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Ridicule on forum

It should be no secret. Zec wants me to leave the platform.

And in the "offending thread" - in the Ghetto, no less! - I asked a question that everyone who considers polygyny to be what it is - His Word concerning marriage - should be able to answer to their own satisfaction. The thread was deleted, for "Advocating for Torah keeping, and just stupid." And the "left foot of fellowship" followed.

And you aren't even allowed to know what it was. (But - it was, if I say so myself, perhaps the best argument for 'consistency' in our approach to Scripture, that I have seen. And thus 'verbotten' - even in that ghetto.)

Let me repeat: I have no problem with honest discussion, even disagreement, because "iron sharpens iron." But censorship, particularly when it is "arbitrary and capricious," just because Power, is corrupting of what BF should be about.

I appreciate that "something" may eventually be done. BUT:

I hope those who fostered the malignancy will finally take notice.
For what it’s worth, there was no actual decision to restrict your access to the site. That was an automatic response to the moderation your posts elicited, and only half of that moderation originated with me.
And in the "offending thread" - in the Ghetto, no less! - I asked a question that everyone who considers polygyny to be what it is - His Word concerning marriage - should be able to answer to their own satisfaction...

I recall you stating something with regards to letting people know that the feasts are YAH's feasts etc as a way to get to an understanding that his laws / instructions on marriage still stand today, but cannot find it.
Perhaps that's been deleted; I don't know. But that wasn't this. I obviously do NOT think it should have been deleted, and that it was CENTRAL to the stated mission of this site, but I put in in the Ghetto anyway!

I would encourage a real 'moderator' who believes in the purpose of the forum as stated to RE-post it! And allow actual discussion. I contend it would demonstrate what should really be discussed regardless.

If that was it I didn't get to respond to it, but I see the value in that angle for those who are really searching for truth I just hadn't looked at it from that perspective.
I have no doubt that was the intent.

I don't know what BF "should be about", BUT, what if the way it is, IS how it is meant to be ?

Which is why I object SO strongly to this anti-Scriptural repression of discussion of His Word. Anybody remember, "Fear NOT!"?
Don't let it affect how you present what you contribute.
Too late. Most of what I have tried to contribute has already been deleted for weeks now, whether others here know it or not.

PS> And now I notice I'm no longer even allowed to "edit" a 'just-submitted' post, even, to add in a 'PS.'
I would encourage a real 'moderator' who believes in the purpose of the forum as stated to RE-post it! And allow actual discussion. I contend it would demonstrate what should really be discussed regardless.

First let me say that I do like you and I appreciate how you order your thoughts. Overall you're easy to understand and your values are not dependent upon context or situation.

That said you're also rather rigid and militant in your arguments and while I might like this about you ;) I have also seen where it can be problematic. Your words in bold I think are part of the issue here.

Meaning that if you want the moderators and admins to allow actual discussion then you have to do the same.

I am taking a risk in posting this to you and I hope that you can accept that I offer this both dispassionately and constructively.

Hugs, Megan
Meaning that if you want the moderators and admins to allow actual discussion then you have to do the same.
Thanks, Megan...point taken.

But you have to realize that the issue in bold was that I don't have the permission to delete things and censor things that would otherwise amount to said actual discussion. (Case-in-point: the thread, now gone, that I was banned for. I think you'd have found it quite interesting.)

I'm fine with people making arguments, even rigid and militant ones (and even look forward to the possibility!) - but when threads are deleted, or deliberately "moderator-jacked" - that is not allowed to happen.

That is what I have been 'frosted' about. And it's true, even in the Ghetto.
Case-in-point: the thread, now gone, that I was banned for. I think you'd have found it quite interesting.)
In the thread you’re so obsessed over your main question was how someone could support polygyny and not also support a seventh day sabbath and I think the Feasts. That might have been your only question. That is a clear violation of the clearly promulgated rules, and on top of that it’s not even a good or interesting question. All that debate would do was tobfuscate and distract from our focus here; polygyny, patriarchy and issues surround families and masculinity and femininity.

You did it deliberately so that you could do exactly what you’re doing right now; claim to be a persecuted truth teller. That strategy can generate a little bit of attention in the short term but it backfires very quickly; which may be why your reach has been so limited for so long.
One man's truth is another man's lie. The Apostle Paul said it didn't matter what day of the week we set aside to worship. Now personally as a Baptist, I have followed along with most of the others that worship on "The Lord's Day" (Sunday) and not on the "Sabbath" (approx 6 p.m. Friday night until approx 6 p.m. on Saturday). I for one have always questioned why not the Sabbath set aside to abstain from work and to worship, but have never been troubled by it. There are 7th Day Baptists but not familiar with them. My assumption is that they are as dedicated to the Fundamentals of the faith as other Baptists tend to be. But then again we have the AMERICAN Baptists who are as liberal as the Methodists, and the SOUTHERN Baptists who USED TO BE VERY FUNDAMENTAL but are now as wishy-washy as most Christians, and then we have all those INDEPENDENT Baptists who belong to various associations and are generally much more true to the WORD than any of the Denominational Baptists. How many Poly Baptists do you know other than me? And THEN, I am only a poly-believing Baptist, not a practicing one - something I hope to soon change.
In the thread you’re so obsessed over your main question was how someone could support polygyny and not also support a seventh day sabbath and I think the Feasts. That might have been your only question.
You deleted it, and now you can lie about it without fear of contradiction. Which you'd delete, too. (How's THAT for 'obsession'?)

I'd put it back up, and SHOW people what the truth is - but you'd delete it again, ban me again, and then lie about that, too.

AND IT WAS IN THE GHETTO, too, where "Sabbath" talk is supposedly just fine - unless somebody changes the rules capriciously.
One man's truth is another man's lie. The Apostle Paul said it didn't matter what day of the week we set aside to worship.
Uh, oh, Larry. If you were someone the Moderator wanted to force off this site, THAT post would earn you a Night in the Box. And this is NOT even the Ghetto!!!
But you know - if there are rules I haven't seen or don't know about for whatever reason, it is the moderators choice whether to leave me on because of my ignorance, or to boot me off because of his standards. I was warned once, but I don't even recall what that was about. I am me, and as such will always be me. Maybe that is what my wife didn't like about me. Too ignorant to put her away but just smart enough to get myself into trouble.
You deleted it, and now you can lie about it without fear of contradiction. Which you'd delete, too. (How's THAT for 'obsession'?)

I'd put it back up, and SHOW people what the truth is - but you'd delete it again, ban me again, and then lie about that, too.

AND IT WAS IN THE GHETTO, too, where "Sabbath" talk is supposedly just fine - unless somebody changes the rules capriciously.
Post it. I’ll leave it up for a few hours. There won’t be any warnings issued. You can get your vindication. Everyone will see how biased and unfair and mean I am. You’ll be a big hero for defeating the Nazis. You can write your name alongside those of the men who jumped at Normandy. Post it.

Hell; I think I can repost it.
You deleted it, and now you can lie about it without fear of contradiction. Which you'd delete, too. (How's THAT for 'obsession'?)

I'd put it back up, and SHOW people what the truth is - but you'd delete it again, ban me again, and then lie about that, too.

AND IT WAS IN THE GHETTO, too, where "Sabbath" talk is supposedly just fine - unless somebody changes the rules capriciously.
Here you go, here’s the entire text of what got you a warning, the warning which combined with earlier warnings you have gotten from other moderators to automatically trigger a two day restriction.

“This should be of universal interest - but it's here in the ghetto for obvious reasons. Will honest discussion from Scripture be allowed on THIS topic?

Here's how the discussion starts:

Wife: You just want another wife for sex.

Husband: No, darling, but God never changed His commandments about marriage in the Bible...men did!

Wife: Oh, REALLY? Then why don't we keep His Sabbath?

If you can't answer that question, you lose.

And then be prepared for all the rest:

Why don't we honor His "Appointed Times?" Like Passover, Sukkot, and Yom Kippur?
Why do we eat pork when He said not to? Did He change THAT, too?
And don't even THINK about dealing with "money"...“

First off it’s a stupid idea, I can make a very compelling case for poly completely from the New Testament, second off, you are clearly advocating for a universal observance of a seventh day sabbath and the specific religious holidays as commanded by Moses.

You are not being treated unfairly. You are simply trying to receive special treatment. There are those here who would argue against keeping a seventh day sabbath and they would not be allowed to do so either.

So stop your histrionics. If you don’t like it here then leave.
Here you go, here’s the entire text of what got you a warning, the warning which combined with earlier warnings you have gotten from other moderators to automatically trigger a two day restriction.

“This should be of universal interest - but it's here in the ghetto for obvious reasons. Will honest discussion from Scripture be allowed on THIS topic?

Here's how the discussion starts:

Wife: You just want another wife for sex.

Husband: No, darling, but God never changed His commandments about marriage in the Bible...men did!

Wife: Oh, REALLY? Then why don't we keep His Sabbath?

If you can't answer that question, you lose.

And then be prepared for all the rest:

Why don't we honor His "Appointed Times?" Like Passover, Sukkot, and Yom Kippur?
Why do we eat pork when He said not to? Did He change THAT, too?
And don't even THINK about dealing with "money"...“

First off it’s a stupid idea, I can make a very compelling case for poly completely from the New Testament, second off, you are clearly advocating for a universal observance of a seventh day sabbath and the specific religious holidays as commanded by Moses.

You are not being treated unfairly. You are simply trying to receive special treatment. There are those here who would argue against keeping a seventh day sabbath and they would not be allowed to do so either.

So stop your histrionics. If you don’t like it here then leave.
Or, for that matter Sabbath year, or 50th Year. When the Church starts trying to keep the ceremonial law, they will fail every time. For these things were meant for the people of Israel to follow. And they did a pretty pathetic job at it too.
Or, for that matter Sabbath year, or 50th Year. When the Church starts trying to keep the ceremonial law, they will fail every time. For these things were meant for the people of Israel to follow. And they did a pretty pathetic job at it too.
You haven’t begun to realize how many things you have been taught that were wrong beyond polygyny. Sit back and grab a cold one, of whatever your flavor is.
I too was once a staunch Baptist, then I started learning. And I am only young compared to you, I’m ten years behind you. But I got a head start on learning truth.
Or, for that matter Sabbath year, or 50th Year. When the Church starts trying to keep the ceremonial law, they will fail every time. For these things were meant for the people of Israel to follow. And they did a pretty pathetic job at it too.
Emphasis mine.

Labeling anything you don't want to follow as "ceremonial" is a very dangerous practice. Many "Christians" nowadays would stick prohibitions on menstrual sex, sodomy, and levirate marriage (and allowance of polygyny in any circumstance for that matter) in this make-believe category of "ceremonial law".

The distinction between the "Church" and "Israel" is your own. They are both referred to as "the Assembly". Remember, it's the Kingdom of God. One Kingdom.
First off it’s a stupid idea, I can make a very compelling case for poly completely from the New Testament,
This is specifically referring to the argument of polygyny that utilizes "God never changed His commandments". I really fail to see any good arguments for anything about the New Testament when removed from the Old. The basis of Yeshua's ministry is Old Testament Instructions and Prophecies.
second off, you are clearly advocating for a universal observance of a seventh day sabbath and the specific religious holidays as commanded by Moses.
Genuine question, would I not be allowed to say - within the Torah "Ghetto" - that keeping Torah allows us to remain logically consistent when it comes to things like polygyny?

That seems such a simple comment to make, within the Torah specific part of the forum as well. I can understand (understand, not agree with) the reasoning for removing a comment like that outside of the ghetto, but if it can't even be within the ghetto than what purpose does that section serve? Better to be upfront and just remove the ghetto (imo).
One man's truth is another man's lie. The Apostle Paul said it didn't matter what day of the week we set aside to worship. Now personally as a Baptist, I have followed along with most of the others that worship on "The Lord's Day" (Sunday) and not on the "Sabbath" (approx 6 p.m. Friday night until approx 6 p.m. on Saturday). I for one have always questioned why not the Sabbath set aside to abstain from work and to worship, but have never been troubled by it. There are 7th Day Baptists but not familiar with them. My assumption is that they are as dedicated to the Fundamentals of the faith as other Baptists tend to be. But then again we have the AMERICAN Baptists who are as liberal as the Methodists, and the SOUTHERN Baptists who USED TO BE VERY FUNDAMENTAL but are now as wishy-washy as most Christians, and then we have all those INDEPENDENT Baptists who belong to various associations and are generally much more true to the WORD than any of the Denominational Baptists. How many Poly Baptists do you know other than me? And THEN, I am only a poly-believing Baptist, not a practicing one - something I hope to soon change.
I love this! As a lifelong Baptist, first Independent, now Southern, I came up with a new Baptist denomination that ought to work for us, namely the Agape Baptists. We love everyone, especially the widows and the always a bridesmaid, never a bride ladies!