• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Talking or courting?

Here's there thing about statistics they're unreliable and easily manipulated. That not only goes for the ones used by feminists to point out how "corrupt and abusive" all men are, how toxic masculinity is and how men are the abandoning their families in mass numbers, but those used to justify those men who are the catalysts for their family disintrsting and saying It's not us men L-rd it those women you gave us, as well. Everyone who puts out a census has a bias that they're trying to prove. They ask feeler questions and if you answer appropriately then they ask the subject question. They ask only a small portion of certain demographics. People are willing to search through conflicting statistics until they find one that vindicates their bias and use the ones they beleive to discredit other statistics as inaccurate and bias. We haven't changed from Adam. They haven't changed from Eve either. So Im just going off what Ive personally seen. That is, some men are kicked out of their families but some choose to leave. Its also not rare for boys to learn that being a man and that having a family is hard and walk away from both early in the marriage. Lack of leaderdhip, whether it is a refusal to step up or a refusal to accept is the cause I've seen for the majority if to be dissolved by families in divorce AND I've seen it in about equal measures. Infidelity is rampant by both men and women. I'm not talking just talking about adultry but breaking the vow to forsake all others. I know I'm not the only one who finds it tiresome that in just about every thread, someone has to find a way to make it about feminism and how women are at fault for every thing. It's become vogue to get upset when a guy plays the white night for a woman, but it's perfectly acceptable to play the white knight when someone suggest that men should be held accountable aswell. Oh no someone is saying that men should be accountable, sound the trumpets and charge, let's obfuscate the fact that men are held to a higher accountability by scripture. There's a difference between fighting injustice and trying to justify something. If your constantly trying to justify something then its like your trying to cover a stench of rot by constantly spraying perfume. Sometimes the perfume stinks as much if not more than the rot. It apperars that from one side of our mouths we're condemning disinformation and women not being held acountable and from the others side we're using disinformation and justifying men not being accountable. That is hypocrisy. I used to tell people hey if want a better understanding of Polygyny check out Biblical Families. The folks there are true believers and are don't make assumptions to condemn others. So many of the people I've direct here (alot of family and friends) have asked why are some of the men even on the forum, it's obvious they hate women, or I thought you said they don't condemn others. I got tired of explaining that not all of the guys beleive that women are solely responsible for everything going wrong and they dont hate women and are trying to dodge accountability and blame the world's problems on women, to turn around to see post that basically says we do do blame women for everything and men aren't accountable, by the way my name is Adam and it's not my fault it's my wife's fault. It's why I stopped telling anyone to check out Biblical Families. You can throw up what ever statics you like, I'll stick with personal experience. What if seen in the relationships of friends, family and associates. What I've seen in the men's ministries I've been involved in. Yes feminism is an problem that needs to be adressed but what benefit is relating all most every thread to it. You take away from the subject at hand. Here we are on a thread someone posted about courtship and dating, blaming everything wrong in this culture on feminism when it's just a symptom of the disease. Where G-d is barred demons will hold sway.
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I too had a paper on the subject in college. I also had a debate with two college law professors. The subject of the debate was about whether there was fair treatment in the courts between the sexes. Well needless to say it was stacked against me. I presented that women received preferential treatment. I presented case law, they presented none. I presented statistics, they presented their degrees. I drew logical conclusions, they presented opinions. I knew who won once they attacked me personally. So did the audience of students. They got to vote which argument was more valid. :) One of the professors was from my university (Christian) and my prof for law. She gave me my only B in college for a final grade in her class, yet all my papers and tests were 100. I sent her a text, “Thank you for validating my argument even more. I will use this in the future.” No reply. In fact, one of the Supreme Court justices admited his wife and daughter persuaded him to vote for abortion. That’s bad law!! Nope, can’t remember the name. I can just see his face. Nothing thrills this old man more than when you read it right to them or present the facts and draw a logical conclusion and their response is, “You’re an idiot!” If ya want a good laugh, look up SNL on YouTube with Jane Curtain and Dan Ackroyd “Point Counter Point.” They are joking but today, these are what many think a valid argument is. Excuse the crudeness. “Jane you ignorant . . .” :D:p:D:p
Haha, yes, it sounds like we studied in similar fields! I was majoring in Criminal Justice and Law, with a few minors. I am pretty sure my female professor was impressed and shocked by my report/ paper. I got an A+. Any time I didn't I argued my grade until they agreed with me haha! No really, several professors said I should continue into law as I was so good at arguing! I was pleased the professor and class fully backed my case law and statistics, along with police testimonies. I was nervous, but that's never stopped me from telling it how it is .
I'm told I'm confrontational because I'm not afraid of sticking up for what I believe, the truth and correcting people when I know they are wrong. I don't like to think this is confrontational but merely saying what's right, and isn't that what justice is? People don't like to be confronted and that's about it.
Maybe courting isn’t a good word to describe what really is going on; or maybe, should be going on. For me, I’ve never been popular of words related to a place where lawyers and judges rule over us. :D Courting by definition is : “Flattering; attempting to gain by address; wooing; soliciting in marriage” (Webster’s Dictionary, 1828). I have used the word in discribing the process as “discovery.” Discovery is defined as: “The action of disclosing to view, or bringing to light; the action of finding something hidden; that which is discovered, found out or revealed; that which is first brought to light, seen or known (Webster’s Dictionary, 1828). We are 3 part beings. Mind, spirit, and body. See Matthew 22:35-40. Many of our problems and mistakes have come from; as it were, “getting the cart before the horse.” What we are attempting to do in one’s discovery process is “see” if there's a connection. We’ve learned that the connection should begin in the mind. Yes should. Just like coming to Christ, it begins in the mind. If the spirit is first, then knowing He is our husband must be by osmosis and He would have no need for the printed Word. By those conversations there should gradually be a growing connection of the spirit. We must be careful that what we want it to be and what the Holy Spirit is telling us by His small still Voice may not be the same. See, Amos 3:3. 2Corinthians 6:14. About discovering the present wife. IMO and like Christ and His, the present wife should have an equally or more of a role in the discovery than the husband. We should examine the biblical examples in the Bible and try to emulate these. My wife and I Love two examples best. First, Ruth n Boaz. This is a great example of discovery. Boaz was attracted to her. Did he do like they do today in courting? No. He allowed here or created the opportunity to “glean more wheat.” Awesome!! “Gleaming more wheat” being a type of giving her more Word/Truth. Now that is attractive to a Son. Our second example is John 4, the woman at the well. There is so much “gleaning” there I would encourage all to go and discover It. My wife and I still get excited about all the “wheat” hidden amongst the chaff. In conclusion, the most important part of discovery is not finding their favorite color, career, foods, ethnicity, material riches, etc., which is good. But the greatest gift God or a husband has is to offer his Love by sharing the Word. See Psalm 138:2. After years, my wife and I are still discovering Love . . . with Christ.
Oh, man, did you pound some nails there! Love it. I've always preferred the idea of courting vs dating perhaps because in the traditional sense of courting, family and friends are surrounding, supporting, and helping maintain the innocence of the interested parties. The dating scene kicked in long before my day in the Roaring 20's and continued into the 40's and 50's when Elvis came on the scene. Then as Rock 'n Roll with the Beatles in the 60's swept the landscape with free love, drugs, and sex, courting became decidedly "ole fashioned". The kids left mom and dad out of the picture, went off by themselves and did what they ---- well pleased and didn't give a hoot what anyone else thought about it. We as a nation are STILL repeating the results of that mindset. If you go way back, courting was so "stuff-shirt" that the discovery process of getting to know each other couldn't even happen. Getting to know each other in a variety of settings and surroundings reveal angles and facets of the personality which might very well remain hidden or purposefully undisclosed if your discovery process is always done at the same place, with the same group of people, in the same atmosphere. TRUST and the Lord GOD are the footers on which any foundational relationship should be poured (I'm thinking construction here) or forged. If you can't feel safe as a lady in his presence that he won't try to seduce you or come on to you--when it's just the 2 of you--that he'll respect you, and if he can't feel safe in your presence--when it's just the 2 of you that you won't try to purposefully arouse him but you'll respect him also--then you might as well hang it up--at least until an understanding is reached. TRUST has already been violated, and the Lord GOD, Creator of both of you has been totally left out and forgotten.
Oh, man, did you pound some nails there! Love it. I've always preferred the idea of courting vs dating perhaps because in the traditional sense of courting, family and friends are surrounding, supporting, and helping maintain the innocence of the interested parties. The dating scene kicked in long before my day in the Roaring 20's and continued into the 40's and 50's when Elvis came on the scene. Then as Rock 'n Roll with the Beatles in the 60's swept the landscape with free love, drugs, and sex, courting became decidedly "ole fashioned". The kids left mom and dad out of the picture, went off by themselves and did what they ---- well pleased and didn't give a hoot what anyone else thought about it. We as a nation are STILL repeating the results of that mindset. If you go way back, courting was so "stuff-shirt" that the discovery process of getting to know each other couldn't even happen. Getting to know each other in a variety of settings and surroundings reveal angles and facets of the personality which might very well remain hidden or purposefully undisclosed if your discovery process is always done at the same place, with the same group of people, in the same atmosphere. TRUST and the Lord GOD are the footers on which any foundational relationship should be poured (I'm thinking construction here) or forged. If you can't feel safe as a lady in his presence that he won't try to seduce you or come on to you--when it's just the 2 of you--that he'll respect you, and if he can't feel safe in your presence--when it's just the 2 of you that you won't try to purposefully arouse him but you'll respect him also--then you might as well hang it up--at least until an understanding is reached. TRUST has already been violated, and the Lord GOD, Creator of both of you has been totally left out and forgotten.
Sis, you are singing my song! Das Zackly Right!!
It is fashionable these days for those pointing out uncomfortable truths to be labeled as haters of women. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially on a board full of men wanting more wives. This is simply a reflection of the magnitude of reader's dislike for the message.

Social scientists are overwhelmingly liberal; the bias is all on the side of feminism. And yet the statistics are still consistently damning on this subject. Feminism is destroying marriage; it is one of the greatest challenges of our time.

It's funny, when this subject comes up there are always deniers and defenders. Yet rarely to never do we see repentance from women or their enablers.
It is fashionable these days for those pointing out uncomfortable truths to be labeled as haters of women. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially on a board full of men wanting more wives. This is simply a reflection of the magnitude of reader's dislike for the message.

Social scientists are overwhelmingly liberal; the bias is all on the side of feminism. And yet the statistics are still consistently damning on this subject. Feminism is destroying marriage; it is one of the greatest challenges of our time.

It's funny, when this subject comes up there are always deniers and defenders. Yet rarely to never do we see repentance from women or their enablers.

This! Well said.
I feel like this might be veering off into a thread split, but I will add my opinion here. I'm very busy at this moment, so I don't know if this will come out correctly.

I agree that radical feminism has been an absolute cancer on Western society. I did say radical, though. Many of the earliest feminists just wanted a seat at the table and a recognition of respect for their contributions. Most of them still wanted to be good mothers and dutiful wives.

But, we cannot discount the absolutely despicable behavior of many men. I cannot defend the behavior of predators and abusers. Much of radical feminism has been the result of the pendulum effect. As men, we need to urge a house cleaning. It begins in our backyards. I can sit and point my finger at all the noise going on across the street (radical feminists) but if my sewer is leaking (men around me) I need to attend to that first.

Reality says that most men will just hear the whining voices of women and recoil. If strong men of valor and respect get in their grill, it's going to do much more.

I have more thoughts, but I'm pressed for time.
This is simply a reflection of the magnitude of reader's dislike for the message.
Which message? That Polygyny is Biblical, they accept that and thats why they came to this forum to get a better understanding of Biblical families. They were driven away not by the idea that feminism is destructive, but the constant propaganda that enables men to deny accountability which would be ingnoring scripture.
It's funny, when this subject comes up there are always deniers and defenders. Yet rarely to never do we see repentance from women or their enablers.
It's funny because I was thinking the same thing. When the subject of men being accountable and upholding biblical standards comes up, there are men who rarely to never repentant, accept accountability, they keep blaming everything else and lean on their enablers.

It is fashionable these days for those pointing out uncomfortable truths to be labeled as haters of women.
You're assuming, and we all know what happens when we assume, that theses people, my family and friends, don't recognize how destructive feminism is. You would be wrong, they do. They also saw the constant use of the defense, "its never men's fault it's always feminism" as a cop out for not wanting to be held accountable. The all women statements, as revealing, the feelings of those who made them and despite being on a forum with alot if men who want multiple wives, they come across as either hating women or fearing them.

People can blame everything on feminism if they want and continue to enable men to dodge accountability. I'm going to keep teaching that Feminism is destructive but so is a man falling into false Masculinity. Accepting what the world says a man should be whether it's on the feminist side of the spectrum or the MGTOW side of the spectrum aswell as refusing to be accountable is unbiblical. That encouraging or enabling other men to do either is at best wrong.

EDIT: @Slumberfreeze some of your more recent post I've used to clarify some of you older post and my Grandma doesn't think your an angry bitter youngman anymore. Just weird.:p
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It is fashionable these days for those pointing out uncomfortable truths to be labeled as haters of women.

Feminism is pro-women about the same as liberating children from their parents would be pro-child.

Titanic: "Women and children first!" is textbook patriarchy. How is that anti-woman?

Costa Concordia: "Every man and woman for themselves!" - How is that pro-woman? It is not even civilizaed.
Sorry but a majority of the time it is the woman kicking the father out of the household. Men walking out on their families is as rare as it ever was. Feminism did more than muddy the waters, it utterly destroyed the marriage, family, and soon society itself.
I can only say that from my own experiences that isn't true. You absolutely can believe whatever it is that appears right to you. As for me and my experience not opinion. .... the men in my life willingly walked away because the single life was more appealing.
I'm not going to argue that the women's lib movement didn't do a lot of harm but every bad thing that has happen since then it not a woman's fault. The Enemy is the biggest culprit. Divide and conquer is His motive. If we are aware we can resist the temptation ... just saying
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I feel like this might be veering off into a thread split, but I will add my opinion here. I'm very busy at this moment, so I don't know if this will come out correctly.

I agree that radical feminism has been an absolute cancer on Western society. I did say radical, though. Many of the earliest feminists just wanted a seat at the table and a recognition of respect for their contributions. Most of them still wanted to be good mothers and dutiful wives.

But, we cannot discount the absolutely despicable behavior of many men. I cannot defend the behavior of predators and abusers. Much of radical feminism has been the result of the pendulum effect. As men, we need to urge a house cleaning. It begins in our backyards. I can sit and point my finger at all the noise going on across the street (radical feminists) but if my sewer is leaking (men around me) I need to attend to that first.

Reality says that most men will just hear the whining voices of women and recoil. If strong men of valor and respect get in their grill, it's going to do much more.

I have more thoughts, but I'm pressed for time.
You're onto something here Mojo. Hope you get time to expound your thoughts because you're spot on. Men confronting men is where the action is. They are our leaders and IF this boat is going to turn around, it will be the men who get it done--not through dictatorship ruling by fear or force, but by courageously confronting the wrong on "either side of the aisle" (to borrow an really overworked political phrase) and with God's love and help pull things back to center under our Creator's design. LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!
You're onto something here Mojo. Hope you get time to expound your thoughts because you're spot on. Men confronting men is where the action is. They are our leaders and IF this boat is going to turn around, it will be the men who get it done--not through dictatorship ruling by fear or force, but by courageously confronting the wrong on "either side of the aisle" (to borrow an really overworked political phrase) and with God's love and help pull things back to center under our Creator's design. LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!
I can't wait to meet you! You have such a beautiful spirit!
I can only say that from my own experiences that isn't true. You absolutely can believe whatever it is that appears right to you. As for me and my experience not opinion. .... the men in my life willingly walked away because the single life was more appealing.
I'm not going to argue that the women's lib movement didn't do a lot of harm but every bad thing that has happen since then it not a woman's fault. The Enemy is the biggest culprit. Divide and conquer is His motive. If we are aware we can resist the temptation ... just saying

Patricia, I had similar thoughts a couple of nights ago as I finished reading the thread that existed at that point, but it was too late so had to call it a night. I had specifically planned to present the same idea tonight, not knowing you had alreay posted. In a relationship of any sort, it IS the adversaries goal to destroy--however he can get the job done. Right now he's doing a mighty fine job of polarizing men and women. All it took was him getting his foot in the door, then he started driving the wedge, and now there's a chasm! "A house divided cannot stand." (Mark 3:25) The "house" could be a marriage, a body of believers, a nation, an army, a friendship--doesn't make any difference as to how big or small the "house" is. If God started it and desires for there to be unity, then ole slewfoot is dead bent on destroying it, and he for sure doesn't care who or what he destroys in the process!

I've had to unlearn so many things I was allowed to think or had been taught growing up when I entered adulthood, and with a lot of hard knocks and bruises and a lot of help from my Yeshua, had to figure out what worked and didn't work; what was God's way and what wasn't--and I'm still learning!!!! (So glad vv76 discovered the Biblical truth on Biblical Families and loved me enough as his mom and took the risk of rejection to share with me from the Bible--not his opinion, though I got that too. :)

Because there was so much hurt and damage in my life from men, I couldn't say this a few years ago, but as I've healed and am healing by God's grace, I can say this now--My heart goes out to men, especially those who really try to be The Man--God's Man, because it seems no matter what they do they can't win--at the job, in society, at home--they just get blasted over and over. They happen to be human, and you can only take so much before you finally pick up the gun and start fighting back in self-defense. In some women's eyes they're just supposed to "suck it up" or "man up" if they are in abusive situations from women. The end result of this going to seed is what is called "chauvinsim".

You could take my same exact statement and insert "women" as the 6th word in the above statement and it holds true for us, also. Only in some men's eyes, we're not susposed to say anything about it--that's called submission. The end result of that has been what is called feminism because it's gone to seed also. Loving the Lord, crying your eyes out til you can't cry any more, praying, and praying, and praying some more helps get you through impossible situations with men, but it doesn't undo the damage.

If our homes, our relationships, and our children are to be insulated again chauvinism and feminism--so they can know God's way--then we, brothers and sisters MUST seek to edify the body--that means each other, stand for what's right, deal with what's wrong from a Godly perspective, and endeavor to do all that is within us to live peaceably, and above all, love one another.


If you have an Adone--then praise God for that covering because he IS a man. If you don't have an Adone, then your Yeshua IS your Adone and should be the one Who gives your hand to one of His on this earth. If Yeshua is your Adone, then quit looking for someone to rescue you and learn to love Him with all your heart and give yourself a chance to heal, to become all you can be for Him. In His perfect timing, if it is He will, He as the maestro of the orchestra will orchestrate the crossing of paths as both of you are "in the way". Just my 2 cents worth and no, I don't wear a bullet proof vest.
Patricia, I had similar thoughts a couple of nights ago as I finished reading the thread that existed at that point, but it was too late so had to call it a night. I had specifically planned to present the same idea tonight, not knowing you had alreay posted. In a relationship of any sort, it IS the adversaries goal to destroy--however he can get the job done. Right now he's doing a mighty fine job of polarizing men and women. All it took was him getting his foot in the door, then he started driving the wedge, and now there's a chasm! "A house divided cannot stand." (Mark 3:25) The "house" could be a marriage, a body of believers, a nation, an army, a friendship--doesn't make any difference as to how big or small the "house" is. If God started it and desires for there to be unity, then ole slewfoot is dead bent on destroying it, and he for sure doesn't care who or what he destroys in the process!

I've had to unlearn so many things I was allowed to think or had been taught growing up when I entered adulthood, and with a lot of hard knocks and bruises and a lot of help from my Yeshua, had to figure out what worked and didn't work; what was God's way and what wasn't--and I'm still learning!!!! (So glad vv76 discovered the Biblical truth on Biblical Families and loved me enough as his mom and took the risk of rejection to share with me from the Bible--not his opinion, though I got that too. :)

Because there was so much hurt and damage in my life from men, I couldn't say this a few years ago, but as I've healed and am healing by God's grace, I can say this now--My heart goes out to men, especially those who really try to be The Man--God's Man, because it seems no matter what they do they can't win--at the job, in society, at home--they just get blasted over and over. They happen to be human, and you can only take so much before you finally pick up the gun and start fighting back in self-defense. In some women's eyes they're just supposed to "suck it up" or "man up" if they are in abusive situations from women. The end result of this going to seed is what is called "chauvinsim".

You could take my same exact statement and insert "women" as the 6th word in the above statement and it holds true for us, also. Only in some men's eyes, we're not susposed to say anything about it--that's called submission. The end result of that has been what is called feminism because it's gone to seed also. Loving the Lord, crying your eyes out til you can't cry any more, praying, and praying, and praying some more helps get you through impossible situations with men, but it doesn't undo the damage.

If our homes, our relationships, and our children are to be insulated again chauvinism and feminism--so they can know God's way--then we, brothers and sisters MUST seek to edify the body--that means each other, stand for what's right, deal with what's wrong from a Godly perspective, and endeavor to do all that is within us to live peaceably, and above all, love one another.


If you have an Adone--then praise God for that covering because he IS a man. If you don't have an Adone, then your Yeshua IS your Adone and should be the one Who gives your hand to one of His on this earth. If Yeshua is your Adone, then quit looking for someone to rescue you and learn to love Him with all your heart and give yourself a chance to heal, to become all you can be for Him. In His perfect timing, if it is He will, He as the maestro of the orchestra will orchestrate the crossing of paths as both of you are "in the way". Just my 2 cents worth and no, I don't wear a bullet proof vest.
Thank you, beautifully said