• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Hello from the Nystrom

The worldviews within Christianity run the gamet.
Typically, even if she says the right words, there is a lot in her mindset that will need conversion.

The churches are filled with those that put up a good front, but whose spirituality goes no deeper than having followed the script at age 6 and sorta attempt to be regarded as being a good person.
The worldviews within Christianity run the gamet.
Typically, even if she says the right words, there is a lot in her mindset that will need conversion.

The churches are filled with those that put up a good front, but whose spirituality goes no deeper than having followed the script at age 6 and sorta attempt to be regarded as being a good person.
Well said!
A relative was recently suprised in visiting with a plain woman (Amish in PA) to find she was unfamiliar with the parable of the wheat and the tares. Many in every religious group are as you describe. Bibfam just draws the less common crowd here. :)
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I heard this song on the radio this morning, and I thought it was apropos:
Gotta love Kutless!
That would be more akin to "conformance testing". I am talking about this:


It also works on a macro level. Like if you ask her to marry you, and she says "yes" she is being compliant. If she says no or fails to answer she is not being compliant.

It is a simple concept. Lead and see if she follows. If she does she is into you. If she does not she is probably not, or at least not yet.

I find this interesting:
It should be stressed that if a girl is not compliant to a test or suggestion on your part, it doesn’t mean she isn’t interested or won’t be compliant at all. Sometimes it can take a little time, or some girls are simply more shy than others. If spinning the girl around didn’t work at first, try again later on. If the girl doesn’t follow you on the dance floor, motion to her to join you or put out your hand to lead her (if she takes your hand, it’s likely she is compliant but just a little shy). If you are finding that girls are rarely ever compliant, it could be a sign that you are going wrong somewhere.
The worldviews within Christianity run the gamet.
Typically, even if she says the right words, there is a lot in her mindset that will need conversion.

The churches are filled with those that put up a good front, but whose spirituality goes no deeper than having followed the script at age 6 and sorta attempt to be regarded as being a good person.

Presumably if I helped lead her to Christ then we would have compatible world views, and by world view I really just mean a clear understanding and belief in the true Gospel.
Presumably if I helped lead her to Christ then we would have compatible world views, and by world view I really just mean a clear understanding and belief in the true Gospel.
Just don't fall in love with her before you win her over, because if it ain't happening, that is heartbreak city for you.
Just don't fall in love with her before you win her over, because if it ain't happening, that is heartbreak city for you.
That would be a product of allowing your emotions too much control. The man who does this will be a hot mess and will not model patriarchy very well.
Someday I'll tell y'all about the time I had the opportunity to take the pure drug synthesized from chocolate that explains why everyone (especially women) love it so much. It did nothing but produce the exact hormonal physical sensation one experiences when infatuated.
That would be more akin to "conformance testing". I am talking about this:


It also works on a macro level. Like if you ask her to marry you, and she says "yes" she is being compliant. If she says no or fails to answer she is not being compliant.

It is a simple concept. Lead and see if she follows. If she does she is into you. If she does not she is probably not, or at least not yet.
I found that article very interesting. I find the context it is explained within rather uncomfortable (working out whether a girl you found in a club is likely to agree to sleep with you), however the basic concept is sound. It is a concept that you know instinctively, on some level, but without really seeing it that clearly. That article takes the concept, clearly excises it from related concepts, examines it clinically and unemotively, and turns it into a testable, repeatable scientific hypothesis. Anything that takes an aspect of the female brain and explains it in terms that are understandable to a male brain is worth reading!
I found that article very interesting. I find the context it is explained within rather uncomfortable (working out whether a girl you found in a club is likely to agree to sleep with you), however the basic concept is sound. It is a concept that you know instinctively, on some level, but without really seeing it that clearly. That article takes the concept, clearly excises it from related concepts, examines it clinically and unemotively, and turns it into a testable, repeatable scientific hypothesis. Anything that takes an aspect of the female brain and explains it in terms that are understandable to a male brain is worth reading!

Game was basically invented by guys using the scientific method to pick up women and comparing notes on the internet. They stopped listening to what women and "experts" said and started experimenting to find out what really works. What they found out was very interesting. Many (most?) of them were motivated by evil intentions, but the principles they learned can work for good or evil. For example, game can be used for building attraction with your wife, or with the woman you want to marry. It is actually a way to increase your social ability with both men and women and certainly something worthwhile to know, in my opinion. It is basically street social science.