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I just found it funny how badly the government wants people legally married, although I really don't care either way. Thanks for the hype, though šŸ¤£
I would argue that you should care.
Slippery slope has never been a fallacy.

Give a bureaucrat and he thinks he is a cowboy.
Next he will try to hang you with it.

Glad you noticed the potential for the savings though.
Tell dad to get you a pony out of petty cash
I did my father's taxes last year, changing his status from separated to married, saved him $22,000 :oops:
That's the only disadvantage about being "legally" married but I'd argue if she divorces you and takes half you'll pay way more than that
I read and consume political information from all over the world...I will admit somewhat obsessively.
Yeah I used to be that way but I've slowed down quite a bit. I got enough things to worry about already. But that definitely lead me more to my more libertarian worldview
On a related topic...
The more you learn about linguistic manipulation, the more you will realize that people are being manipulated. Constantly
Yeah I was just saying to myself how sad it is people use something as the gospel really the only hope for humanity at the end of it all yet they turned it to a legalistic tool to control people's lives and unfortunately alot Christians don't even realize this. But it makes sense put a bunch of unnecessary rules like this to turn people away from the gospels.
I think it has to do with optimist vs pessimist perspective.

I read and consume political information from all over the world...I will admit somewhat obsessively. But it is because is see it as a duty as head of family. I have no choice at all to my way of thinking in the matter.
I Have to be well informed. I Have to have a tonne of data about...well, all of it. I Have to be able to analyze all of the variables that can potentially effect my family.
So, by extension...all this reading shows me an enormous amount of ugliness and evil. Lots of it to do with human trafficking. Could be for labor, a fee, sex trafficking...you name it. There is just that massive overlap with sex trafficking though and the easiest way for many of these trafficked women and children to be controlled is with drugs. Not many escapes and little resistance.
If we were speaking in a private format where the woman who I do not wish to freak out were not present, I would express the levels of my disgust and the sort of solutions I would propose.

As we are in public though, it is just that I object to that sort of activity and those people in the strongest terms and find the idea abhorrent enough that it colours my view on all supposed sex work.

That and the government definitionally sucks, so whatever they get their dirty mits on will suck even worse. So while I could shrug my shoulders at decriminalization, not legalization of hooking...I don't like the idea of government stamped and endorsed anything
Hmm decriminalization not legalization. What Excactly is the difference I hear this all the time. Often I think of them to mean the same but maybe not. This probably where the disagreement is we may have two different definitions of what "legalization" is.
I would argue that you should care.
Slippery slope has never been a fallacy.

Give a bureaucrat and he thinks he is a cowboy.
Next he will try to hang you with it.

Glad you noticed the potential for the savings though.
Tell dad to get you a pony out of petty cash
Yeah state marriages is one of the main reasons were in the fix were in now. With the state behind it this why divorce rape is even a thing with women being empowered by the state to basically take the man for everything he has.
Yeah state marriages is one of the main reasons were in the fix were in now. With the state behind it this why divorce rape is even a thing with women being empowered by the state to basically take the man for everything he has.
Knowledge is power. No one is forcing anyone to get married with the state. You can do a commitment ceremony, and leave Babylon out of it.
You can but nowhere in scripture saying you have to do that.
What fellowship does light have with darkness? ā€œCome out of her my people.ā€ Getting married through the state also diminishes the husband as the head. Plenty of scripture. No reason you should submit to an authority that hates the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why do you think they have a month dedicated to pride month with a rainbow? The same rainbow that was used as a covenant reminder - that YAH will never again destroy men by water for their wickedness. So they purposely use the rainbow to celebrate their continued wickedness as a provocation against the Almighty.
What fellowship does light have with darkness? ā€œCome out of her my people.ā€ Getting married through the state also diminishes the husband as the head. Plenty of scripture. No reason you should submit to an authority that hates the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why do you think they have a month dedicated to pride month with a rainbow? The same rainbow that was used as a covenant reminder - that YAH will never again destroy men by water for their wickedness. So they purposely use the rainbow to celebrate their continued wickedness as a provocation against the Almighty.
No I'm talking about you don't have to do a commitment ceremony. You can but nowhere in scripture requires that.
Supporting a single moms home~based business with a cash donation and an energetic super cuddle isnā€™t as altruistic as it might sound.
Not sure why your assuming all prostitutes will have diseases that's kind of a simpleton way of looking at prostitution. In general I agree with you but that doesn't mean it should be an option. What people don't get is just because I say something should be legal doesn't mean I support or I'd do it. It's more from a pro liberty perspective the government should be involved in these type of choices. I did say that there would be some advantages for men as it wouldnt hold the monopoly that women have on sex today. Giving guys more leverage.
While part is hyperbole, you are missing a point.

Do what generates attraction in women to fix her not interested, instead of doing hookers.

Hookers won't make your darling more interested in you. In fact, in may be opposite.
I did my father's taxes last year, changing his status from separated to married, saved him $22,000 :oops:

I just found it funny how badly the government wants people legally married, although I really don't care either way. Thanks for the hype, though šŸ¤£
This isn't government. In fact, their interest is opposite. More atomization because people without any support groups are more easily controllable.

Remember, state has lots of enforcers (specialists in force usage) to make you do their will. You can't stand alone, but you with group can definitetly defeat them (corona show is example)

Second best option is getting more control over support group.

Real reason taxes are lower for married people are conservatives. It's case of social engineering. State must support marriage, that way of thinking, therefore state must bribe people do be married. They can't get in their head that marriage is natural and will happen despite any efforts by state.
Knowledge is power. No one is forcing anyone to get married with the state. You can do a commitment ceremony, and leave Babylon out of it.
Commitment ceremony?
Why would we remotely cede ground and play linguistic games? Get married. You don't need their paperwork on any level. Just live your life as people and not cogs in their machine.

I have some notions about where they can store their permission slips
What fellowship does light have with darkness? ā€œCome out of her my people.ā€ Getting married through the state also diminishes the husband as the head. Plenty of scripture. No reason you should submit to an authority that hates the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why do you think they have a month dedicated to pride month with a rainbow? The same rainbow that was used as a covenant reminder - that YAH will never again destroy men by water for their wickedness. So they purposely use the rainbow to celebrate their continued wickedness as a provocation against the Almighty.
Ding Ding Ding!
We have a winna!
Get that man a dissident pin and teach him the secret handshake
Supporting a single moms home~based business with a cash donation and an energetic super cuddle isnā€™t as altruistic as it might sound.
Super cuddle...the euphemisms today
While part is hyperbole, you are missing a point.

Do what generates attraction in women to fix her not interested, instead of doing hookers.

Hookers won't make your darling more interested in you. In fact, in may be opposite.
The is with me I'm not gonna try to prove myself to you or try to do things that'll win you over. If you don't want me I'm gonna respect that decision and move on. Nothing turns a girl off more than trying to win her affection back. I've done that in the past but never again.
Nothing turns a girl off more than trying to win her affection back. I've done that in the past but never again.
This is gospel truth. I literally begged a woman not to leave me once and she basically laughed and closed the door in my face. She enjoyed it. It wasnā€™t just that she was rejecting me, that would have been understandable. I wasnā€™t in a good place.

The thing that sticks in my mind is how happy she was as she did it. She really appeared to get a cruel joy out of it. I learned a humiliating lesson that day that will never be repeated.
The is with me I'm not gonna try to prove myself to you or try to do things that'll win you over. If you don't want me I'm gonna respect that decision and move on. Nothing turns a girl off more than trying to win her affection back. I've done that in the past but never again.
How did you do that?

And according to you, then allowable fixes to relationship problems are her submition or breaking up. No wonder you are first who has started here in next last year be so for hookers.

You are just feeling broken and think only way to have relationship is to protect themselves first. This isn't way toward good life.

You have work for your relationship while keeping your dignity intact. Just because you lack skill doesn't mean it doesn't exist.