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So... What are your arguments FOR polygyny?

I agree that the amount of children he has should not be commensurate with the amount of sperm he produces. But even as in agriculture, not every seed produces fruit, and spacing is critical to the plants growth.

I also agree that not every man will be a polygynist. There are enough men in jail, gay, MGTOW, players, and "trans" to create an imbalance in ratio of godly men to christian seeking women. The church is filled with single women and single moms that are left out in the cold, that those of us who COULD take them on, and want to, should be allowed to.

I think we are on the same page, there just seems to be differences in how we view it's practicality.

In my situation, about 6-10 would be ideal.

Most men probably won't (and likely shouldn't) be polygamists. Some men however probably should have multiple wives. A lot of good women could benefit from polygyny. Men and women deserve to have the option of polygyny (since God gives it).
I think ANY argument for polygyny needs to first be an argument for marriage. If someone sees marriage as bondage, or burdensome to either the man or the woman, they are not going to see more of it, or see expanding it as a good thing. If on the other hand people feel blessed and secure in that commited to each other state then others might want to be a part of it....or may see that offer as an offer to share the blessings of a together life.
I think people have a hard time with this for lots of varied reasons. People that had marriages end badly are expecting the worst to happen to us eventually. Our monogamous friends and relatives that are happily married also expect the worst....and would be afraid of DESTROYING their happy marriages. Neither group can really imagine this....and they don't want to try.

The argument for polygyny is that it lets a family that is stable and blessed share those blessings and love ....and include people.

My sweet daughter in law and sisterwife both said we felt like family before they commited to marrying in. I felt the same about my husband's family when I met them. I don't think it gets better then that! We all want love and acceptance....and the support of others. That is why commited families are good...and why allowing them to grow and include others is also good.

Monogamy only makes it necessary for everyone to start off as a couple, (or with children from previous relationships) and build from the ground up, often without much support. The transition we made was fairly easy, and made easier by so much of our lives being a continuation of what we were already doing. Our crew still works, I still do breakfast and laundry. Now we have added help on school, cleaning, meals, shopping, getting kids ready for bed. In addition we all feel blessed by the new folks included in the "we" and the "our" and the "us" that is our family.....blessed by those new relationships....friendships.

Like the plaque on the wall says, "Home. Where each lives for the other and all live for YHWH (God)"

Anyone with us when we are prepping Thanksgiving dinner would just see women working together. There isn't anything strange about it. It's the same in daily life.

Polygyny is just family under one roof (or in our case 3 lol). One man and those who love and respect him being blessed by his leadership, vision, provision (must have vision to plan and provide) and LOVE.

What argument can there really be against that??
Even where polygamy is practiced, math would seem to indicate that most men won't end up being polygamists. The supply of women isn't unlimited.

If a man marries a woman that is 18-22 years of age, and they have a child every couple of years, they will likely end up with 6-12 children during the years of her fertility. That is pretty reasonable multiplying fruitfulness.

As you suggest, the error of "monogamy only" is one negative factor.

The bigger problem is that the culture brainwashes people like your wife into only wanting one or two children instead of seeking greater fruitfulness.

We really need to fight that.

Men can father children for a very long relative period of time. We can also theoretically father an extremely large number of children (millions of sperm cells are produced every day).

Though it is biologically possible, that doesn't mean God intends most men to father thousands of children.

I think he gives us greater flexibility. We can marry later if necessary. We can also have more than one wife.
In today’s society - it’s hard to provide for multiple children and take care of them. So this is why 6-12 children simply isn’t economically possible for so many. Usually both parents are working - so whose going to raise the kids? It’s important they have someone that loves Jesus raising them. But with an additional wife - things become easier. Two parents can work - one can stay home.
And we have Holy Ghost on our side. Who is more powerful, smarter...?

As Tom Luongo like to say:
Truth sells itself. Lies are expensive.

We have far more advantages. So why are gays in better position than us?
I believe the Holy Spirit will show this truth to those that seek God and his righteousness. As it’s written - seek God and his kingdom first and all other things will be added to you. This world is run by Satan - he has a lease since we are living in his season. And most of the world follows Satan’s doctrines - even though it’s out of ignorance and blindness that it came from Satan.

Matthew 7:6

“Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.”

It’s easy for everyone to love a rich man that gives free gifts. But if the rich man becomes poor - how many of those friends will stay with him? Similarly with Jesus. How many are going to follow Jesus and seek his kingdom over following the world and its vanity fair? To those that don’t care what others think - but what God thinks - and if the Holy Spirit wishes to open their hearts to this truth - it can happen. But I extremely doubt it’s ever going to become mainstream in satan’s little season we are living in. Commitment ceremonies is the way to go. Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove.
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it’s hard to provide for multiple children and take care of them. So this is why 6-12 children simply isn’t economically possible for so many.
My hubby's dad raised basically three families. His first wife divorced him and he got custody of the six children. Then he married a woman and had two daughters with her before she passed away. Then he married my hubby's mom, and she had 14 (including a still birth).

Raise your meat, grow a garden, let those kids have age appropriate chores.

Even with a rural lifestyle, I don't know of many moms that have four or more under ten that couldn't use a hand. Many wish for help....but would be violently opposed to a "job share" arrangement with another wife.
My sis in law wished for a maid servant....but probably didn't realize the expectation was that she marry into the family. I wouldnt want my daughters working with any family that wasn't approved for marriage.

Beyond the economics of it, there is what you feel you can do. Another adult can make a big difference wherever they help.
I think those who follow the Truth and Gods Will find themselves in the minority because of that. The bible says that the world will hate us because of our beliefs. Thus being freaks.
Christian society have existed and to exist now. I doubt that Chriatians are hated just become they are Christians. Some times, but not always.

Thing is, if your 1st priority is always finding truth, you must steps on somebodies feets. No person in leadership position loves being find wrong in front of other people. Repeteably. No wonder such situation will produce backlash and prosecution.
Christian society have existed and to exist now. I doubt that Chriatians are hated just become they are Christians. Some times, but not always.
Yes, and no. I do think that throughout history, even prior to what we know of as Christianity, those who follow Yahweh have some people hate them for that reason alone. The enemy has enmity for those trying to live righteously, and people who chose to live unrighteously carry this same enmity because of that.
Thing is, if your 1st priority is always finding truth, you must steps on somebodies feets. No person in leadership position loves being find wrong in front of other people. Repeteably. No wonder such situation will produce backlash and prosecution.
Truth is hard. Having a moral system you live by is hard. Especially when both go against culture, peer pressure, and what is the path of least resistance. What you described above hits on the sin of pride by that person in leadership. It also hits on survival instinct, being in line with group and not being seen as weak or lacking in knowledge.
. No wonder such situation will produce backlash and prosecution.
The Christian polygamy lifestyle brings out so much anger and backlash. Why is that? In an everything goes society, why doesn't this go. Why is transgenderism, homosexuality, and the rest, totally accepted, and in some cases forced down out throats, yet even the mere mention of polygamy brings out hatred and anger. Why?

When this topic was brought up to my wife's family, one of the people that got the most angry was a person who had a lesbian daughter that was "marrying" another woman. It was totally fine and ok and accepted by entire family, yet this person reacted with complete anger and vitriol to the mere mention of our beliefs.
The enemy has enmity for those trying to live righteously, and people who chose to live unrighteously carry this same enmity because of that.
In fact, polygyny is something that he hates and fears quite strongly. He has more focus on patriarchal/polygynous families.
The Christian polygamy lifestyle brings out so much anger and backlash. Why is that? In an everything goes society, why doesn't this go. Why is transgenderism, homosexuality, and the rest, totally accepted, and in some cases forced down out throats, yet even the mere mention of polygamy brings out hatred and anger. Why?

When this topic was brought up to my wife's family, one of the people that got the most angry was a person who had a lesbian daughter that was "marrying" another woman. It was totally fine and ok and accepted by entire family, yet this person reacted with complete anger and vitriol to the mere mention of our beliefs.
Yes, this is what I am referring to, it is driven by our enemy.
The Christian polygamy lifestyle brings out so much anger and backlash. Why is that? In an everything goes society, why doesn't this go. Why is transgenderism, homosexuality, and the rest, totally accepted, and in some cases forced down out throats, yet even the mere mention of polygamy brings out hatred and anger. Why?

When this topic was brought up to my wife's family, one of the people that got the most angry was a person who had a lesbian daughter that was "marrying" another woman. It was totally fine and ok and accepted by entire family, yet this person reacted with complete anger and vitriol to the mere mention of our beliefs.
Because polygyny implies patriachy which implies hierarachy. The biggest No, No, No.

Everybody must be equal and finish being equal. That is reigning ideology. This is problem desribed in your post

My comment was more about when Christians hate only-truth-seeker-Chriastians.

EDIT: Clarification
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The Christian polygamy lifestyle brings out so much anger and backlash. Why is that? In an everything goes society, why doesn't this go. Why is transgenderism, homosexuality, and the rest, totally accepted, and in some cases forced down out throats, yet even the mere mention of polygamy brings out hatred and anger. Why?
It's a spiritual war. We are in the physical outworking of that war. Because the family structure presented in Holy Scripture is one with the husband/father leading and his right to have wives helping, it is absolutely opposed by the enemy. Children living in obedience to parents is anathema to the enemy, so governments which are under the enemy's controls are fighting to take the children off the parents.

2 Cor. 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
It's a spiritual war. We are in the physical outworking of that war. Because the family structure presented in Holy Scripture is one with the husband/father leading and his right to have wives helping, it is absolutely opposed by the enemy. Children living in obedience to parents is anathema to the enemy, so governments which are under the enemy's controls are fighting to take the children off the parents.

2 Cor. 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
So other Christians are the enemy or used by the enemy? Because the angriest people seem to be those who claim to be Christians. Have their minds become so warped that they can't see any truth?

The angriest people I have seen so far when confronted with these beliefs have been proclaimed Christians. And ones that say they are completely living for God.
So other Christians are the enemy or used by the enemy? Because the angriest people seem to be those who claim to be Christians. Have their minds become so warped that they can't see any truth?

The angriest people I have seen so far when confronted with these beliefs have been proclaimed Christians. And ones that say they are completely living for God.
Yup, same for me.
So other Christians are the enemy or used by the enemy? Because the angriest people seem to be those who claim to be Christians. Have their minds become so warped that they can't see any truth?

The angriest people I have seen so far when confronted with these beliefs have been proclaimed Christians. And ones that say they are completely living for God.
Another thought came to mind as I re-read your comments; consider the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13:24-30. Tares look so much like wheat Jesus said to let them grow together lest the wheat is mistakenly uprooted (v:29). You can't tell which is which until the harvest. It would seem many in the evangellyfish assemblies are tares; they look like the real thing but are not, so they are destined for the fire (v:30).
In the Hebrews hall of fame - many men listed had multiple wives. David had the heart of God, and had many wives. Marriage is called a good thing by God - someone that has found favor and a blessing from the Most High.

In the New Testament - it’s written if you love this world and the things in it - then the love of the Heavenly Father is not in you. Lord Jesus says if the world hates you - know it hated me before it hated you. Marriage and children are one of the few good things we have in this world. Many men choose to obsess about sport teams, fornication (tinder, pick ups at bars, porn), and video games. No one raises an alarm if a celebrity/bachelor parties and has sex with multiple women; then dumps them for the next round. But if that same man was to provide for those women for life via marriage - all of a sudden - he’s guilty of sin, and there’s an outrage.

My Protestant aunt will get triggered if I tell her a man is allowed to multiply wives. She warns me to stop talking about the subject. Makes you wonder how many Christians are truly born again, and don’t hate his word? Can you be born again and hate his word?
So other Christians are the enemy or used by the enemy? Because the angriest people seem to be those who claim to be Christians. Have their minds become so warped that they can't see any truth?

The angriest people I have seen so far when confronted with these beliefs have been proclaimed Christians. And ones that say they are completely living for God.
For group of men which likes spiritual explanation can't you see obvious?

Being Christian doesn't make you immune from Satan deceivership.