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Ridicule on forum

Emphasis mine.

Labeling anything you don't want to follow as "ceremonial" is a very dangerous practice. Many "Christians" nowadays would stick prohibitions on menstrual sex, sodomy, and levirate marriage (and allowance of polygyny in any circumstance for that matter) in this make-believe category of "ceremonial law".

The distinction between the "Church" and "Israel" is your own. They are both referred to as "the Assembly". Remember, it's the Kingdom of God. One Kingdom.

This is specifically referring to the argument of polygyny that utilizes "God never changed His commandments". I really fail to see any good arguments for anything about the New Testament when removed from the Old. The basis of Yeshua's ministry is Old Testament Instructions and Prophecies.

Genuine question, would I not be allowed to say - within the Torah "Ghetto" - that keeping Torah allows us to remain logically consistent when it comes to things like polygyny?

That seems such a simple comment to make, within the Torah specific part of the forum as well. I can understand (understand, not agree with) the reasoning for removing a comment like that outside of the ghetto, but if it can't even be within the ghetto than what purpose does that section serve? Better to be upfront and just remove the ghetto (imo).
I wonder if Michael Moon is the son of Gary Moon, one of my oldest and dearest friends, now gone to be with the Lord???
So @PastorLarry made a post and I responded to it, now I cannot find either.
Except that @Michael Moon captured @PastorLarry s post.

Is my phone whacko, or are more shenanigans going on?
He was born near East Peru, Iowa around 1942 or so. He had a son Michael and a daughter, whose name I have forgotten. It'll come to me in the middle of the night. Good to know you Michael. This Gary wrote one of the Songs The Gospel Ramblers Quartet sang back in the early 1960's. I was the spokesman for that Quartet and sang High Tenor. After probably 10 or 12 years of high tenor I switched to Baritone because my throat hurt terribly after each concert. My last Quartet was Harbour Lights Quartet. That was the best known of the 3 quartets I sang with. Baritone was sooo much easier. But, how on earth did I get off on THAT. See, I just can't be depended on to keep to the subject. With no wife, and no one to talk to, I kind of do that. Sorry to any of you who read this. Sorry to you especially Michael.
This is specifically referring to the argument of polygyny that utilizes "God never changed His commandments". I really fail to see any good arguments for anything about the New Testament when removed from the Old. The basis of Yeshua's ministry is Old Testament Instructions and Prophecies.
We have been using good arguments from both the Old and the New, and Zec is absolutely right here! We don't have to use the whole "God never changes His commandments", to get our point across. The "Burden of Proof" has always been on the ones who make the assertion. We don't have to assert that something is not wrong. It is the MO crows that is asserting that it is wrong, and all we have to do, is expose the weakness of their arguments.
He was born near East Peru, Iowa around 1942 or so. He had a son Michael and a daughter, whose name I have forgotten. It'll come to me in the middle of the night. Good to know you Michael. This Gary wrote one of the Songs The Gospel Ramblers Quartet sang back in the early 1960's. I was the spokesman for that Quartet and sang High Tenor. After probably 10 or 12 years of high tenor I switched to Baritone because my throat hurt terribly after each concert. My last Quartet was Harbour Lights Quartet. That was the best known of the 3 quartets I sang with. Baritone was sooo much easier. But, how on earth did I get off on THAT. See, I just can't be depended on to keep to the subject. With no wife, and no one to talk to, I kind of do that. Sorry to any of you who read this. Sorry to you especially Michael.
I sing baritone as well! At one of my former churches, we used to joke that we were the "barely tones".
He was born near East Peru, Iowa around 1942 or so. He had a son Michael and a daughter, whose name I have forgotten. It'll come to me in the middle of the night. Good to know you Michael. This Gary wrote one of the Songs The Gospel Ramblers Quartet sang back in the early 1960's. I was the spokesman for that Quartet and sang High Tenor. After probably 10 or 12 years of high tenor I switched to Baritone because my throat hurt terribly after each concert. My last Quartet was Harbour Lights Quartet. That was the best known of the 3 quartets I sang with. Baritone was sooo much easier. But, how on earth did I get off on THAT. See, I just can't be depended on to keep to the subject. With no wife, and no one to talk to, I kind of do that. Sorry to any of you who read this. Sorry to you especially Michael.
It's no problem. It sounds to me that this Gary would have fit in well with my family. My father and all of my siblings are very involved with music. My father teaches classical instruments for high school (as well as pastoring). It is good to know you as well PastorLarry.
I'm not even going to try to correct anyone here on anything. It is impossible for any of us to leave our doctrines at home. It is also probably impossible for any of us in this type of forum to convince anyone of anything. I feel very comfortable with what God has revealed to me as I am sure each of you do. If anyone has trusted Christ Jesus for Salvation, I don't have to worry about your salvation and you don't have to worry about mine. If God shows me anywhere that I am wrong, I will believe him. Hey, after all - until I understood the sovereignty of God, I thought it possible to lose one's salvation. Who is it on here that has the little quote - something to the effect of "You can't find God. God's not lost." I love that. And when God found me, He kept me. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.
It's no problem. It sounds to me that this Gary would have fit in well with my family. My father and all of my siblings are very involved with music. My father teaches classical instruments for high school (as well as pastoring). It is good to know you as well PastorLarry.
And Michael - Gary was one of the finest guitarists I ever knew. He taught for years at one of the music instrument stores in Des Moines. It was one of his greatest joys in life to teach "young skulls full of mush (thank you Rush Limbaugh)" how to play the guitar.
With all respect for Rush
Who is it on here that has the little quote - something to the effect of "You can't find God. God's not lost." I love that. And when God found me, He kept me. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.
You don't have to find God, He's not the one who's lost.
There sure was a lot of "Sabbath stuff" in this thread that didn't get deleted. Even a sneering opinion on it from On High. (I'm not complaining - I never liked any such censorship. But I am noting the disparity.)

This, however, is again, wrong:

First off it’s a stupid idea...
...you are clearly advocating for a universal observance of a seventh day sabbath and the specific religious holidays as commanded by Moses.
No, I was not. But it was in the Ghetto, which you tend to ignore when it comes to treating anything 'torah-related' as a nail to be hit with Zec's Hammer.

And I suggested a conversation (the likes of which I have in fact heard MORE THAN ONCE) which I offered for discussion.

What I "clearly advocated for" was anybody who might encounter that situation be prepared to "give an answer," for whatever they believe, "in season and out."
their is a definite anti torah slant,
Come on guys (more directly mods) and yes I know I used the wrong "there".
This is exactly what I was referring to.
@PastorLarry posted and included his view his interpretation of scripture, then @Michael Moon responded directly to his post and unless @Michael Moon deleted his own post you (mods) decide to delete his torah leaning post and keep the anti torah post that was directly responded to.
This smacks of the pseudo tolerance that is being touted by the alphabet crew whilst they are being intolerant to the patriarchal nuclear family and structure.
Nevertheless both @PastorLarry and @Michael Moon although presenting polar opposite views have since continued to engage in pleasant discourse.

looking in from the outside it is no surprise your inequity in handling situations in this way would lead to frustrations. I read the response post by @Michael Moon and I do not recall anything disparaging, just a direct response and he made a cogent comment regarding the censorship even within the so called ghetto that makes having the so called ghetto irrelevant or not worth while (I am heavily paraphrasing from memory)

This is just disappointing, and I actually went and read the rules today to make sure I view things from a BF viewpoint. Trigger happy deleting makes no sense even in light of the stated rules.

Too heavy handed. Too fast.

What goes for one goes for all.

Come on guys (more directly mods) and yes I know I used the wrong "there".
This is exactly what I was referring to.
@PastorLarry posted and included his view his interpretation of scripture, then @Michael Moon responded directly to his post and unless @Michael Moon deleted his own post you (mods) decide to delete his torah leaning post and keep the anti torah post that was directly responded to.
This smacks of the pseudo tolerance that is being touted by the alphabet crew whilst they are being intolerant to the patriarchal nuclear family and structure.
Nevertheless both @PastorLarry and @Michael Moon although presenting polar opposite views have since continued to engage in pleasant discourse.

looking in from the outside it is no surprise your inequity in handling situations in this way would lead to frustrations. I read the response post by @Michael Moon and I do not recall anything disparaging, just a direct response and he made a cogent comment regarding the censorship even within the so called ghetto that makes having the so called ghetto irrelevant or not worth while (I am heavily paraphrasing from memory)

This is just disappointing, and I actually went and read the rules today to make sure I view things from a BF viewpoint. Trigger happy deleting makes no sense even in light of the stated rules.

Too heavy handed. Too fast.

What goes for one goes for all.

That’s all very insightful analysis; except it’s all completely wrong. One post was deleted because it claimed that following “ceremonial law” was ALWAYS a failure. The other was deleted because it was a response to a then deleted comment and no longer made sense.

The thing about deleted comments is that they get deleted; so as a general rule no one knows what gets deleted. You have no idea if all sides are being treated fairly. You do not see what happens to all sides.

You hear about what happens to Mark because he squawks so loud and so long. You don’t know about any of the rest of it and you shouldn’t. The whole reason we moderate is so that the regular forum readers do not have to deal with the unpleasantness.

On that score I’ve failed. I have allowed the unpleasantness to just morph into criticism of me. I tried to not moderate that since it seemed self serving but the end result was that there was just as much unpleasantness and then I fell into the trap of defending myself and Mark instantly launched back into his pet project of pushing this theological stances on everyone else.

This failure stings a little bit. I should have just ignored his sniping as the ineffectual mewling that it is. I will be returning to that policy immediately. I am adding a new rule to the arbitrary censorship regime though @Mark C , from now on any post accusing anyone of being a Nazi will need to be accompanied with reasonable proof that they are in fact a card carrying member of the National Socialist party or it too will be deleted.

I apologize to everyone for allowing the inmate to run the asylum. It will not happen again.
Zec, I love you brother, but you’ve gone too far too many times.