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Found thisGP0fnYeWMAA6Bm9.jpeg

To me it looks like general correlation: more divorce = more sex partners.

It follows somehow logically. Divorcees usually find new partners which should increase sexual partners.

I don't get Nordics and Turkey. Polygyny in Islam should be part of explanation, but why is number so high? Are they having public house on every second street?

And supposedly happiest people on Earth do have sky high number of divorces. What's with them.

Also, I think number for sex partners are too high unless some people are doing sex parties every weekend.
Check the data on your average number of sexual partners map @MemeFan, if that's saying that the average person in the UK has had 978 sexual partners, and the average person in France has had 4810. For France, that's two people a week for 50 years. It's nonsense. Find some real data and we can discuss it.
Check the data on your average number of sexual partners map @MemeFan, if that's saying that the average person in the UK has had 978 sexual partners, and the average person in France has had 4810. For France, that's two people a week for 50 years. It's nonsense. Find some real data and we can discuss it.

I did find that more than a bit 'eyebrow raising'...

(But I was looking for a decimal point, or something.)
Seems that number is actually max number of sex partners. Assuming Pareto distribution (which make sense)or even Gaussian distribution we should be able to calculate average number of partners.

Next question is which distribution is right? Does number of one's sexual partners influence number of random another person? If yes, then it's Pareto. Otherwise Gauss.

I think it's yes.
Seems that number is actually max number of sex partners. Assuming Pareto distribution (which make sense)or even Gaussian distribution we should be able to calculate average number of partners.
So, you've got data on the one extreme outlier in each population, and think from that you can calculate the mean? Somehow I don't think you've ever dealt with real-world statistical data...

"Turkish citizens report having the highest average number of sexual partners during the course of their lives. The average person in Turkey has 14 sexual partners. Residents of Iceland, New Zealand, and Australia claim 13 or more sexual partners, on average."
Thankyou @NS4Liberty. Interestingly, comparing the map in your link to the map of divorce rate in @MemeFan's above post, quite to my surprise there is no obvious link between divorce rate and number of sexual partners. If anything, the countries with a higher number of sexual partners actually seem to have lower divorce rates (at least in Europe). That is not what you would expect from cause & effect if either one was causing the other. Very odd.
Thankyou @NS4Liberty. Interestingly, comparing the map in your link to the map of divorce rate in @MemeFan's above post, quite to my surprise there is no obvious link between divorce rate and number of sexual partners. If anything, the countries with a higher number of sexual partners actually seem to have lower divorce rates (at least in Europe). That is not what you would expect from cause & effect if either one was causing the other. Very odd.

There have to be a tonne of factors we don't know. Always annoying to just have facts in a vacuum but no context
There have to be a tonne of factors we don't know. Always annoying to just have facts in a vacuum but no context
That's how they become what Mark Twain correctly called "damned lies."

Databases with (for example) "side effects" of the Zyklon-B mRNA injection had critical data deliberately removed/hidden (such as injection status) to destroy 'context'.

It's why "All-cause Mortatlity" (even without that data) became so vitally illustrative. You can hide the cause - but not the massive information spike.
That's how they become what Mark Twain correctly called "damned lies."

Databases with (for example) "side effects" of the Zyklon-B mRNA injection had critical data deliberately removed/hidden (such as injection status) to destroy 'context'.

It's why "All-cause Mortatlity" (even without that data) became so vitally illustrative. You can hide the cause - but not the massive information spike.
Great minds etc.
My thoughts went immediately to the covid hustle in broad terms after the damned lies citation.
Won't derail but there were so many screwjobs before public talk of the mrna shots that should have been transparently obvious power plays based on just romper room tier idiocy but as mentioned, most of us are easily manipulated bumpkins.
What is worse are those who continue to double down even after the gaslighters have daylight shining on them as it were. Apparently the old saw about the difficulty of getting people to admit that they were fooled is pretty accurate