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Preparing for a post-virus world

BUT, if no one can buy and sell that is a terribly powerful inducement to go apostate. Resisting that would actually save many souls.
It's worshipping the beast and receiving the mark that will result in suffering God's wrath (cf. v:9, 10). People are already going apostate for all manner of reasons.
I have thought about those verses before, and found it interesting that the "mark" is in the hand, and forehead.
The hands are what we do things with (representing actions), and the head is where our cognitive abilities happen (representing thoughts). So our thoughts, and actions are probably more relevant then whether we literally have a chip/mark in our hand or forehead.
I don’t think that it will be about the actual mark. My guess is that you will have to swear allegiance to the system that allows you to have the mark in order to receive it.
The "hand and forehead" thing is an exact parallel of:
Deuteronomy 6:8 “You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead."
Deuteronomy 11:18 "“You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead."

These instructions can be taken literally (you must physically write down the law and physically attach it to your hand and forehead). But I think this is far better read figuratively - everything we do, and everything we think, must first and foremost be guided by God's law.

Revelation 13:16-17 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

This is an exact replacement of God's law as the guide for our thoughts and actions. We will be forced to accept something different to God's law as our primary guiding philosophy - and if we do not accept that we will not be allowed to buy or sell. There may be a physical mark to signify this, or may not. But the fundamental point will be the replacement of God's law with something else. At present, we can believe what we like and can trade with whoever. But in the near future you may not be allowed to trade if you commit "wrongthink".

And that is already starting. Paypal cancels the accounts of people who commit "wrongthink". Youtube demonetises people. These are just the beginning. I think this will expand until you cannot buy or sell unless you accept the world system as being superior to God's law.
It's worshipping the beast and receiving the mark that will result in suffering God's wrath
We have to remember that "worship" here is not a religious thing, it just means to do homage to - to honour as superior, to submit to. People will not necessarily be "worshipping" the beast as a god, in the way we think of worship. But they will be submitting to the beast system as their ruler.

I think that many people will miss this because:
- They're expecting people to be religiously "worshipping" the beast, and people are just submitting to a government, which doesn't sound like what they were anticipating.
- They're expecting people to receive physical marks, when the mark may actually be figurative.

And so people will submit to the beast system because they don't think it is anything to do with prophecy. Only a very sincere remnant will refuse, and most Christians even will ridicule them.
Sweden is already introducing a chip in the hand for everything even scanning to gain access to your PC.
I have strongly believed that this was where society was headed for a few years now. With so much emphasis on all the "wearable tech" and whatnot, I figured it's only a matter of time before they start promoting the "convenience and ease" of being connected with everything through some chip inserted in your body somewhere.
I recall here in SC, several years ago they passed a law allowing people to pay with silver or gold if they choose to. I'm not aware of any other states that allow that.
So I did some investigating and SC has repealed the sales tax on precious metals back in 2013, which is one large barrier removed to be able to use it as legal tender. Interestingly enough, there is currently a bill in the SC House of Representatives that would legalize the use of precious metals as legal tender, if two parties agree on a sales price (it has to be a mutual agreement). I plan on writing to some of my legislators asking for the enactment of that bill to help bolster the market and give people options to help trading, buying, or selling. People and small businesses shouldn't be limited to just federal toilet paper, especially during these hard economic times.
Silver and gold have been currency the world over, from the dawn of creation until a few years ago... but you could be right, it may never catch on.

I agree. But think about it this way....if you had to trade a shopkeeper to obtain a screwdriver which is he more likely to accept: a fleck of gold or a roll of toilet paper? Which is he more likely to be able to sell/trade for something else? The average American has no concept of the value of gold. The same is not true of TP. I don't know what will happen. I just don't think that gold is as sure fire a thing as the gold bugs are always trying to make us think

BUT, if no one can buy and sell that is a terribly powerful inducement to go apostate. Resisting that would actually save many souls.

The thing is, we KNOW that it will be successfully introduced. Can we delay it? Maybe, I don't know enough about prophecy to say. But either believers will be coming up with ways of mutual support and trade outside the system, or we're all going to starve as a result of an inability to engage in commerce. So it's to our benefit to become self sufficient and establish back channels outside of normal commerce. Black markets always spring up, I have a hard time thinking that won't happen again. But it takes resources to deal in that too.

But I don't believe any of the happy talk that it's all metaphorical. Buy and sell is a very physical real thing. Whatever the form/method of the mark is, this will have real world consequences.

I'm quite certain there will be people who tell themselves, "Oh, the mark is a figurative thing about worshipping the beast. As long as I worship God in my mind I'm fine and can take this chip/tatoo/# so I can shop. God wouldn't want me to starve. How ever could I survive if I can't buy from the grocery store?"

I think that many people will miss this because:
- They're expecting people to be religiously "worshipping" the beast, and people are just submitting to a government, which doesn't sound like what they were anticipating.
- They're expecting people to receive physical marks, when the mark may actually be figurative.

And that's the truly scary part. If it's not a clear mark given by a beast who wants worship how will we know to avoid it? By that take I'd have to say the mark is here now for certain (and not just it's technological antecedents).
And that's the truly scary part. If it's not a clear mark given by a beast who wants worship how will we know to avoid it? By that take I'd have to say the mark is here now for certain (and not just it's technological antecedents).
Going back to @FollowingHim 's previous comments in another thread (I think), Deuteronomy 6:8 speaks of marks on God's people... interestingly, Exodus 13:16 says Passover is a sign on hand and head... Sabbath is another sign, Exodus 31:12-17

Allegiance to beast may be one sign, allegiance to Yah's ways may be another?
I agree. But think about it this way....if you had to trade a shopkeeper to obtain a screwdriver which is he more likely to accept: a fleck of gold or a roll of toilet paper? Which is he more likely to be able to sell/trade for something else? The average American has no concept of the value of gold. The same is not true of TP. I don't know what will happen. I just don't think that gold is as sure fire a thing as the gold bugs are always trying to make us think

Actually, the direction we’re going, the shop owner is more likely to take a bag of rice. But I get what you’re saying. There are times when things are more in demand then gold and silver. Take “tulip mania” for instance. However, historically it’s always been a temporary thing, and gold and silver win out in the end.
Actually, the direction we’re going, the shop owner is more likely to take a bag of rice. But I get what you’re saying. There are times when things are more in demand then gold and silver. Take “tulip mania” for instance. However, historically it’s always been a temporary thing, and gold and silver win out in the end.

Good point. You can't eat gold. One of the alternative currencies that sprouted up in the 00's was based on a bu of wheat. What's more fundamental and valuable than food? The clown years were an exception, foods not usually that cheap and available.
Human's are the most adaptable species on earth. No other single species has our breadth or depth of spread on the globe. From the tropics to the arctic, rain forests to the deserts, we are everywhere thriving. We are the decedents of those who survived all manner of famine, pestilence, war and natural disaster. We got where we are today by being able to adapt to changing, difficult circumstances. But late stage civilization has made us weak, mentally and physically.

It has been interesting to watch how people react to this pandemic lock-down. For many it's been an existential crisis. They're not mentally equipped for the world to fundamentally change; even temporarily. Their entire material existence and sanity depends on commerce. They are not adaptable. Their whole life is fragile. They can't mentally handle the world changing. They depend on others for all their essential needs, even as adults.

For us the lock-down has been almost a non-issue. We homeschool, we grow food, and life is centered around farm and family. Our sanity doesn't rely on paying others to entertain us or keep the kids out of our hair. I myself have had to take on extra work in planning, preparation and monitoring the crisis. But for the rest, other than being useful fodder for interesting and educational conversations with the kids, this has had little effect on our lives.

Now that's no criticism of those who are having a hard time coping. Especially if you've lost a job. For most of us the siren song of consumer life is strong, it's what we were raised into and not everyone can see outside of that box. What this is is a wake up call to live differently. To become more mentally and physically adaptable, more self sufficient, more sound in mind and body. To lead your family different. To follow your man as he takes you on a different path. To learn from these trying times and adapt.
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Expect all sorts of weird shortages and knock-on affects from this crisis. When there are shortages of bottle milk and rationing in the grocery store in the dairy state while farmers in the same community are dumping milk, you know the system is far too fragile and unadaptable. Supply chains which shouldn't be failing are.
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Saw this this morning. May answer a lot of questions...
I'll try to watch that tomorrow. Steven and Jana Ben-Nun are doing a good job of digging into the way things are developing in the world, their channel is well worth following.

TruNews is also taking this very seriously, their latest daily newscast is well worth watching as they see this as us moving into the end times, and focus on how the church, and individual Christians, should prepare.
My family has been talking about returning to the traveling ways. Traditionally its been travel and work along a circuit connected by Cushna; family and friends. Stay long enough to be a help trade and earn what we need and move on before you become a burden or drain on resources (yours or your Cushna) or to many eyes fall upon you.

Were trying to live by a Romani proverb.

Bury me standing for I have lived on my knees.

(Rely on the Lord for provision and you stand before Messiah on the day of Resurection)

Also not Romani but true

Gold and Jade on the outside rot and decay on the inside.

Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll feed himself.

In the end skills are more valuable than baubles and trinkets.
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My family has been talking about returning to the traveling ways. Traditionally its been travel and work along a circuit connected by Cushna; family and friends. Stay long enough to be a help trade and earn what we need and move on before you become a burden or drain on resources (yours or your Cushna) or to many eyes fall upon you.

Were trying to live by a Romani proverb.

Bury me standing for I have lived on my knees.

(Rely on the Lord for provision and you stand before Messiah on the day of Resurection)

Also not Romani but true

Gold and Jade on the outside rot and decay on the inside.

Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll feed himself.

In the end skills are more valuable than baubles and trinkets.
Very inspiring! Romas or Romani don't seem to have a very good life in Europe I've observed. Took a short term mission trip to Serbia in 2009. Since then I found out I have a little Romani in my DNA. Maybe that's why I tend to move so often? :)
Very inspiring! Romas or Romani don't seem to have a very good life in Europe I've observed. Took a short term mission trip to Serbia in 2009. Since then I found out I have a little Romani in my DNA. Maybe that's why I tend to move so often? :)
In Greece, Italy and Spain they started about 5 years ago forcing Romani into Ghettos and requiring work slips to leave as a solution to the Gypsy vagrant problem. In Serbia and Croatia its worst.

The story goes the wanderlust of the Romani is a curse from God that will only be broken when the great conquorer subdues the world and gives us a place in the great kingdom from which He will reign.

A Romani proverb:

The blood knows the way. It can lead you to bondage or freedom. Either way your a slave to the Blood.