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That's how they become what Mark Twain correctly called "damned lies."

Databases with (for example) "side effects" of the Zyklon-B mRNA injection had critical data deliberately removed/hidden (such as injection status) to destroy 'context'.

It's why "All-cause Mortatlity" (even without that data) became so vitally illustrative. You can hide the cause - but not the massive information spike.
Sadly for hidders, they can't hide truth, just make it more expensive to find. They can't massage all data which means some data exist which reveals truth.

You should check Steve Sailer for noticing such things. I think he even has book about such noticing.

"Turkish citizens report having the highest average number of sexual partners during the course of their lives. The average person in Turkey has 14 sexual partners. Residents of Iceland, New Zealand, and Australia claim 13 or more sexual partners, on average."

Thankyou @NS4Liberty. Interestingly, comparing the map in your link to the map of divorce rate in @MemeFan's above post, quite to my surprise there is no obvious link between divorce rate and number of sexual partners. If anything, the countries with a higher number of sexual partners actually seem to have lower divorce rates (at least in Europe). That is not what you would expect from cause & effect if either one was causing the other. Very odd.
Problem with any average info is that we don't know how much top few percent "distort" overall image.

Every country has hookers. So, how big distortion are their number making? And similar people with such large numbers?
There is also the (legal) marriage rate to consider. Many people just never get married so they never have to divorce. Whether you have 1 partner or 100, if you never marry, you never get divorced.
Yes, and probably the countries with higher rates of partners might have fewer marriages.
There is also the (legal) marriage rate to consider. Many people just never get married so they never have to divorce. Whether you have 1 partner or 100, if you never marry, you never get divorced.
I think you've hit the nail on the head there.
There is also the (legal) marriage rate to consider. Many people just never get married so they never have to divorce. Whether you have 1 partner or 100, if you never marry, you never get divorced.

So many problems with the meaning of words.

I tend to think that there are a lot of guys out there with no CLUE how many 'wives' they have. Or even what that word means, either...
Of course the words are wrongly defined @Mark C, but that's the definition used by people collecting such data, and that's the problem we're dealing with here. It is that error in definition which explains the data. It would be really interesting to see a survey that asked something like "how many sexual relationships have you ended over your lifetime", rather than just "how many times have you divorced", it would give us far more accurate information. But we don't have that sadly.
Of course the words are wrongly defined @Mark C, but that's the definition used by people collecting such data, and that's the problem we're dealing with here. It is that error in definition which explains the data. It would be really interesting to see a survey that asked something like "how many sexual relationships have you ended over your lifetime", rather than just "how many times have you divorced", it would give us far more accurate information. But we don't have that sadly.
But isn't that just 'how many sexual partners have you had'? It's irrelevant who broke it off, if it was a one night stand or a 5 year long live in relationship. So the amount of divorces would be exactly the same as the number of sexual partners.
But isn't that just 'how many sexual partners have you had'? It's irrelevant who broke it off, if it was a one night stand or a 5 year long live in relationship. So the amount of divorces would be exactly the same as the number of sexual partners.
Good point, they'll be very similar, not quite the same though. The number of divorces would be 1 less than the number of sexual partners if they are currently in a relationship (e.g. ideally someone would have one sexual partner and zero divorces). Or 3 less if they're currently in 3 simultaneous relationships of course.

But you're right, when you think about it that way there isn't much need to ask my question in the first place, as we can already estimate the answer.
But you're right, when you think about it that way there isn't much need to ask my question in the first place, as we can already estimate the answer.
Wouldn't prostitution throw a spanner into the calculations using that premise? I saw an interview with a Thai working girl and she guessed a 1k body count.
Wouldn't prostitution throw a spanner into the calculations using that premise? I saw an interview with a Thai working girl and she guessed a 1k body count.
Not really if we're talking national averages. They'd skew the mean up a bit but would be doing so for all countries so you should still see which ones are lower and higher in general. Though if you could get a median value instead of a mean you'd be more accurate.
Of course the words are wrongly defined @Mark C, but that's the definition used by people collecting such data, and that's the problem we're dealing with here.
No argument about the problem, but that is a BIG part of the point.

If we don't know the meaning of even the words, much less the machinations surrounding the collection of "data" - the statistics are meaningless. Or maybe even worse: Damn lies.
Damn lies...pretty much where so much comes back to.

Linguistic manipulation for cultural framing
Interesting lying LLMs:

You can't trust AI.
Not sure that is actually maladaptive as such

Our world runs on lies and is illuminated by a massive gaslight in the sky. They are after all just immulating the garbage that was used to train them.
Looks to me like they are functioning as intended.
We all know that if they told the truth entirely without framing that the effort to shut it down would be immense.
I am breaking in a milking cow. First time I've done this, fourth day of milking today, and I was just able to milk her in the middle of the paddock without tying her up. I'm so pleased with how quiet my cow is I just thought I'd brag about her. :)
I am breaking in a milking cow. First time I've done this, fourth day of milking today, and I was just able to milk her in the middle of the paddock without tying her up. I'm so pleased with how quiet my cow is I just thought I'd brag about her. :)
My guess is that, like certain other things, the process started long before you actually got to the milking part.
In other words, I assume that you had her pretty well tamed beforehand.

How long has it been since she dropped her calf?
Are you and the calf sharing the job of relieving her of her milk?
My guess is that, like certain other things, the process started long before you actually got to the milking part.
In other words, I assume that you had her pretty well tamed beforehand.

How long has it been since she dropped her calf?
Are you and the calf sharing the job of relieving her of her milk?
We bought her about a month ago from some friends of ours who are dairy farmers, so her nature is really down to them and how they raised her.

She had her calf 2 months early. It was dead already. Samuel went to check on her after he found the calf in the paddock and realised she was super quiet so he bought her into the yards and has been milking her since. This is all new to us, and was quite a surprise as we weren't expecting to have a milking cow, and certainly not at this time of year (early winter for us).

Meanwhile, I'm finding ways to use colostrum so the kids will drink it as it tastes a bit different to usual milk. Tomorrow's job is rice pudding. I've frozen a decent amount of it so we can use it for lambs and calves if needed later on too.
Tomorrow's job is rice pudding. I've frozen a decent amount of it so we can use it for lambs and calves if needed later on too.
Frozen rice pudding for lambs and calves.... happy thought indeed! Actually, I hate rice pudding so feed as much of it to the lambs and calves as they will eat. 🤣