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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

And maybe if a several hundred pound animal can be graceful and loving you could cut some slack towards the female humans. Lol!
It's a metaphor! The animal is fit for its body! An obese deer, is a dead deer, because it won't escape its predators. You have already admitted that you have never seen an obese deer. How ridiculous for you to conclude that this is a command for a man to drop any standards for his wife's physical beauty!
I'm not picking choosing lol! You are focused on appearance! I'm focused on the command. I'm saying its all in how we view it, so do your best to view it to be satisfied because after all, you choose it.
No! You are parsing out the parts of those verses that you like, while completely ignoring the context, and claiming that it is a command, when it is NOT!. It is merely advice for how to keep him from straying into the path of the adulterous woman, and the context makes that crystal clear!
Oh really now! Because of the fact that some deer are mangy?

I've been saying this goes beyond beauty this whole time. Which is why you need to be satisfied. And most deer are mangy lol or at least the ones that roam around my county. You made your argument that loving and graceful were physical attributes and I'm saying their not because of what they mean at the root of the word. So bring me more scripture.
That verse is basically saying, "Your wife is so good looking, you don't need that other man's wife!" It is no command whatsoever!
I've been saying this goes beyond beauty this whole time. Which is why you need to be satisfied. And most deer are mangy lol or at least the ones that roam around my county. You made your argument that loving and graceful were physical attributes and I'm saying their not because of what they mean at the root of the word. So bring me more scripture.
Yeah, but you are stretching Scripture to try to make it say what you want it to say.
That verse is basically saying, "Your wife is so good looking, you don't need that other man's wife!" It is no command whatsoever!
Haha no it's not! It's saying the Lord gave you a gift, don't be a fool and not be satisfied. Wife of your youth implies she's aged because she's the one from when you were young, so it's definitely not saying that! Check that last verse in chapter 5:
For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly.
Proverbs 5:23 NIV
What happens if a woman gets in an accident or has a surgery that makes it very difficult for her to be attractive?
Well if she has other admirable traits, they ought to be attractive enough, but it is clearly understandable if a man has difficulty looking at her and getting sexually aroused.
Haha no it's not! It's saying the Lord gave you a gift, don't be a fool and not be satisfied. Wife of your youth implies she's aged because she's the one from when you were young, so it's definitely not saying that! Check that last verse in chapter 5:
For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly.
Proverbs 5:23 NIV
Who will die? Read the previous verse!
Wife of your youth implies she's aged because she's the one from when you were young, ...
It implies no such thing! He is speaking to his sons. They are still young, and many of them had major age gaps between them and their wives. Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born.