• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.



Real Person
Hey there,
I thought I would redirect the silliness over here so that other people won't get upset at us.


Come on in and join the fun.

sweetlissa said:
Maybe I should change my name to SillyLissa?

SweetSilly? SillySweet? :lol:
I just know that I have had a serious amount of fun this evening. Thanks guys for a very jolly time.

I merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
Oh my, who let the baboon out? Cecil, you were supposed to keep your true identity a secret.
My bad, it's a Gorilla... So, you are still trying to keep your identity a secret huh?
Silly is as silly does...to paraphrase Forest Gump... : )
Wow! How you have changed!
DaPastor said:
My bad, it's a Gorilla... So, you are still trying to keep your identity a secret huh?

No, Sillies! It's a Cecorilla!
There was a polygamist named Bill
Whose wives were frequently ill
When he asked them "What's wrong?"
They answered in song
"Who gets the most in your will?"


Why did the polygamist cross the road?
To get to the other bride!


There was a polygamist called Fred
Whose wives all covered their head
When they questioned his reason
Especially in summer season
He remarked "It was something I read"

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Poly who?
Polease stop now, they are just getting worse

It's time to get down to some good old fashioned "monkey business".
Can you guess what monkey my husband is in the picture?
the boy monkey?
I considered using a picture of my hero, Alfred E. Neuman, as my avatar, but they are all copyrighted. :ugeek: So I headed in another direction.

Unfortunately, my body did not follow...