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Find A Wife In The Philippines

I wouldn't recommend anyone who isn't Chinese (and preferably not just Chinese but Han) move to China under any circumstances. Being any foreign nationality and trying to immigrate there wouldn't be pleasant IMO.
I would think that a submissive wife who was happy to obey her husband who was happy to obey the government would have no trouble at all. It is us rebellious men who would get in unpleasant trouble. :)
I would think that a submissive wife who was happy to obey her husband who was happy to obey the government would have no trouble at all. It is us rebellious men who would get in unpleasant trouble. :)
Actually, Chinese goverment has telephone line where people can actually complain on government policies. And sometimes this works.

And Chinese police will actually check CCTV cameras all around state to find your missing stuff (documents, jackets etc...). Saw yesterday several testimonies of people losing stuff, going into station to report what, where and when is missing and police finding stuff.

And Westerners being shocked because police officers have altitude just doing their job. And by the way, they are unarmed.

Only real issue is complaining about divine right of Communist party to rule. Rest shouldn't be problem. Meanwhile West has way bigger speech issues. Just one word: microaggression.
Exactly. A submissive person could be quite happy there. If life wasn't pleasant enough for most people they'd have mounted a revolution long ago.

The problem is that simply believing that there is a God who is in authority over the State, rather than subservient to the State, IS a complaint about the divine right of the Communist party to rule. Hence why you cannot be a Christian or Muslim unless you are in a state-approved and submissive congregation. Religion is a threat to the party's authority. So most of us would eventually get ourselves on the receiving end of the less pleasant side of police work.
I wouldn't recommend anyone who isn't Chinese (and preferably not just Chinese but Han) move to China under any circumstances. Being any foreign nationality and trying to immigrate there wouldn't be pleasant IMO.
This is slightly off topic, but some Filipinas have moved to rural Japan, to marry farmers, or work in health care. For some odd reason most modern Japanese women aren't overly excited about marrying rural farmers.

Being a foreigner in rural Japan wouldn't be easy either, but it offers some women from poorer Asian countries a stable life.
I would think that a submissive wife who was happy to obey her husband who was happy to obey the government would have no trouble at all. It is us rebellious men who would get in unpleasant trouble. :)
They just treat foreigners like dogs is all. i doubt any good male Han would disgrace himself by marrying someone lesser than himself. Pollute the blood lines and all that nonsense. Never realized how racist they (the Hans) were until i went there. A wealthy Han male has his pick of the beautiful women there too; money is money after all. The wealth disparity in China is pretty epic too. The wealthy are very wealthy. Software engineers (as a general rule) aren't wealthy in China. They pay way less there than they do in the US and software engineers aren't, generally speaking, wealthy here. Cost of living is rising higher and higher too in China. China isn't what it was 20 years ago. To find that, you need to look to their neighbor to the south and look at Vietnam. On 4-5k/mo in Vietnam, you can live like a king. 2 cents. :)
They just treat foreigners like dogs is all. i doubt any good male Han would disgrace himself by marrying someone lesser than himself. Pollute the blood lines and all that nonsense. Never realized how racist they (the Hans) were until i went there. A wealthy Han male has his pick of the beautiful women there too; money is money after all. The wealth disparity in China is pretty epic too. The wealthy are very wealthy. Software engineers (as a general rule) aren't wealthy in China. They pay way less there than they do in the US and software engineers aren't, generally speaking, wealthy here. Cost of living is rising higher and higher too in China. China isn't what it was 20 years ago. To find that, you need to look to their neighbor to the south and look at Vietnam. On 4-5k/mo in Vietnam, you can live like a king. 2 cents. :)
One of the things that the west as a broad strokes group doesn't get is that we live in an artificial bubble of gaslight.
The truth is that essentially all of the rest of the world has very high in-group preferences.
They just treat foreigners like dogs is all. i doubt any good male Han would disgrace himself by marrying someone lesser than himself. Pollute the blood lines and all that nonsense. Never realized how racist they (the Hans) were until i went there. A wealthy Han male has his pick of the beautiful women there too; money is money after all. The wealth disparity in China is pretty epic too. The wealthy are very wealthy. Software engineers (as a general rule) aren't wealthy in China. They pay way less there than they do in the US and software engineers aren't, generally speaking, wealthy here. Cost of living is rising higher and higher too in China. China isn't what it was 20 years ago. To find that, you need to look to their neighbor to the south and look at Vietnam. On 4-5k/mo in Vietnam, you can live like a king. 2 cents. :)
There are the good, the bad, and the ugly in every society across the globe. It doesn't matter where you look you will find sinners there, and sinners sin against one another. You will encounter women who've had terrible experiences with foreign guys, and you will encounter scammer women who try to rip you off. As Christians we need to be the exceptions that shine brightly in this dark world and are not conformed to it, and I think that includes how we treat others. Shalom
One of the things that the west as a broad strokes group doesn't get is that we live in an artificial bubble of gaslight.
The truth is that essentially all of the rest of the world has very high in-group preferences.
Because Westerns are being gaslight by civil laws that access to whites is human right.
Because Westerns are being gaslight by civil laws that access to whites is human right.
Certainly a part of it but it is bit deeper in that different groups that develop in different ecologies end up being different.
Westerners tend to have the highest openness and agreeableness...see big five personality traits. Not all obviously but broad strokes. That along with lowest rates of positive ethnocentrism as well as negative ethnocentrism makes them the best target for grifts and gaslight.

Who wouldn't line up to have resources bestowed upon them just by complaining loudly and by picking at the easily exploited sense of guilt in the group? It has certainly been pretty difficult not to see for decades now.
I suspect that he means that any and all other groups are allowed to and encouraged to have organizations/schools/associations/areas etc etc explicitly for their group exclusively...frequently funded with public money. That if/when whites do the same the world goes bananas and blah blah racism and fascism and far right ethnostate and on and on and on. More piled higher and deeper hyperbole all the time. Motives are assigned, evil is judged upon them and they must be pilloried in the public square.
It is all part of the rebranding of the struggle session out of the maoist playback. Big topic and a boring one for non politics and history junkies.

Or he may have something entirely different in mind. Who knows. I suspect he will respond
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I suspect that he means that any and all other groups are allowed to and encouraged to have organizations/schools/associations/areas etc etc explicitly for their group exclusively...frequently funded with public money. That if/when whites do the same the world goes bananas and blah blah racism and fascism and far right ethnostate and on and on and on. More piled higher and deeper hyperbole all the time. Motives are assigned, evil is judged upon them and they must be pilloried in the public square.
It is all part of the rebranding of the struggle session out of the maoist playback. Big topic and a boring one for non politics and history junkies.

Or he may have something entirely different in mind. Who knows. I suspect he will respond
@paterfamilias is right. Only whites don't have freedom of association.
Certainly a part of it but it is bit deeper in that different groups that develop in different ecologies end up being different.
Westerners tend to have the highest openness and agreeableness...see big five personality traits. Not all obviously but broad strokes. That along with lowest rates of positive ethnocentrism as well as negative ethnocentrism makes them the best target for grifts and gaslight.
Greater openness is good trait to have. It's one of key reason of Western historical supremacy.

Horewer, you must still keep social parasites away, something which isn't done.
Greater openness is good trait to have. It's one of key reason of Western historical supremacy.

Hand waggle.
Big advantage in some respects but anchor chained to one's feet in others
Horewer, you must still keep social parasites away, something which isn't done.
The openness makes the west susceptible to transparent gaslight however.
Hand waggle.
Big advantage in some respects but anchor chained to one's feet in others

The openness makes the west susceptible to transparent gaslight however.
No, you must use correct conclusion from game theory when game is being played with multiple rounds with same person.

Offer cooperation in first round. If cooperation is received, keep cooperating. If other side steals, punish them.
No, you must use correct conclusion from game theory when game is being played with multiple rounds with same person.

Offer cooperation in first round. If cooperation is received, keep cooperating. If other side steals, punish them.
This is all presuming some sort of shared perception and guiding principles in Europeans and their diaspora as opposed to being similar to attempting to control a large group of spastic cats via airhorns
I thought I'd add this here and hope it might be of interest to some of you....

About six weeks ago we employed a new helper/maid. She is late forties and an excellent worker but has limited English abilities. Every morning and evening after meals I would normally read the Bible and pray, and I noticed she would stop her work and listen. At the moment I am on my own here (no wife present), so I wasn't planning on reading aloud at the table after meals. However, I noticed the maid waiting when I finished eating so I asked her if she wanted to hear me read and pray and she said, yes please. As a result, for the last week I have invited her to sit with me and I have read and explained the scriptures to the best of my ability. In the morning, I read a Psalm and Proverbs, and, in the evening, I began reading from Genesis 1 for her.

The reading has led to extensive discussion about many different subjects. For example, when I read Genesis chapter 4, she asked, where did Cain find a wife? She got the full Creation Seminar reply and was satisfied with the answer. When I read about Lamech and his wives, I took the opportunity to explain biblical marriage/polygyny. I can tell she is understanding what I am teaching as she asks intelligent questions. She has now begun commenting about how what we read in the Bible is different from what her religion teaches. Before I read from Genesis Chapters 7 & 8 last night, I showed her some photos I took of fossilized shellfish in rocks at the top of Te Mata Peak in NZ. I asked her to think about how there could be fossils of sea creatures on a mountain. After reading about the Flood, she understood and believed what is written in the Bible. I have taught about sin and death, and about salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ - to be a follower of Him and not of a religion.

All this has transpired in just one week. What will happen in the future, our Great and Awesome God knows, I don't. But this is an example of what I have been suggesting as the means for building a foundation in the truth of God's Word for relationships.

For those of you who might be wondering, I suspect there are SERIOUS issues to be dealt with if God should save her and she wanted to change her status from being anything other than our maid. ;)
I thought I'd add this here and hope it might be of interest to some of you....

About six weeks ago we employed a new helper/maid. She is late forties and an excellent worker but has limited English abilities. Every morning and evening after meals I would normally read the Bible and pray, and I noticed she would stop her work and listen. At the moment I am on my own here (no wife present), so I wasn't planning on reading aloud at the table after meals. However, I noticed the maid waiting when I finished eating so I asked her if she wanted to hear me read and pray and she said, yes please. As a result, for the last week I have invited her to sit with me and I have read and explained the scriptures to the best of my ability. In the morning, I read a Psalm and Proverbs, and, in the evening, I began reading from Genesis 1 for her.

The reading has led to extensive discussion about many different subjects. For example, when I read Genesis chapter 4, she asked, where did Cain find a wife? She got the full Creation Seminar reply and was satisfied with the answer. When I read about Lamech and his wives, I took the opportunity to explain biblical marriage/polygyny. I can tell she is understanding what I am teaching as she asks intelligent questions. She has now begun commenting about how what we read in the Bible is different from what her religion teaches. Before I read from Genesis Chapters 7 & 8 last night, I showed her some photos I took of fossilized shellfish in rocks at the top of Te Mata Peak in NZ. I asked her to think about how there could be fossils of sea creatures on a mountain. After reading about the Flood, she understood and believed what is written in the Bible. I have taught about sin and death, and about salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ - to be a follower of Him and not of a religion.

All this has transpired in just one week. What will happen in the future, our Great and Awesome God knows, I don't. But this is an example of what I have been suggesting as the means for building a foundation in the truth of God's Word for relationships.

For those of you who might be wondering, I suspect there are SERIOUS issues to be dealt with if God should save her and she wanted to change her status from being anything other than our maid. ;)
Hearing this report is very encouraging. It really seems like the Holy Spirit is starting to do a gracious work in this woman's life.
American culture places little value on family orientation. We move out of the home at 18 years old, accumulate tons of debt, become single parents, force grandparents to help raise the children we created. Then proceed to throw those very same parents into nursing homes to die alone once they're old. It's a vicious cycle 😔
We don't. I was just yesterday missing our 25 year old son who was usually here for breakfast on days they work tree service. I only had three sons and their Dad to get fed and off to work.
When the stupid war eventually ends it's going to be somewhat easier to find women open to poly both from Russia and Ukraine. Between the two countries there's some 250,000 or more widows with children who need homes.
A month or two ago the truck driver delivering our Azure Standard order was a man with a family... and besides his biological children he and his wife have adopted a few orphans from Ukraine.
There are many in need.
A month or two ago the truck driver delivering our Azure Standard order was a man with a family... and besides his biological children he and his wife have adopted a few orphans from Ukraine.
There are many in need.

You use Azure Standard as well. Can't say I am surprised.

Do you happen to know what their issue is with pork? I asked by way of email but received no reply. Going to get pasture pork via other means but it would have been nice to get it from them.

The family delivering, late mettle aged couple with him having a medium long somewhat grizzled beard?
Only ever had one set of drivers but not ordered in six months so no idea if it would be them or not.