• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.


Hi I'm new here, not as a wife of any sort, but at my son's request. He's pulled me around to his thinking during the past 2 years...not that I was ever really against. I always knew that God doesn't change...what WAS acceptable IS acceptable and what WAS sin IS sin. He's "the same yesterday, today, and forever". I always wanted a large family...if my son has his way it looks like it still may be possible :) Anyway, I grew up an MK, lived in Africa, Turkey, Cyprus & now Kuwait...married and divorced, have 2 sons. I'm passionate about spiritual things, and am involved in ministry.
Welcome Beta!

It sounds like you have lead a very interesting life. And still do I suspect. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Hope for the future,
Hi Beta,

I'm not currently involved in a poly relationship either, but it sounds like we agree that it is okay in God's eyes. Looking forward to more chats with you.

Thank you Michelle and Juilieb! I do believe that a godly household may include single or multiple wives. I have read the Bible all my life, and nothing else makes sense, because a man was never condemned for having multiple wives, though he may not have been urged to do so. But I never really had to think about it until 2 years ago, and then it was only a burdensome intrusion. Even now, it could spell disaster for my ministry if anyone knew my views. This week I was thinking since the Lord never spoke to me directly about it, it's not really my concern or anything I have to stand up for unless circumstances force it. So then the Lord spoke to my heart this morning. (wouldn't you know)

I had been wondering why after all these centuries with Him being not so overly upset with monogamy, to suddenly be calling men to take more wives. It didn't make sense. But He brought to my vision the state of the world today, and especially in America. The fact that there are so many men lost to homosexuality, to other perversions and violence, and to just not knowing how to be a husband and father. The fact that there are so many women lost to lesbianism, to single parenting, to sleeping around, to even just choosing university and career over being a wife and mother. And the real clincher, the fact that there are churches full, but the widows or husband-less are not being cared for, and the children are motherless or fatherless, and the Lord is losing a whole generation to this, while the church sings songs and jumps for joy. It's disgraceful!

Basically the Lord is setting apart people for Himself, as He has always done when cultures go to pot. He needs someone to be raising godly children, and it needs to be multiplied in speed and number. This is why He has put forward the return to the original plan (quick multiplication).

The other reason is that monogamy has promoted selfishness and arrogance. Women treat their husbands as property, when it's the other way around. Good men are lost to deviant behavior and temptation because of having no control or respect in their households.

So, I saw the light this morning, and I can't say the Lord hasn't spoken to me about it anymore. UH OH.

That was an awesome testimony. I also am in a ministry that I'm not able to share my view on poly marriage without being excommunicated. Your testimony is the what I think the Lord has been showing me as well. What ministry are you involved in right now? If it is to personal to share, I understand.

Welcome, Beta,
I am sorry that I have taken so long to reply. My computer is dead and I am working on a dinosaur in the meantime, so my activity has been pretty limited. But Praise God, I get my new computer on Wednesday and then watch out world, cause I will be back.

I look forward to sharing more with you Beta.

I am in ministry to Turkish people primarily, Muslims, but have also run a Nigerian fellowship and have mentored others. I'm only leery of sharing because of the type of ministry and this is internet. Otherwise I would have posted my picture.

Yesterday was an awesome day. The goodness of the Lord never stopped.

It sounds like you have a special ministry going on--that's awesome! I'm still in awe of your testimony that you posted the other day. You are so right about men and women being out of order. The other day I almost fell over dead when my seventeen-year-old daughter, who has been going to Christian school's since she was in preschool, said, "I don't believe marriages are covenants." I asked her if she meant getting married outside of the church. She said, "No, I mean any where you get married." Boy, did I feel like a failure, that my marriage is just a bad example that she would feel this way.

Anyhow, after I put my eyes back in my head and my heart back in my chest, I explained to her that marriage is a covenant and you are making a promise to your husband and God in His house. Then I thought if she feels this way growing up Christian what do teenagers that have no religion think? This could explain the high divorce rate.

Does any one have any suggestions how I can explain this better to my daughter?


Wow...I know I would have felt the same way. I had already decided yesterday that I need to write a book for young ladies these days, they are all so confused. Even ones who are 28 and 30, students I worked with, are having real issues in this area, and it's very frustrating. I'm finding they are really reluctant to grow up or to commit to anything but lifelong career or study. Perhaps you could explain to your daughter that whenever you transact any business in this world a good contract (commitment) is required, whether to take on a job, or to purchase a car, or to get insurance, or to go to university. But when you're talking flesh and blood, you need something much more personal (a bodily commitment, not to be broken)...and when you're talking spirit to spirit, and joining those with the Spirit (for blessing), you're talking a covenant. Does that make sense?

I also wonder how much understanding there is of 'spirit', even of kids coming out of Christian schools. Also, because of the fact that contracts are easily broken at times, perhaps the concept of an unbreakable commitment of flesh to flesh and spirit to spirit is watered down and not really understood.

I think you also need to discuss the seriousness of how a person is to treat another, and how that relates to marriage. Kids growing up in an age when you can take a car home from the lot but if you don't like everything about it you can take it back and get another, or you can bring a blouse home from the store but if it bores you the first time you wear it you can just return it - this makes a generation feel that they can treat one another the same way. The concept of permanence, commitment, building a future together, working together for one goal and purpose, etc....all of this seems to be foreign to them. Perhaps you can relate it to the importance of teamwork on a job, and the blessings (benefits) that come from staying at one company for life rather than moving from one to another.

Then, God, too, has committed Himself to us permanently, forever. He has made a covenant with us, and many promises, saying that 'He will never leave us nor forsake us.' He asks one thing of us, and that is our commitment to Him, to love Him with everything in us, forever, permanently.

Maybe this will help,


I think you should write that book. I think it will help parents along with young adults today. What you said about the contracts/commitment was great advice. I know that the spirit is not talked about enough in my church, so that is why my daughter probably feels the way she does.

Thanks again for the advice. If you decide to write that book let me know, so I can order a copy.


Beta m'dear,

Welcome to this wild board full of amazing women of God who are on a quest to oh, I don't know, just undo the last 700 years of Western culture and law!!! :lol: We are not in a plural marriage yet, are praying for the right first one, and in awe of how God is putting His plural people together! I spent three years in Baghdad, had the great pleasure both of leading Muslims to the Lord and hanging with the Ugandans who were there as part of the security force. We had church in Saddam's former fishing lodge and baptisms in one of his swimming pools. While in Iraq I got to do alot of travelling- South Africa, Moz, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, and Dubai was our staging area.

I do hope we get to have many chats, and are just so glad you are a part of this grand adventure with Yeshua!

Shalom shalom,
Ali Elizabeth Turner
Beta, one more thing!

I forgot to mention several trips to Kuwait! Do you live in Kuwait City, or elsewhere? Once at Doha I got to dance to/with the Lord on the beach in the morning. Ahhhh, such memories. My next trip I hope to go to Israel.....

Blessings from Alabama,
Hey Ali! Sounds exciting! Yes, Kuwait City it is. Still just settling in. My son's having a hard time finding a job...any ideas? He's also having a hard time finding a wife...any ideas? :lol: Nice to meet you.

My best "Bet-a," :D

(I always mess with people and give them affectionate nicknames, feel free to tell me to knock it off :p ) Actually, I do have some ideas for your son in KC re: wives. As you have proly discovered, there is both a huge Indian as well as Filippino population in KC. They become chattel, are desperate for love and escape, and are open to the lifestyle.

There may even be a necessary rescue, (as you know the sex trafficking trade is rampant throughout the region,) although I don't think it is quite as bad in KC as it is in the UAE. (EVERY time I went in and out of Dubai, I had someone, male or female, beg me to get them out of there. I talk about it in my book.) This of course could be extremely dangerous, as Muslim sex lords are not about to just roll over, but, I know you to be both a prayerful as well as adventuresome woman, and you never know!! :!:

Just speaking strategically and not from the Spirit, If I were a guy, looking for a wife, praying diligently, I'd check out the periodicals published by both communities. Of course you are going to have waaaaaaaaay more true Christian believers in the Filippino communities, but God may give you a Ruth to be brought out of Moab (India) and into Israel, so to speak.

There are resorts in Doha and other places close by that are run by KBR for civilians. People from all over the world live/work there, but you may have to be hired by an outside agency. I also have a friend who teaches in the American school in KC. Is your son at all interested in being an educator? What is his skill set? Let me know if I can be of any help.

Hi Alicim...(Ali-Jim, my dear Ali in Turkish)

Thanks for the things you mentioned... Forgive my ignorance but I don't know what KBR stands for. We have to do an exit for visa renewal on the 13th...any place we ought to go? We did go to Sharjah last time, didn't see Dubai though.

What American school in KC are you referring to? there's one near us in Hawally, or do you mean the university? Is the friend a christian? Sadan is not an educator, he's IT. :ugeek: However, I may consider teaching ESL only (certificate). More importantly, I've been trying to get my guitar player to come and minister with me here, and she has a masters in education. However, she's doing her doctorate and was talking about projects. I want her to just forget it and get over here. :D She's a really lovely Russian girl.

We have a lot of Filipino's and Indians at the church, but the whole poly thing would not be easily accepted, so I think we need to look elsewhere. I guess there must be periodicals somewhere. I'll have to watch.

My name is Kimberly but I go by Kim. I am 23 and live in NC. I enjoy movies, dancing, softball, and being outside. I started dating someone who believes in plural marriage and at first I was unsure about being with him after he told me but I can't judge someone for how they believe and actually now I can't see where it is wrong. So that is me.
Welcome Kim! There are an awful lot of very nice down-to-earth people on here to get to know. I'm new myself. It just takes getting your head around the idea. When you look for proofs against it, they just aren't to be found unless you're reading the Bible with some kind of funky glasses, which, of course, people can have a habit of doing.

Hello all, well as some of you may already know from other posts last night, my name is Kara, I am married and we believe in Scriptural Polygyny, we have been prayerfully and actively seeking a sister-wife for 4 years now. I look foward to getting to know you ladies better. I am glad to see old friends from other groups here, this looks like a good place to be.

Hello there,

Nice to see you on here. There has been at least one other woman on here about your age. It is very good that you came on here to chat with us. Look around the site more and let's get to know. Maybe you take time off work and go to a retreat. Are you a christian? Well God Bless you! I am a second and look forward to sharing.