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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

Me: Don’t do it, steve
Also me: Buuut....
Me: Seriously, you are not going to fix anything
Also me: Welll, I Am hungry
Me: Go with that thought, little buddy
Oh snap are we communicating now?! Yes he should not committed adultery. Still says he needs to be satisfied with the wife of his youth, just sayin' ;)
Yeah, but you misused that last verse to try to bolster your argument!
Oh snap are we communicating now?! Yes he should not committed adultery. Still says he needs to be satisfied with the wife of his youth, just sayin' ;)
Notice how I emboldened verse 22! I did so for a reason that seems to have escaped your understanding.
No I didn't! Be satisfied, does not say a women needs to meet expectations! It says the man needs to be satisfied! And also he needs to not commit adultery! So.. he still needs to be satisfied!

On another note, my husband is going to be home soon so I have more important things to do. :)
So, I’ve been debating whether to butt in all day. :)
I’m coming out as one of those women who let herself go. It’s embarrassing, but apparently all-too-common.
With that said, I’ll ALSO admit that my husband is one of the most honest humans and when I asked him a few years ago... he told me that he doesn’t find aspects of my body attractive anymore.
I’m just going to say... I don’t blame him. I don’t find my body attractive anymore. I can blame all kinds of factors but after all is said and done; I’m to blame. I made poor choices.
And you know what? Having a sister wife that is scary attractive has been quite the difficultly for me.
BUT, in reading these posts, I think what it comes down to is this:
When a wife lets herself go it’s not the husband’s fault that he isn’t attracted to her anymore. He married the woman he was attracted to. So, the onus is on her to fix it. Be the best she can be. Not a supermodel, not defying age or gravity, just be the best you can. And from there, if the husband has a difficult time being aroused (because that’s attraction); do other things that will arouse him. It may take more work.

The husband in this situation is still required to love his wife. Love and attraction are two VERY distinct things. I can tell you, beyond a doubt that my husband loves me. He says he doesn’t even love me less because of my body. Again, that’s attraction. Totally different thing. :)
Should a husband still have sex with his wife in that situation? Absolutely! He should give it all he has and not just give up!
From experience, I can tell you that two people can still have a good sex life when this is the case. 100%!!!
A husband should still value that wife. Love her, provide for her in all ways. But, is he required to be ATTRACTED to her? I don’t think so.

Someone posted about a man who finds 300lb women attractive. Would that man still be as attracted to her if she decided to lose 100lbs? Probably not. But, if he married her at 300lbs, THAT’S what he found attractive.

As long as women aren’t expected to remain youthful forever, I think it’s fair that they attempt to maintain what their husband’s married as much as possible. And there should be some grace there.
Had a bunch of kids? Well, yeah, she may have some stretch marks! Her body will just not be the same (thank you, twin girls!:p) That’s not what I’m talking about.
Some things cannot be helped.
But, I gained a lot of weight. It’s understandable that my husband doesn’t look at me the same way as he did when I was 120lbs. It’s just the way it works.

It doesn’t excuse the man who decides to give up and just get a new wife because the other one doesn’t do it for him anymore. Or, you know porn or beer-goggles.
Also, an argument can be made that if a husband is REALLY in control, he can decide which foods are in the house... :cool:

I just read this to @Isaac. He says ultimately it’s his fault that I gained weight by allowing me to gain weight and not leading by example.
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So, I’ve been debating whether to butt in all day. :)
I’m coming out as one of those women who let herself go. It’s embarrassing, but apparently all-too-common.
With that said, I’ll ALSO admit that my husband is one of the most honest humans and when I asked him a few years ago... he told me that he doesn’t find aspects of my body attractive anymore.
I’m just going to say... I don’t blame him. I don’t find my body attractive anymore. I can blame all kinds of factors but after all is said and done; I’m to blame. I made poor choices.
And you know what? Having a sister wife that is scary attractive has been quite the difficultly for me.
BUT, in reading these posts, I think what it comes down to is this:
When a wife lets herself go it’s not the husband’s fault that he isn’t attracted to her anymore. He married the woman he was attracted to. So, the onus is on her to fix it. Be the best she can be. Not a supermodel, not defying age or gravity, just be the best you can. And from there, if the husband has a difficult time being aroused (because that’s attraction); do other things that will arouse him. It may take more work.

The husband in this situation is still required to love his wife. Love and attraction are two VERY distinct things. I can tell you, beyond a doubt that my husband loves me. He says he doesn’t even love me less because of my body. Again, that’s attraction. Totally different thing. :)
Should a husband still have sex with his wife in that situation? Absolutely! He should give it all he has and not just give up!
From experience, I can tell you that two people can still have a good sex life when this is the case. 100%!!!
A husband should still value that wife. Love her, provide for her in all ways. But, is he required to be ATTRACTED to her? I don’t think so.

Someone posted about a man who finds 300lb women attractive. Would that man still be as attracted to her if she decided to lose 100lbs? Probably not. But, if he married her at 300lbs, THAT’S what he found attractive.

As long as women aren’t expected to remain youthful forever, I think it’s fair that they attempt to maintain what their husband’s married as much as possible. And there should be some grace there.
Had a bunch of kids? Well, yeah, she may have some stretch marks! Her body will just not be the same (thank you, twin girls!:p) That’s not what I’m talking about.
Some things cannot be helped.
But, I gained a lot of weight. It’s understandable that my husband doesn’t look at me the same way as he did when I was 120lbs. It’s just the way it works.

It doesn’t excuse the man who decides to give up and just get a new wife because the other one doesn’t do it for him anymore. Or, you know porn or beer-goggles.
Also, an argument can be made that if a husband is REALLY in control, he can decide which foods are in the house... :cool:

I just read this to @Isaac. He says ultimately it’s his fault that I gained weight by allowing me to gain weight and not leading by example.

Hey friend, thank you for being so open and honest. You are wonderful.

I'm actually not going to try to touch the word 'attractive' or anything maintaining attractiveness because I don't know of a case where it's applied in scripture.. so I'm going to just keep on plowing this row with the scripture I do have.

The focus for me is that he can't claim to be dissatisfied. Because he is told to be satisfied. And satisfy (H7301) means:
Strong’s Definitions
רָוָה râvâh, raw-vaw'; a primitive root; to slake the thirst (occasionally of other appetites):—bathe, make drunk, (take the) fill, satiate, (abundantly) satisfy, soak, water (abundantly)

And you said you knew from experience that women in your shoes can have great sex lives, so their husband is obviously not dissatisfied. So I don't think this applies to you, you are both satisfied! Yay!

I just don't like the idea that this command the man is given is solely dependant on the physical attributes his wife can bring to the table.

We can always do things to being more pleasing to our spouse but his satisfaction is not to be swayed.
I’m just saying, I know women who married studs that ended up grossly overweight. If attractiveness is an essential ingredient for determining when to get another spouse . . . . .

Malachi 2:14-16
Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.
For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.

This is a passage describing basically the same scenario you posted Daniel. Guy wants a new wife (for whatever reason) but in bringing the new one in he puts the first wife out to pasture. This is labeled as treachery. And is covenant breaking per Exodus 21:10. Some would say the treachery was in bringing a new wife into covenant that served a pagan God. That was both treachery and abomination but against God. The putting away (without cause) is treachery against the wife of youth.
Same reason for

Mathew 19 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
Something else to think about is that Christ (as the perfect husband) said, I’ll never leave thee nor forsake thee. That doesnt leave us very much wiggle room with our wives. Which basically means if you took a woman under your covering, that means she’s your project . . . . Indefinitely. If she rebels and leaves, or if she commits adultery, those are your only two outs.

If she leaves because you aren’t performing your marital duties, um . . . .that ones on you, not her.
Also I guess the second mention of deer in that proverbs is actually a goat. I can do nothing in particular with that...
Don’t let it get your goat....