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If you teach a class on gardening, you could call it Plant Parenthood.

I’ll let myself out.
A post I saw on Facebook. How to know what your wife means.

When you’re in another room and you can hear her calling out, you can tell a lot about what you’re walking into by how she calls you.

“Hey honey” in upbeat tone:
She either needs something easy from you or is about to deliver news that she has made an error.

“Honeyyyyyyy” in concerned tone:
She has really fucked up and you can win brownie points by pretending the damage she has caused is no biggie. Use this one to your advantage.

“Hey babe” in short but stern tone:
You have fucked up or given incorrect information to another person and it’s made its way back to her. Prepare your defences.

“Hun” loudly:
She is looking for something. She cares not for conversation. She wants a fast answer. Deliver answer or be prepared to drop everything and help.

“When you get a sec, can you come in here”:
This is a classic DIY preparation line. She needs your opinion and labour. Anything from hanging a photo to removing a load-bearing wall. Bunnings trip is imminent. She has no plans but likely an Instagram photo for your reference.

“Okay so I have an idea”:
Follow her. Say yes. Even if it’s not possible. Shit bout to get wild but also you bout to get laid if you make it happen.

“Insert full name”:
Run… you are fucked. She has entered mother mode and you have some serious explaining to do. Chances are your mum also knows.

It has taken me 15 years to decode this. I hope it assists you.