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Find A Wife In The Philippines

Polygyny is culturally accepted, but not legal, in a region of the Philippines. However, it is legal for Muslim men to have more than one wife in the Philippines. Perhaps it would be easier to find a woman in the Philippines who is open to being in a plural-wife family than it is in some other countries(?)

When the stupid war eventually ends it's going to be somewhat easier to find women open to poly both from Russia and Ukraine. Between the two countries there's some 250,000 or more widows with children who need homes.
When the stupid war eventually ends it's going to be somewhat easier to find women open to poly both from Russia and Ukraine. Between the two countries there's some 250,000 or more widows with children who need homes.
"Good luck" getting a 'license' or permission to "bring them in" as subsequent wives, however. Big Brother just hates that.

OTOH, you can have them sneak in as Communist Agents or Potential Terrorists, and they'll get free phones and a monthly check...
I understand why everyone has been interested in the Thai and Philippina ladies but honestly, given my druthers I am thinking if I have to jump a pond that I am going Dutch or Swedish.
Need me some more tall strong sons and the ladies over there have a certain vibe...those who are not lefty loons.
When the stupid war eventually ends it's going to be somewhat easier to find women open to poly both from Russia and Ukraine. Between the two countries there's some 250,000 or more widows with children who need homes.
And they might just know how to handle a rifle, not something likely to find in a Filipina.
My Filipino friends here in the States all seem to provide some degree of financial support to their families back home.
I understand that. My first priority is to support my immediate family. The wives God has entrusted me with. The ones I am to provide food, clothing, and shelter to. Everyone else is secondary. And if helping someone else takes away from my family’s needs, guess who comes first.

Are there any biblical commands to help extended family, not in my household, such as there are for wives?

Exodus 21:10

10 If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights.

After being burned to a crisp by “family” who begged for money, only to squander help on wrong things, I am leery of giving away the dollars God has entrusted me to just anyone. And I’m a generous person.
"Good luck" getting a 'license' or permission to "bring them in" as subsequent wives, however. Big Brother just hates that.
There will probably be many opportunities for men to migrate to either country though, once a global peace is achieved, there may be many reconstruction jobs and a shortage of local men to fill them.

Of course, if this is just the opening salvo in a world war, by the time peace arrives we might have forgotten about both countries and have that same excess of women back at home, who any survivors of us may have a role in providing for. Just because I'm feeling cheerful this morning.
I understand that. My first priority is to support my immediate family. The wives God has entrusted me with. The ones I am to provide food, clothing, and shelter to. Everyone else is secondary. And if helping someone else takes away from my family’s needs, guess who comes first.

Are there any biblical commands to help extended family, not in my household, such as there are for wives?

Exodus 21:10

10 If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights.

After being burned to a crisp by “family” who begged for money, only to squander help on wrong things, I am leery of giving away the dollars God has entrusted me to just anyone. And I’m a generous person.
I've done the same many times for family members, it's understandable to be skeptical. But, i'm not going to lie, if I moved to the US from a country with less opportunities, I'd work here and support my family back home. Whether that cost me the opportunity to be married or not. I couldn't imagine leaving them in that situation, it's heartbreaking.
I've done the same many times for family members, it's understandable to be skeptical. But, i'm not going to lie, if I moved to the US from a country with less opportunities, I'd work here and support my family back home. Whether that cost me the opportunity to be married or not. I couldn't imagine leaving them in that situation, it's heartbreaking.
And any man that married you would have to do so on the understanding that was where your heart was at. A man who did not appreciate this and be willing to help you help them within your means would not be a suitable husband for you, as you would be emotionally incompatible.
Not that I'm opposed to it, but I've just got to ask. What sort of daily situations are you finding yourself in where you need to be surrounded by a legion of armed women? 🤔

Because they are better bodyguards than men.

Won't get tempted to replace current leadership. And very willing to sacrifice for man when in love.
I understand that. My first priority is to support my immediate family. The wives God has entrusted me with. The ones I am to provide food, clothing, and shelter to. Everyone else is secondary. And if helping someone else takes away from my family’s needs, guess who comes first.

Are there any biblical commands to help extended family, not in my household, such as there are for wives?

Exodus 21:10

10 If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights.

After being burned to a crisp by “family” who begged for money, only to squander help on wrong things, I am leery of giving away the dollars God has entrusted me to just anyone. And I’m a generous person.
Yes, the Bible does instruct us to help extended family.

"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." (1st Timothy 5:18)

Our first responsibility is to our own household (wife, wives, dependent children, and dependent elderly parents), but as possible we should also try to help the extended family if needed

Obviously we shouldn't continually bail out irresponsible slackers.
Yes, the Bible does instruct us to help extended family.

"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." (1st Timothy 5:18)

Our first responsibility is to our own household (wife, wives, dependent children, and dependent elderly parents), but as possible we should also try to help the extended family if needed

Obviously we shouldn't continually bail out irresponsible slackers.
There is also the fifth commandment to honor parents. I think the married man also has some reasonable duty to aid his parents in law if needed, and able.
Not that I'm opposed to it, but I've just got to ask. What sort of daily situations are you finding yourself in where you need to be surrounded by a legion of armed women? 🤔

Nothing more than just normal work-a-day life.
Women should always be armed though. Men as well obviously but women even more so.

Besides, we are shopping for a homestead and farther from police. So one never knows
Yes, the Bible does instruct us to help extended family.

"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." (1st Timothy 5:18)
My household does not include extended family. Please show from scripture that household always includes extended family.

My household currently consists of me and two wives.
My household does not include extended family. Please show from scripture that household always includes extended family.
In some translations the word "relatives" is mentioned. Such as “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Relatives can be through blood or marriage.
In some translations the word "relatives" is mentioned. Such as “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Relatives can be through blood or marriage.
Again, what if they’re wicked people and squander every dollar on frivolous or wrong things?