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You use Azure Standard as well. Can't say I am surprised.
We have been ordering from Azure Standard for probably 20 years. In 2020 when their delivery system was challenged by all the lockdown orders pouring in, they ended up delivering on a Saturday to a 7th day Adventist church camp. The drop coordinator there had thought of quitting before and that was when the camp director said "No more!" So, I put in for a drop in our town and have been managing the deliveries there since Aug 2020.

I couldn't tell you why they don't have pork. Availability and demand I'm sure influence selection. That's why I can no longer get large cans of tomato sauce, pineapple, olives, or 5 lb blocks of cheese....or even 1 lb bags of baking yeast at our local Costco. Not enough big families for them to stock those for. Gotta go to the business supply Costco store in Phoenix for the real deals. Oh well.
We have been ordering from Azure Standard for probably 20 years. In 2020 when their delivery system was challenged by all the lockdown orders pouring in, they ended up delivering on a Saturday to a 7th day Adventist church camp. The drop coordinator there had thought of quitting before and that was when the camp director said "No more!" So, I put in for a drop in our town and have been managing the deliveries there since Aug 2020.

I couldn't tell you why they don't have pork. Availability and demand I'm sure influence selection. That's why I can no longer get large cans of tomato sauce, pineapple, olives, or 5 lb blocks of cheese....or even 1 lb bags of baking yeast at our local Costco. Not enough big families for them to stock those for. Gotta go to the business supply Costco store in Phoenix for the real deals. Oh well.

I am a newbie in that I have only used them for 3-4 years.

Since I went full carnivore there is less stuff I can go to from them unfortunately but still enjoy perusing.
They are Torah keepers from what I’ve heard.

I get the 5lb raw cheese blocks… 🤔
My cousin married into that family 28 years ago. I couldn't tell you if what products they stock are a reflection of their religious convictions. I know that sadly that cousin's family had other problems with "Torah keeping" that were imo more harmful than pork, that ended in divorce. Kinda hard for us mere mortals to know exactly how harmful anything is though. Kinda like this expresses..

For want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the soldier was lost, for want of a soldier the battle was lost, for want of the battle the war was lost....

...and all for the want of a horseshoe nail.