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I mean seriously, denigrating Trump because he has some association with a sinner makes sense to you?
that as long as the deep state is supporting Ukraine, you will sabotage their opposition.
One voice will not make a difference. Change my mind. ;);)
But he is the best bulwark that we apparently have against the people who are actively trying to turn this country into a third world dictatorship.
I am not convinced that this is accurate assessment of the situation.
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He opposes vaccines but everything else about hummus leftists.
The terms "right", "left" and "centrist" are relative terms, and apply to the current balance of opinion in a country. They originated in the French Revolution, where the "progressives" (the revolutionaries) happened to sit on the left side of parliament, and the "conservatives" (the monarchists) happened to sit on the right. Starting a tradition which has continued to this day, where those who are wanting to change society sit on the left, and those who want to keep it the same or roll it back to what it was when they were children sit on the right. There is no such thing as a right-wing policy or a left-wing policy, because as societies change the policies supported by the "left" and the "right" change also. In practice, the "right" tends to support those policies that the "left" fought for 50 years ago, while the new left now wants a different set of policies and disagrees with the work of their forefathers.

So RFK is a "centrist" in that he is not a nutty communist like Harris, and he's not a true freedom lover or protector of life either. In relation to the present set of political opinions popular in the USA, he's somewhere in the middle, and therefore a "centrist". 20 years ago someone with RFK's opinions would have been called a leftist. But for today, he's a centrist. Because politics has shifted. If it keeps going on the same trajectory in another 20 years someone holding RFK's opinions will be considered right-wing.

I am obviously painting a picture with very broad strokes here, please don't debate it on little details, some details will obviously contradict it. But the overall picture is correct.
Is it possible that behind Artificial Intelligence there are demons? It kind of makes sense that it is possible. If yes, then it will raise new dilemmas, whether to use it. Just something to be aware of. (If I am late to existing discussion could I get link).
Is it possible that behind Artificial Intelligence there are demons? It kind of makes sense that it is possible. If yes, then it will raise new dilemmas, whether to use it. Just something to be aware of. (If I am late to existing discussion could I get link).
That was certainly interesting.
Can demons communicate through AI?
I see no reason to believe that they couldn’t.
Just watched RFK's speech pulling out of the race and endorsing Trump. I am very impressed with him. He comes across as so sincere about the issue of most importance to him - children's health - and has a way of explaining the crisis clearly and bringing you along with him in this cause. But most importantly he brings it all back to God, and pragmatic logic. I wish we had such a sensible centrist in our politics here, and I pray that God is able to use him strategically for good in your country. Obviously he has problematic views outside this - someone's going to point that out if I don't - but nobody's perfect. He has a mission that is worthwhile and needs to be done, and he may have the opportunity to actually do something about that.
JFK was killed on my first wedding anniversary. We had already stayed home from work to just hang out and celebrate. Since my brother and I had been hired by the DEM party to record campaign songs for JFK and the DEMs in general, this man had special importance in our lives. I truly think, had he not been killed that he would have been one of our greatest presidents. He was one Democrat (actually, the only one I ever remember) who believed LOWERING taxes on EVERYONE was good for the country. But that was not good news to the SWAMP (Yes, it was there then too - they were the ones who killed him and RFK knows it and has said it)
He opposes vaccines but everything else about hummus leftists.
Did you listen to his speech?

You're missing that he recognises the corporate takeover of agriculture and food processing, and wants to restore small farming and food quality. This is a very important matter that few even on the supposed "right" are willing to come out and acknowledge - most on the "right" are quite happy with the corporate takeover of farmland, even enabling it. Because the establishment right lean towards fascism (economically speaking), just as the establishment left lean towards communism. There are few people who actually believe in small enterprise, and they are a very mixed bag who would be placed all over the political spectrum based on their views on other matters. RFK is one of them.

This in my view is the biggest thing he has going for him, far more important than vaccines. I am watching my own country be destroyed by this, I know Ukraine is being sold to the corporates to pay for the war, and I know the same thing is happening throughout the USA and everywhere else in the world. Very few people even recognise it is happening, far fewer have the guts to speak up.

And this is how freedom is ultimately destroyed. Tyrannical governments always fear the peasants, the farmers, because the peasants do not need them and can live self-sufficiently, then rise up and destroy them. So if you want to establish tyranny, you first have to eliminate the peasants. You do that by kicking them off the land and having the land taken over either by corporates (if you're fascist) or state farms (if you're communist), but the effect is the same. The peasants are driven into the working class, dependent on the government, and without the financial independence to stand up against the tyranny.

This is crucial, and just tell me who else is standing up and talking about it. Trump? No, but he might now under the influence of RFK. Which would be fantastic.
Did you listen to his speech?

You're missing that he recognises the corporate takeover of agriculture and food processing, and wants to restore small farming and food quality. This is a very important matter that few even on the supposed "right" are willing to come out and acknowledge - most on the "right" are quite happy with the corporate takeover of farmland, even enabling it. Because the establishment right lean towards fascism (economically speaking), just as the establishment left lean towards communism. There are few people who actually believe in small enterprise, and they are a very mixed bag who would be placed all over the political spectrum based on their views on other matters. RFK is one of them.
RFK is good in things he understands. For rest, he still suffers from commie brainshwashing.

This is my truth telling to children is so important. Otherwise they will support stupidies before they didn't take take to correct learned falsehoods.
RFK is good in things he understands. For rest, he still suffers from commie brainshwashing.

This is my truth telling to children is so important. Otherwise they will support stupidies before they didn't take take to correct learned falsehoods.
Exactly. Tulsi Gabbard is another. She is great in some areas and not so great in others. The thing that unites all of us on our side is the desire for freedom of speech. We can work out all the other details, but if we lose (pretty much gone now) the freedom to say what we want, whether what we say is wanted or not, then our country is gone down the tubes. The CIA, FBI and IRS are doing all they can to shut us all down.