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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

I think Annie (commentor) needs a good husband, and Jarred needs a second wife!

I think Annie (commentor) needs a good husband, and Jarred needs a second wife!

That's true about Anne. Jarred's testimony is a common one I hear from men. But finding a second wife probably won't help because he didn't have the ability to manage the first one properly; 2 is just asking for trouble.
That is absolutely HYSTERICAL ROTFLM*O!

That's true about Anne. Jarred's testimony is a common one I hear from men. But finding a second wife probably won't help because he didn't have the ability to manage the first one properly; 2 is just asking for trouble.

My wife wanted me to send a copy of the link to her so she can share it on Facebook LOL

Lori Alexander says:
January 14, 2020 at 5:09 am
Exactly! What can be more important for women to do than to bear and raise the next generation? Nothing!

Bill Johnson says:
January 15, 2020 at 10:30 am
Well, Lori, the one thing that comes to my male mind is “to nurture your marriage.” It was my experience and that of countless new husbands, that the day the stick turned blue, the marriage ended. I was reading another forum that focuses on sexless marriages, where the discussion was about “the 3-5 things that are more important to your wife than nurturing her relationship to you.” The answers were a hoot! albeit a very sad hoot. The number one answer was “anything concerning the kids.”

Do women naturally have a desire to control their husband? According to Genesis 3:16, they do and it happened right after the Fall. When I teach women to not deprive their husbands sexually, they come up with all types of excuses why they shouldn’t have to do this. The majority of these excuses are simply another way to control their husbands.

When I teach women to submit to their husbands, they will come up with all types of exceptions that will allow women to decide that they really don’t need to submit to their husbands in everything as unto Christ.
When my wife and I first married, we would go several months without sex due to her health issues. I admit, i would get frustrated and irritable, but so would she. The argument that "men want/think/talk about sex more than women" is vastly outdated and false. There are times that my wife has woken me up in the middle of the night! It's all part of life. You juggle work, sleep, sex, social connections, family connections, personal time, and do so all too the best of your ability with God first and foremost. I personally don't agree that it is the sole responsibility of the wife to make sure her husbands sexual needs are met. It doesn't hurt the husband at all to do a little romancing or even foreplay, even if it is a text or a short phone call, to help set the mood and show that he doesn't only care about his needs but also cares about hers. I grew up in a predominately female household and my mom was a single mother of three, so maybe I have it backwards, but I take great strides to please and satisfy my wife with regards to most things and others we come together to take care of as a team. I apologize if this has a defensive or confrontational tone, it is not implied as such. Just merely my opinion.
I take great strides to please and satisfy my wife

As you should. When both parties are focused on doing this to sexually satisfy their mate, things work out as they should. Where things go wrong is when one or the other thinks they don't need to, don't have the responsibility, don't have to be inconvenienced to to so.
Yup! I think we all understand that women are more turned on by verbal remarks, whereas men are more turned on by visual stimuli.

Isn't it funny though how lingerie can make something otherwise attractive even more visually stimulating by covering it up (but not so much that it really covers).
Hey all, I know I’m late to this party, but I have my husbands teaching on this subject that may prove helpful to a few offended parties. (I realize that maybe what I’m about to say may have been already stated but the entire thread is 17 pages long and was derailed a ton so....TLDR Lol)

The entire point to being a wife is to please your husband. Full stop. It’s not if you feel like it or even want to, dare I say. If I don’t want to have sex with my husband, that does not excuse me from my duties any more so than if I didn’t feel like cooking a meal and let everyone in my house go hungry. Sex is made too much of, particularly by women because it is the only source of perceived power. The programming is real, folks. The very reason women were/are owned by their father/husband is to protect them from evil. I get that’s a blanket statement, but understand that we live under the curse of sin in this world and the enemy wants nothing more than a woman to have power over her body (that is rightfully her husbands) and thus destroying the familial and biblical foundations set by The Lord. I’m in no way saying that we are immune to bad days and just “not in the mood”, but as harsh as it may seem to some, Rockfox is on point. And it’s not about hating women - though I admit I struggled with that too. Women aren’t evil (unless they are fem nazis....) but as the weaker vessel, we present a real danger of not properly cared for and protected, even against ourselves.

In the same stride, it’s a husbands duty to care and love (sacrifice for) his wife. If a wife is struggling, a husband will make a decision as to what she needs to help her. This may come in the form of communication, bible study, cuddles, affirmation, fasting, etc. As husband and wife, we are a team, designed to build up each other. Now, if your husband is Nebal the idiot, then Praise God that He delivered you, or continue to pray for peace. My husband always points his role back to our Savior who tells us that to lead is to serve, and His amazement at the faith of the centurion. The man was a good leader because he knew obedience, and therefore had faith because he could trust in His authority.

Thank you for sharing thoughts on this and allowing me to participate! Peace to all.
I think that sums it all up quite nicely. Thanks for sharing!
The entire point to being a wife is to please your husband. Full stop.

Spot on!
we are a team

Disagree with this. It conveys egalitarian ideas. The only way you can view it as a team is to consider the husband as the coach and his women as the players... But even that is not completely accurate. Perhaps you could liken it to professional sports and say the husband is the team owner and his women are the players.

Your whole post is great that's my only critique. It may seem petty but we need to be careful about our wording and recognize when the feminist culture influences our thinking... Husband and wife are not a team. They are master and servant.