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Do you think there will be an increase of polygyny in Ukraine and Russia following the war?

Probably not. Culture says it’s wrong so there probably will not be a big increase in it. Most people do not want to rock the boat and go against culture and society. So yeah, there will be a lot of widows and orphans.

In the US, the government has replaced men as heads of households and fathers to orphans. I do not know if Ukraine will become the same, but here poor and widowed women look to the federal government for help.
And that's the way the government wants it they want to be Daddy,children and wives need a father and the master
There is still hope. Here is historical precedent.

Paraguay was forced to allow polygyny even if only for one generation.
Yep i lived down there in the 60s to mid 70s Paraguay was decimated by a dictator who tried to take over all of South America , there were 7 women to 1 man at the end of the war , and women were very submissive and were happy to share a man with other women.
It's most famous war in South America.

Paraguay tried very hard to be Prussia of South America. They lost 90% male population.

Wonder will Ukraine beat them. Both are disasters.
That's not a very hopeful hope. 😳

I hope that Ukraine doesn't let 90% of her men die.

That war was insane, tiny Paraguay fighting alone against allied Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.

That was a good find on your part. 👍
Is it impossible for a talking point to be true?

Do you believe the Ukrainians want to commit national and ethnic suicide by defending themselves from the Russians? Do you really think that some nebulous group of dastardly 'Neocons' manipulated Russian into starting a quagmire of a war in Ukraine?

In any case, the parroting of a Russian talking point is the parroting of a Russian talking point.
Do you believe the Ukrainians want to commit national and ethnic suicide by defending themselves from the Russians?
Do I think that they want to? Of course not.
But that is the path that they are on.
Do you really think that some nebulous group of dastardly 'Neocons' manipulated Russian into starting a quagmire of a war in Ukraine?
I definitely think that the situation was manipulated by forces other than just Russia and Ukraine.

That it is a Russian talking point has zero bearing on the possibility that it is true.
I definitely think that the situation was manipulated by forces other than just Russia and Ukraine.
Off course it was. Make world safe for democracy is slogan of US politicians.

And how exactly will they make world safe? By invading everybody not compliant. And politicans supporting this aren't going to stay on side when there is opportunity for proxy war.

EDIT: Spelling
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The atrocity the user claims to have witnessed has been investigated by staff and found to be a lie.
We've had a lot of heated discussions regarding the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Regardless of our views on the subject, many thousands of men are losing their lives in the conflict. The horror and tragedy of this senseless war is overwhelming.

A lot of children are being orphaned and women being widowed. Other women are losing the men that they would have married in the future.

I wonder what will come of it all. I'm sure some will live as uncovered women. That is harmful for their society. Other women will leave the country to marry outside men. That also has a negative impact on their society.

They probably should embrace polygyny.

Let me preface this by saying I lived in Kharkiv until the Russian Army destroyed the school I built and murdered every student inside, and my betrothed third wife is Ukkrainian while her first cousins live in Ekaterinburg, Russia, so my perspective on this is a bit unique.
That said...The first thing to increase will be Mail-Order Brides. In Ukraine this has already happened ("dating" sites that exploit the tragedy by pairing Ukrainian women with husbands (or rather with purchasers) in the West, are already booming. In Russia, there's already been an increase in "underground polygyny," and the government is taking steps that are making it basically legal for the wealthy but not for the common man. Essentially, they have created a civil status that affords SOME of the legal protections of marriage, and this status is not limited to one partner, but the license for it is priced at a quarter million USD per license. With the average income in Russia being even lower than the Philippines, do the Math.

If the State decides polygyny is the best solution for their population crisis (which was already critical even before they lost 400K men in the war, another million and a half from Covid and had half a million flee the country), then the Russian Orthodox Church will be ordered by the State to find a way to make it doctrinally accessible. As the Russian Orthodox Church has never been a religious organization but has aways been in fact a tool of the Russian State, they will not object.
In Russia, there's already been an increase in "underground polygyny," and the government is taking steps that are making it basically legal for the wealthy but not for the common man. Essentially, they have created a civil status that affords SOME of the legal protections of marriage, and this status is not limited to one partner, but the license for it is priced at a quarter million USD per license. With the average income in Russia being even lower than the Philippines, do the Math.
Now that is very interesting. Can you share a link to somewhere with more information on that?
If the State decides polygyny is the best solution for their population crisis (which was already critical even before they lost 400K men in the war, another million and a half from Covid and had half a million flee the country), then the Russian Orthodox Church will be ordered by the State to find a way to make it doctrinally accessible. As the Russian Orthodox Church has never been a religious organization but has aways been in fact a tool of the Russian State, they will not object.
Same would go for Ukraine - the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been separated from Moscow for political reasons, is also controlled by the Ukrainian state, and could be given the same order if they deem it necessary.

I doubt that will actually happen in either country though. These days people don't value marriage as highly as they did in the past, and marriage is seen as a religious thing that isn't necessary. The governments are highly likely to turn a blind eye to multiple de-facto partnerships, maybe even pass laws to smooth out legal problems for them in the name of "preventing discrimination", never actually mentioning polygamy at all, but the effect being to make unofficial polygamy more workable.
Is it impossible for a talking point to be true?
Yes, it is.
And I'm aware I'm going off-topic here but I see so much misinformation, disinformation and outright ignorant bovine excrement here in America regarding Ukraine (almost universally coming from those who profess to be Christians while making excuses for slaughter) that I can't hold my tongue on this point, partly because as an educator it is my duty to dispel falsehood when I see it and partly to defend the honor of my betrothed's homeland, a land I'm proud to have fought for, the greatest country it has ever been my honor and privilege to live in: The Republic of Ukraine.
Your entire argument of "neocons want to fight to the last Ukrainian" hinges upon the assumption that the Ukrainians do not desire to resist Russia and are only doing so at the behest of America. Anyone laboring under such a delusion has never spoken to a Ukrainian, and uttering this view in the presence of a Ukrainian is a fine way to unburden oneself of a few teeth, the hard way. As one who lived there, on the Russian border, let me make this simple. Every, single, Ukrainian, without exception, has an immediate family member who was killed by Russia and at least five ancestors within the past two hundred years who were killed under Russian occupation. They're quite aware that allowing Russia to take over will equal their extinction, and in the years I lived there I never met a Ukrainian who counted themselves as "brethren" with Russia any more than you'd find an Israeli who considers themselves "brethren" with Iran. Russia's own State Duma has openly and casually bandied about the notion of "cleansing" Ukraine of its population more than 52 times since 2010, and need we mention the two times when Soviet Russia openly tried to do so?
With that said, Ukraine's losses so far are half of Russia's (and to anyone thinking otherwise then I ask you to tell me who you think the ones are who are still slaughtering Russian troops at a rate of 800+ per day). They're not going to lose 90% of their male population by fighting. They WOULD lose that, however, by not fighting.

I'll go a step further by saying that if anyone who professes to be a follower of Christ and is not calling for Ukraine to be given the means to defend their lives and homes against Russia, who has openly declared its Hamanite intentions toward them and has bragged about the slaughter of innocents (and don't try to tell me they haven't; I speak Russian and I see it every day on their own social media), then I counsel that person to contact me as Christ's Return draws nigh, because my in-laws in the Philippines own a Catamaran, a Millstone and plenty of rope. All of the above will be of interest to such a person on that day.
Now that is very interesting. Can you share a link to somewhere with more information on that?

Same would go for Ukraine - the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been separated from Moscow for political reasons, is also controlled by the Ukrainian state, and could be given the same order if they deem it necessary.

I doubt that will actually happen in either country though. These days people don't value marriage as highly as they did in the past, and marriage is seen as a religious thing that isn't necessary. The governments are highly likely to turn a blind eye to multiple de-facto partnerships, maybe even pass laws to smooth out legal problems for them in the name of "preventing discrimination", never actually mentioning polygamy at all, but the effect being to make unofficial polygamy more workable.
Regarding the Ukrainian Orthodox Church that's true, but the difference is that the Ukrainian Church doesn't hold sway over the population, while the Russian Orthodox Church does. Regarding the links to the information about Russia I'll have to look through my Telegram feed and see if the links are still there (and even then they'll be in Russian so I don't know how useful they are to anyone here). Regarding the governments being likely to turn a blind-eye to multiple de facto partnerships, well... That's true enough.
Regarding the governments being likely to turn a blind-eye to multiple de facto partnerships, well... That's true enough.
That's how the law and culture has gone here (I'm in New Zealand). Most couples here don't even bother to get legally married any more, and the law is such that de-facto relationships that have existed for three years are essentially equal in the law to a legal marriage, for all practical purposes. Which incidentally means legal recognition of de-facto polygamy without explicitly making a law to recognise polygamy. I know things have not yet gone that far in many other countries, but on this matter I think our law is indicative of the direction that the West as a whole is moving in. We tend to be a testing-ground for this sort of thing - like California is also.
That's how the law and culture has gone here (I'm in New Zealand). Most couples here don't even bother to get legally married any more, and the law is such that de-facto relationships that have existed for three years are essentially equal in the law to a legal marriage, for all practical purposes. Which incidentally means legal recognition of de-facto polygamy without explicitly making a law to recognise polygamy. I know things have not yet gone that far in many other countries, but on this matter I think our law is indicative of the direction that the West as a whole is moving in. We tend to be a testing-ground for this sort of thing - like California is also.
This is much more an indication of cultural rot (and even deliberate top down cultural destruction) than any sort of positive trend towards Biblical family law.
We may gain de facto polygyny, but marriage and family in general have been greatly harmed.

Leviathan seeks societal atomization to better facilitate tyranny.
This is much more an indication of cultural rot (and even deliberate top down cultural destruction) than any sort of positive trend towards Biblical family law.
We may gain de facto polygyny, but marriage and family in general have been greatly harmed.
I don't disagree with the statement that this is a symptom of cultural rot, but considering that the culture that's rotting is the Greco-Roman goddess-worshipping culture that first conceived of enforced monogamy, it can be useful. Cultural rot of the Medean-Persian Empire led Artaxerxes to question the teachings of his fathers and let numerous captive groups, including the Israelites, return home. I'm not saying "it's alright if the entire concept of Biblical Family is destroyed as long as we can have more wives." I'm saying, trying to box the world isn't working. Why not learn to use judo (which uses an enemy's own momentum against him) instead?
If a worldly trend toward polyamory is going to create ripples that allow Patriarchal Polygyny in its wake, then breathe a sigh of relief that we no longer have to repeat Abraham's folly and say "she's my sister" of all our wives except one. The world around us will be perverse and corrupt but let's be real: in what age has it ever not been so?