Deut. 6:4
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:
Do you believe in one God or three? This is one reason Jewish people have such a problem with Christians. There is a lot of fancy talk to make three into one, but it is not necessary to explain Christ.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Why? God was not lonely. God did not need worship. God did not ‘need’ anything!
Rev. 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. What was God’s pleasure? To have a Son!
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
logos, Greek 3056, Strong’s
logos, log'-os; from Greek 3004 (lego); something
said (including the
thought); . . .
The WORD God said was something like: “I shall have a Son!”
All things were created for the purpose of the manifestation of the Son of God! Every Angel, every planet, every rock, everything in the Spiritual and Physical realms was created for the grand purpose that God would have a Son!
Most Christian narratives portray God as wanting the fellowship of man, and for-seeing that man would sin. Adding, God made a way for restoration because God loves US SO much! The real truth is God Loves His Son SOOOO much! He loved Him before He was even born! Like a good parent He made provision for Him. What must God’s Son be like? He must be a King! So He needs a Kingdom! He needs subjects! He will become a joint heir with His Father! He must be tested and proven worthy, though! He must not be a spoiled brat! He must have compassion. He must learn obedience. He must have humility! He must not be born with full power and Glory, lest He turn in rebellion against His Father, and the universe be thrown into chaos! Even having the power and Glory of an Angel would be too much to risk. No, Jesus would be made lower than Angels! He would be made flesh! Then, if He proved faithful through death, He would then be exalted to His rightful and full inheritance! God made mankind, so He could make woman, so He could have a Son! God’s pleasure in His Son was the obedience of Christ! Why would we think the one thing that God could
not do, in all of the universe, would be to actually have a begotten Son?
Would this make Jesus more special than Adam? Yes! Adam was
created as son; Jesus was
born of God... a begotten Son! Was Jesus like Adam? Jesus had a different destiny and calling.
The whole of the creation was for Him! Adam’s race was merely the means by which God would have a Son! An earthly son born to wealth or to a King would, at birth, be the heir! He would have a destiny. He would be the chosen one! A wise parent would train and groom him before putting him ‘in charge.’ Jesus was tested and proven faithful. His advantage over
us?... He was born without sin and was the chosen of God! Now, Jesus has been glorified and exalted, and is my God and my King! If Adam had not sinned, he could have never been exalted to the right hand of the Father... for he was not the chosen One! How did Jesus obtain His position? It was a destiny! It was a calling! It was by birth!.. AND He earned it! Jesus’ death proved His obedience to the Father! Jesus was without sin! Jesus is now co-equal in power and Glory with God as a faithful Son, who has proven now worthy to become a partner in the family business!
Thank God for Jesus! If sin had not entered the universe, Jesus would have still had to die to prove worthy to rule! He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world! If sin had not yet entered, it would have been ‘paid for’ in advance.
Luke 24:26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? This was the primary purpose of Christ’s death! God never wanted or intended for sin to enter the picture at all. There was no devil to tempt the devil; there was freewill in Satan, and also in Adam... they both made a wrong choice. The preservation of the entire creation, and the hope of a new creation, is only because of Jesus! If Jesus had failed, God could have chose to destroy it ALL! Even the righteous Angels owe their creation and continued existence to Jesus!
Adam was not ‘just a normal guy.’ Neither was Christ! The question is what do you mean by the “divine nature?” Adam was not “divine” in the sense of being God. However, he was created with divine nature... as in ‘
sinless’ and in “the image of God.” Jesus also had the nature of His Father and was born sinless. Adam could have lived without sin, he didn't. Angels could live without sin; some did, some did not. On the other hand, Jesus could have sinned... but He did not! If He could not have sinned, then the temptations were not really temptations! He had no practical advantage over Adam as far as disposition, or having prior knowledge (consciousness), or special power. Adam had a charge to be obedient to God’s will for his life... and he failed. Jesus also had a charge to be obedient to God’s will. He was given a prophetic destiny to fulfill. He was successful. Jesus won back the creation on the same playing field that Adam lost it. Was Jesus special? Yes, in that he was begotten and chosen. But in comparing Jesus to Adam... flesh to flesh... there were no special ‘attributes.’ Jesus had the personality and sinless nature of His Father, but he was
NOT born as full-fledged God. Jesus said, “
My father is greater than I.” John 14:28 He was the only begotten Son of God: but as our children are born as minors, and have to grow into maturity, then receive their inheritance, so did Jesus! Jesus’ path to maturity with His Father was not unconditional. Jesus proved Himself faithful through death, just as an earthly father would be wise to test the faithfulness of his son before giving him the full wealth and power of the Kingdom!
We are now in process of being tested and proven faithful before being released into our full Glory as well! Jesus will always be the King! He will always be the elder brother, because He was in the mind of God first! That’s why He said He was before Abraham was! The devil has twisted the understanding of the Scripture concerning Christ in order to hid Jesus’ true identity and nature, and to hid from us our own. The job was simple for him... just focus on the literal statements about Christ... and make them figurative, and take the figurative statements... and make them literal! Levi paid tithe in the loins of Abraham, but we don’t ascribe conscious pre-existence to Levi!
Thanks for letting me share these thoughts! I was raised Trinitarian, and when the Holy Spirit revealed this truth to me, it took several months of study to get past established tradition. This understanding is much simpler than trying to make a God become a man, so mankind could be saved, so the God-man could become a God again.
For the record, I do not think that you cannot be saved because you believe in the ‘Trinity’ or hold to the ‘Oneness’ view. However, one must believe that Christ was the begotten Son of God, and lived in the flesh. If you see that as incarnation, I think it takes away from His example to us! Yes, He knew who His Father was at a very young age. Most of us did, too! How? Our mother told us! And our Father told us! Even now, most of us take it on faith. Jesus lived the ultimate life of faith as our example. The temptations in the wilderness were not about food and God’s protection. They were about: “
If thou be the Son of God...” The idea was to make room for doubt... Prove it by a work! Prove it!! Sometimes, Satan tempts us the same way.