• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.


So would a family with 4 wives be considered a quadrangle? And if there are four wives that makes 5 adults which would be a pentagram. So maybe three wives is best.

A family with five wives would be six adults, forming a hexagon. Honeycombs are made of hexagons. That's real sweet!
CarolinaButterfly said:
a nice break from my studying

In you guys case, that would be the triga-mom-etry stuff, right? :lol:
So you never know who our Heavenly Father is going to use to put some humor in our lives. I thought I would share this story, because there has been so much heaviness in the world these days.

I was making some phone calls on a few of our elderly couples who are not feeling very well these days. It is very hard sometimes making calls, because I hurt for these people who have been such a big part of my family in Christ. These brothers and sisters have supported me growing up, when I got hired to work at the church, have helped with so many different events at the church, and just there when I needed a hand or hug.

Well, the gentlemen that I'm referring to in this post is our family elder. Everyone just adores him. He is so funny and always knows how to throw in a good ice breaker when things in the room are tense. Before I share this story, to understand it, you would have to watch the movie "The March of the Penguins". If you didn't watch the movie, basically it is a narrated movie about the life of penguins. Hopefully, everyone knows how these animals look and waddle. It has been said that nuns look like these animals. Well, our pastors without their robes on usually wear a black shirt and sports coat with a white collar. So now that you've got the picture of the penguins and pastors, I'll continue the story.

I call on my elder/friend/father in Christ, and I say, "I really miss you and how are you feeling...," and he says, "You know, the drill nurses, meds, etc.". Then he said, "Three of our area pastors visited me; it was the "March of the Pastors."

Well, this story might not make you laugh like it did me, but it just amazes me that someone that ill can find the humor in life no matter what has been thrown his way. Him and his wife are such great role models. I praise G-d for putting them in my life.
The question on everyone's mind is, Lutherangirl, did the pastors waddle when they came into his room? Oy vey, what a picture!! :D :lol: :p
Worse! ... as they left it? :lol:
Alti & Cecil,

You guys got the picture! Yes, they did waddle in. I didn't want to say that part. :lol:
lutherangirl said:
Yes, they did waddle in.

... solemnly chanting, in unison, "Waddle-i-atcha, Waddle-i-atcha! Doodle-i-doo, doddle-i-doo!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Some glad morning,
When this life is o'er,
I'll fly away.

I've often wondered just how fast we'll fly.

1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

The twinkling of an eye is, according to an article posted here,
http://polygamyadvocate.blogspot.com/2010/11/marriage-and-children-at-ages-end-and.html, a nano-second. That is 1/1,000,000,000 (1 billionth) of a second.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV (16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: (17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Dead people are buried six feet deep. Since they will rise first, that means they must rise 11.5 feet (approximately) so they are eyeball-to-eyeball with the saints who are still walking around. Then we who are alive and remain will take off.

11.5 feet in one nano-second is 11,500,000,000 feet per second. That is 2,178,030.03 miles per second, or 7,840,909,090.909 miles per hour.

The speed of light is 186,192 miles per second. So 2,178,030.03 miles per second is 11.7 times the speed of light.

There is yet much research that needs to be done on this. For example:

  • * Will those dead saints who are buried less than six feet deep travel slower, or beat us there?

  • * For those of us who live in the Western hemisphere - will we go straight up and make a U-turn in space, or will we go through the Earth's center?

  • * What about a dead saint who was an organ donor? His various body parts might have to take off from different parts of the world. Will some of his organs get there before or after the rest of him does?

  • * If the Moon is full when the Rapture takes place, is there any danger that some of us might bump our heads on the way by?

  • * Should this article be in the Gematria thread instead of this one?

When I die,
Hallelujah by and by,
I'll fly away...
Unless, of course, you are a Lutheran Pastor. Then, there's at least a chance that you will solemnly waddle away. :) At least if the question is raised on THIS thread. Gematria? No telling.

The moon? No worries, mate. Just slice off a hunk of cheese for the trip on your way past.
CecilW said:
lutherangirl said:
Yes, they did waddle in.

... solemnly chanting, in unison, "Waddle-i-atcha, Waddle-i-atcha! Doodle-i-doo, doddle-i-doo!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Very funny, Cecil, you are a hoot! :lol:
The worst part was when they each, in unison, solemnly reached into their vest pockets, produced an egg, carefully placed it between their feet, then again as one, slowly sat dooooowwwwwwwn!
Seems as though Adam started getting home late nearly every evening.

So one night, after he fell asleep, Eve counted his ribs.
So when Eve counted the ribs and found he had the same number of ribs on BOTH sides, that indeed was proof there was another woman!
Wonder if Adam had any ribs at all? :eek:
Wonder if Adam had any ribs at all? :eek:
Considering what transpired in the garden, I wonder if his spine got lost in the surgery? :lol:
This guy who is a member of the BF forum walked into a florist's shop.

"I need a half-dozen red roses," he said.

The florist asked, "For your wife, sir?"

The man replied, "Not exactly. One for each wife." :lol:
Btw, the current avatar of a VERY small monkey type creature wrapped around a finger? That's me holding onto God in tough times. :D
CecilW said:
Btw, the current avatar of a VERY small monkey type creature wrapped around a finger? That's me holding onto God in tough times. :D

That was a good one! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So...the silliness continues. The other day my daughter and I bought a new hair product, to add to the collection we have, to obtain manageable hair. I was running late for work and in a hurry to style my hair. I reached in the cabinet without looking and began spraying my hair with what I thought was hair spray. Then I smelled a terrible odor. I accidentally grabbed the boot and shoe spray that protects your boots and shoes from salt. I didn't have time to rewash my hair, because I was running late. However, my hair held together so good that day even though it was snowing on my head. Who knew boot and shoe spray could work on hair too. :lol: