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Does a single woman always need her father’s approval to marry?

I have heard the case made that a woman who lives in a man's house is potentially his in the larger sense. Sometimes there's a ceremony to mark the occasion and to have witnesses who can attest that the relationship was consensual. Sometimes it can be the simple fact of a man deciding that a woman who lives in his house is also his woman.

In some states and countries courts have decided that a civil union exists if people have been living together in a marriage like situation for an extended time. Would have to be years however. This causes issues when it comes to things like medical costs and who is liable.
Geographic mobility is better way to avoid societal collapse than homesteading.

So...being a gypsy?
If so then no. Hard disagree.

Not a Gypsy no, but it is useful to have citizenship in multiple countries to give you options. Your geographic mobility also increases if you have a PhD or Master of Science/Engineering etc, since most countries would welcome you with open arms.
The only thing that has prevented me from coming out and openly saying come on over for a couple weeks or the rest of the century is the whole immigration issue if one is from a visa waiver country.
Which is a very valid point. Historically, that has been cause for INS/BigBro to intrude, and demand to see 'licenses,' etc.

Whereas if the situation involved a set of 22 year-old male special forces invaders in a live-in setup - you'd doubtless be good to go.
In some states and countries courts have decided that a civil union exists if people have been living together in a marriage like situation for an extended time.
Actually, 'extended time' is just one of the traps.

In many states (one is too many) - if either (or any) person admits to a 'sexual relationship' at some point, they will then claim jurisdiction. Especially for "domestic violence," (which no longer need include any actual, threatened, or even potential 'violence') and 'red flag' confiscation (of the only property actually specifically constitutionally-enumerated against such.)
I don't know of any situation biblically where, once the union has been agreed upon by the father and the young man, and then consummated by the man and woman, a father of the now wife would have a leg to stand on in breaking up that union(?) If the father of the girl has given her to the man, that woman is no longer under the authority of her father but the man to whom the father gave her. That's why it is the husband who has the right to divorce the wife - because she is his wife. The father can't divorce the woman from her husband. Maybe I've missed your point somewhere, so help me out if this is totally off. Cheers
Not a Gypsy no, but it is useful to have citizenship in multiple countries to give you options. Your geographic mobility also increases if you have a PhD or Master of Science/Engineering etc, since most countries would welcome you with open arms.

That sort of mobility I would not dispute.

Just the broad brush of being mobile over working towards self sufficiency in one location doesn't compute to me when thinking in terms of a family with potential nippers etc.
Actually, 'extended time' is just one of the traps.

In many states (one is too many) - if either (or any) person admits to a 'sexual relationship' at some point, they will then claim jurisdiction. Especially for "domestic violence," (which no longer need include any actual, threatened, or even potential 'violence') and 'red flag' confiscation (of the only property actually specifically constitutionally-enumerated against such.)

In some cases yes it is a trap. On the other hand there are many situations with a man and a woman are living together where they SHOULD be married, they just chose not to. In that case I can see why society would view them as married.
In some cases yes it is a trap. On the other hand there are many situations with a man and a woman are living together where they SHOULD be married, they just chose not to. In that case I can see why society would view them as married.
Another one of those place where "much discussion."

I contend that they ARE married, generally as soon as "insert tab A in slot B." Others here disagree - at length... ;)

BUT - a 'license' from some State does not a marriage make.* Jurisdiction, they will claim. And they do whatever they can to try to claim that anyway.

The goal, IMHO, is not to serve "another master," especially when that fake tries to redefine marriage into what YHVH calls "abomination," and prohibit what He prescribes.

* As frequently noted, there is no place - and I repeat NO PLACE EVER in Scripture - where ANY man of YHVH ever asks "permission" from some king, pharaoh, pope, potentate, or pretender to 'marry'.
In some cases yes it is a trap. On the other hand there are many situations with a man and a woman are living together where they SHOULD be married, they just chose not to. In that case I can see why society would view them as married.
And that is usually the case, hence those laws. The problems with them are just details about how they are drafted which unintentionally catch flatmates in some circumstances. The intent is to recognise every relationship that we would class as a marriage. So they're not evil, the intention is good, just flawed as they were written by humans (and the bigger the committee that wrote them, the dumber they'll be, as the larger the crowd the lower its intelligence...).
Having multiple passports and multiple residencies isn't crime.

Although being married to different women for each state would be interesting legal situation.

All too aware but that is not what you said. IF That is what you meant then it is not what I understood.
I agree about the utility of multiple passports. Also accumulation of enough resources that you can beat feet if the need arrives.

At the same time, where is better currently?
All too aware but that is not what you said. IF That is what you meant then it is not what I understood.
I agree about the utility of multiple passports. Also accumulation of enough resources that you can beat feet if the need arrives.

At the same time, where is better currently?
I consider South Africa best place for survival of West civilization simply because Boers knew they can't retreat, state power is breaking down and they are building.
I consider South Africa best place for survival of West civilization simply because Boers knew they can't retreat, state power is breaking down and they are building.

Bloody hell!
Not making fun of you but legitimately not sure if you are being serious or farcical.

I have a friend over there who is quite bright and a political animal. As I am very much a political animal and stuck with an annoying amount of curiosity, I quiz her constantly about things.
The Boer as she portays them to me are fatalistic in the extreme and assume it is just a matter of time.

Another friend who is an expat living a couple counties from me says he just overtly doesn't like to think about it because he assumes that all who can not get out are just awaiting the collapse and genocide.

Ugh...now I am reminded that I have boarwurst on my sausage making schedule and I have not gotten to it yet like a lazy hippy.
Bloody hell!
Not making fun of you but legitimately not sure if you are being serious or farcical.

I have a friend over there who is quite bright and a political animal. As I am very much a political animal and stuck with an annoying amount of curiosity, I quiz her constantly about things.
The Boer as she portays them to me are fatalistic in the extreme and assume it is just a matter of time.

Another friend who is an expat living a couple counties from me says he just overtly doesn't like to think about it because he assumes that all who can not get out are just awaiting the collapse and genocide.

Ugh...now I am reminded that I have boarwurst on my sausage making schedule and I have not gotten to it yet like a lazy hippy.
This guy:

It's not every Boer, but those around Afriforum. These guys are starting private university in what is for Western civilization behind enemies lines.

Many of us will finish in same situation. We need to learn from them.

Brits are from this week also officially behind enemy lines.
I consider South Africa best place for survival of West civilization simply because Boers knew they can't retreat, state power is breaking down and they are building.
Places in Africa like Kenya are going back to embracing polygyny - as long as the man can provide and is capable.

They were much closer aligned with the Creator's Instructions until Western Christian values influenced their culture. But unlike christianity - they saw the destruction forced monogamy brought (divorces, single mothers raising children, mistresses on the side); and they turned back. Some people are too prideful to admit they are wrong. Others are more meek.
Places in Africa like Kenya are going back to embracing polygyny - as long as the man can provide and is capable.

They were much closer aligned with the Creator's Instructions until Western Christian values influenced their culture. But unlike christianity - they saw the destruction forced monogamy brought (divorces, single mothers raising children, mistresses on the side); and they turned back. Some people are too prideful to admit they are wrong. Others are more meek.
They are getting westernized. Less polygamy in future.