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Do you think there will be an increase of polygyny in Ukraine and Russia following the war?

Well, my husband is a detective
You left out the word "private," dear. Try not to get me arrested for impersonating an officer of the law. ;)

If that surprises you, then you should probably read Megan Basham's new book about "Shepherds for sale".
Hear, hear! I can't recommend this enough. This one is almost as damning to the Post-modern Left as "Jesus and John Wayne" is to the supposedly "Christian" Right.

(who I suppose we'd call "concubines" in Biblical parlance but I won't open that can of worms; I've seen how long the debates here have been on that subject:oops:).
...I feel like I missed a very important conversation here. Or perhaps several.
Probably more women going into a life of prostitution too. 😟

The harm caused by the "monogamy only" lie is great.
Many women have are already gone into "OnlyFans" which is pornography/prostution. Some hard core radical feminist equate marriage to slavery. So, many of the secular women prefer "sex work" to marriage and see it as an honorable trade. Promiscuity and divorce is one of the tenets put forth by people like Gloria Steinam's to destroy the patriarchy back in the 70s. Which is why abortion is held so sacred. A bunch of children is bad for the cause.
Many women have are already gone into "OnlyFans" which is pornography/prostution.
True. And there is also a huge influx of Russian war widows advertising themselves on mail-order-bride websites, flinging themselves at lonely middle-class Western men who either can't win a woman over and thus choose to buy one instead, or who actually WOULD make decent husbands but haven't found a woman in the West worth the effort (either one is the same to a Russubus, as long as he's single and can sponsor a visa and support her vanity). This, in turn, exacerbates the number of embittered single women in the West who blame "The Patriarchy" for the fact that men are not beating down their door and fighting over 300 pound misandrists.

Strangely enough, I see Ukraine being a more likely place for polygyny to become accepted. It's old-fashioned enough that it's still Patriarchal, but liberalized enough that "Traditional" (read 'Catholic') definitions of marriage aren't so unshakeable anymore, in contrast with Russia where the Orc-thodox Church (with their former KGB Pontiff who preaches occultist Shaman Aleksandr Dugin right from the pulpit) holds the same sway over the State that the Catholics did over the Holy Roman Empire.
(either one is the same to a Russubus, as long as he's single and can sponsor a visa and support her vanity).
Russia where the Orc-thodox Church (with their former KGB Pontiff who preaches occultist Shaman Aleksandr Dugin right from the pulpit) holds the same sway over the State that the Catholics did over the Holy Roman Empire.
"Russubus"... "Orc-thodox Church"...
Don't sugar coat it, darling. Tell us all how you really feel about the place.;)
True. And there is also a huge influx of Russian war widows advertising themselves on mail-order-bride websites, flinging themselves at lonely middle-class Western men who either can't win a woman over and thus choose to buy one instead, or who actually WOULD make decent husbands but haven't found a woman in the West worth the effort (either one is the same to a Russubus, as long as he's single and can sponsor a visa and support her vanity). This, in turn, exacerbates the number of embittered single women in the West who blame "The Patriarchy" for the fact that men are not beating down their door and fighting over 300 pound misandrists.

Strangely enough, I see Ukraine being a more likely place for polygyny to become accepted. It's old-fashioned enough that it's still Patriarchal, but liberalized enough that "Traditional" (read 'Catholic') definitions of marriage aren't so unshakeable anymore, in contrast with Russia where the Orc-thodox Church (with their former KGB Pontiff who preaches occultist Shaman Aleksandr Dugin right from the pulpit) holds the same sway over the State that the Catholics did over the Holy Roman Empire.
I think that polygyny is a good option for them but unfortunately for many women on the earth it is not an option that is even on the table. It is an area that has been dominated by Catholic monogamy only doctrine for generations. I am sure that are some who would consider it.
"Russubus"... "Orc-thodox Church"...
Don't sugar coat it, darling. Tell us all how you really feel about the place.;)

FYI, I am also not a fan of the Russian rapists and murderers. To me they're just latter day Philistines.
I was wondering why the age for conscription in the Ukrainian military was so high. They reduced it from 27 to 25 last April.
I learned today that they are leaving the younger ones in order to be husbands when rebuilding the country.
The young bucks will definitely need polygyny to cover all of the women.