try to escape to silly fantasy world or useless pursuits.
Rephrasing the question, how many men here have intentionally masculine furnishings in their home?
Our home is furnished with whatever does the job, physically fits in the available space, and happened to be for sale at auction when we needed something to fill that space and do that job. Personally, I think that is a very masculine approach to furnishing, although the result does look somewhat eclectic. :)
Four years ago I embarked on a garage extension as I have a classic car I was restoring and needed a clean clear space to do the work involved in. I’d tried using a space away but it wasn’t very time efficient, I spent more time coming and going than working. I decided the garage would more than double in size to accommodate everything I wanted.
I thought I would have man cave in part, I’ve got Bluetooth stereo ,big screen tv , internet , an old safe for storing wine( I have problems keeping wine in it as we keep drinking it:rolleyes:), it’s carpeted in my main working area. It’s large enough to store three cars and a boat. It has an upstairs bedroom for eldest son and downstairs bathroom (not yet finished).
I thought It would be an awesome space I’d hang out in and I did spend long nights out there working on the car. But I’ve now finished the car and I like to protect it a little but as a rule the space has become a utility area for any other other projects on the go and I don’t spend near as much time in there as I did.
Most of the time I’d rather be in the house. Almost anything I could do in my garage I can do in the house if I so please.
My daughter is doing an arts degree and needed space for an assignment project so we just pushed one of the cars out and she used what space she needed for that time.
The younger boys go out there and build a mess now and then and I’m happy they feel they can , although I don’t like stuff just left because they are to lazy to put away.
I feel I’ve let the man cave team down as Its really not a shrine to some hobbies or me , it’s not an exclusive area. It’s just another part of the house that serves a more diverse function being studio workshop garage.
I guess the principal difference is I will make reasonable compromise on things with my wife in the house.
I’m less likely to compromise in the workshop / space, if I leave stuff half done I can come back in a week and it won’t be shifted or reorganised because the space is not lived in every day.
It's not hard. This is the recipe that I use: https://blog.growandbehold.com/recipes/how-to-make-homemade-lamb-bacon/
I use mutton instead of lamb, but it's the same thing. I don't smoke it because we don't have a smoker, so instead I just slow cook it in our bottom oven for a few hours. Sometimes I add smoked paprika to the curing mix to add some smokey flavour.
Pete has done a video on how he makes beef bacon

This is getting away from man caves.... uh... so, eat the beef/mutton bacon in the man cave (or whole house lol) I guess?
I finally took some of my less cool axes out to the shed. I’m down to a dozen or so in the house now. As long as you don’t count the ones on the walls of the living room…..

And do AR-15s count as decorative?
Mutton bacon! That Samuel killed and I cured - in the kitchen - in my 'woman cave'.
You beat me to it as I was going to remark on that as well. My route is brisket bacon for the one Muslim convert in the family...I am fond of pork bacon and both make and buy a goodly amount. The brisket bacon, especially if you do a nice long dry age...call it 30 days, it comes out great.
It's not hard. This is the recipe that I use: https://blog.growandbehold.com/recipes/how-to-make-homemade-lamb-bacon/
I use mutton instead of lamb, but it's the same thing. I don't smoke it because we don't have a smoker, so instead I just slow cook it in our bottom oven for a few hours. Sometimes I add smoked paprika to the curing mix to add some smokey flavour.
Pete has done a video on how he makes beef bacon

This is getting away from man caves.... uh... so, eat the beef/mutton bacon in the man cave (or whole house lol) I guess?
Double beat me to it
Or even worse: they will demand half of house. What a disaster.

Can you imagine having three wives. You would be having minus half house. 😉
Came within a gnats breath of three at one point and to be honest, I don't know that it would have made as much difference to me with respect to the my space part of the equation...every other aspect of life? Uhm...yeah, big time.
I see it as my house and that the ladies have their individual rooms and spaces. Trying to give them their niche I think is important to family harmony. Some in the family will have areas that become their particular domains whether shared or not. Kitchen, sewing room, office...and if there are any type A ultra organized ladies who have a desperate need to put things in order...there is someone in need of a partner out in the garage. You could learn to wrench on cars and look cute in grubbies with a bit of oil smeared on your cheek...
Anyway, silly diversions aside, if my home is full to bursting with wives and children, I don't particularly care about my space as such. In that circumstance, I don't consider myself as even having a bedroom. The ladies rooms are also mine. That seems sufficient
Came within a gnats breath of three at one point and to be honest, I don't know that it would have made as much difference to me with respect to the my space part of the equation...every other aspect of life? Uhm...yeah, big time.
I see it as my house and that the ladies have their individual rooms and spaces. Trying to give them their niche I think is important to family harmony. Some in the family will have areas that become their particular domains whether shared or not. Kitchen, sewing room, office...and if there are any type A ultra organized ladies who have a desperate need to put things in order...there is someone in need of a partner out in the garage. You could learn to wrench on cars and look cute in grubbies with a bit of oil smeared on your cheek...
Anyway, silly diversions aside, if my home is full to bursting with wives and children, I don't particularly care about my space as such. In that circumstance, I don't consider myself as even having a bedroom. The ladies rooms are also mine. That seems sufficient
I was joking with @FollowingHim2 and @Asforme&myhouse.

Sometimes people don't get a joke.
I'm just now seeing this. I had to take a little break from the forums.

What I was rather poorly attempting to convey was that there's absolutely nothing wrong with having a man cave designated area; sometimes it's necessary and even safer that way with children around. It shouldn't be a hit to the male ego to have such a space, and asserting authority over the home in response to such a specific question, is a strange thing to flex over.

My reference to "decorating" was to the fact that the OP specifically asked for decorating ideas for the man cave. I found it funny that men were so eager to call the home theirs rather quickly when it came to a subject that is primarily female-centered.
I'm just now seeing this. I had to take a little break from the forums.

What I was rather poorly attempting to convey was that there's absolutely nothing wrong with having a man cave designated area; sometimes it's necessary and even safer that way with children around. It shouldn't be a hit to the male ego to have such a space, and asserting authority over the home in response to such a specific question, is a strange thing to flex over.

My reference to "decorating" was to the fact that the OP specifically asked for decorating ideas for the man cave. I found it funny that men were so eager to call the home theirs rather quickly when it came to a subject that is primarily female-centered.
Break from this forum?
But we are cuddly and delightful

Probably should be a man's area of some kind. To my mind the important thing is that it should not be a place like in the trope of men having a shed in the back garden in England. Where the men are attempting to escape their wives. No thanks.
Same goes for the idea of it being a place where it is just a location to indulge in perceived lost activities from their youth that either a wife is not interested in or the husband feels like they can't share.
Personally I am only so big on the notion of a man cave.
Without going back and reviewing my own remarks, I think I said I would be fine with a comfortable chair out in the pole barn where I could smoke a cigar out of doors and just get my smooth back or have some quiet...my preference being for a large happy loud and boisterous family.

Tue decorating thing I think is a bit of a trope as well. Where woman are the only one who gets to decorate and the man stands by sourly and is seen as slightly emasculated. An entertainment and pop culture manipulation to my mind.
My wife and I happily have pretty much the same tastes and so there has never been any friction.
To me, if a lot of guys simply refuse to participate or give input then don't be surprised if they are not happy with the result.
I figure you are joined at the hip going forward, they should work together on pretty .ugh everything