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Trump Assassination Attempt

I doubt that dying was in his plans.
His handlers probably convinced him that they had his back, why else the three foreign bank accounts?
I agree, it didn’t seem like he was planning to die. The foreign accounts plus the other stuff he had in his car make me think being shot on the roof wasn’t in his equation.
I doubt that dying was in his plans.
His handlers probably convinced him that they had his back, why else the three foreign bank accounts?

Agreed. Long story, but I have started to posit that The Snot-nosed Idiot Patsy may have been sitting there on the roof thinking "why am I here?"
And, why are those guys on THAT roof pointing the suppressed sniper rifle at ME?

And - just maybe - he figured out who the Patsy really was. Prolly one of the last thoughts through his head before he heard shots from right below him, and thought, 'Oh, $#it!!!'

Which might explain why he tossed the rifle away.

Too late.

BTW: Mike Adams has another great bit of video analysis up, based on a new set of videos (Butler Cty Emergency Services bodycams) from Sen. Chuck Grassley. I haven't had time (it's Sabbath) to see the original...but here's the link I listened to while milking my goats earlier:

I hope nobody in biblical families acting like the way it is described here.
This is exactly what I was talking about, though I admit I had not seen this attitude recently. It's terrible, and very frustrating to try to talk to anyone who thinks this way as if you think differently you are 'anti God' and 'the adversary' etc.
I hope nobody in biblical families acting like the way it is described here.
This video is a gross exaggeration by just another attention whore.
In my job driving, I see far more social media than a normal person should. Hundreds, probably thousands of Trump memes. Never have I ever seen the bandaged Christ. And very few of the others.
What I have seen a couple of times is something that this guy bypassed and gave a more dramatic version of is the blood on the right ear. When a servant chose to be a bond servant, the owner pierced his right ear to show permanent proof of his choice. The comparison is a bit of a stretch, I haven’t heard that his ear was anything more than nicked, but it’s hardly making him even saintly.
Now it's admitted they knew about the patsy for the hit at least NINETY minutes before:

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That sort of stuff gives off psyop vibe to me. Rah rah alarmism over Christian nationalism current astroturf scare tactics.
That wouldn’t surprise me, they might be behind the ridiculous idea that Trump is also the Antichrist. Trying to rile up the Xian masses in any way possible. If not getting them fighting in schisms.
That wouldn’t surprise me, they might be behind the ridiculous idea that Trump is also the Antichrist. Trying to rile up the Xian masses in any way possible. If not getting them fighting in schisms.
I had wondered if that might be the case because the demo-psychos need to reduce Trump's popularity with the conservatives.
That wouldn’t surprise me, they might be behind the ridiculous idea that Trump is also the Antichrist. Trying to rile up the Xian masses in any way possible. If not getting them fighting in schisms.
If it sounds retarded, culty and more of a narrative based on caricatures than real life, would just assume leftist crap
That wouldn’t surprise me, they might be behind the ridiculous idea that Trump is also the Antichrist. Trying to rile up the Xian masses in any way possible. If not getting them fighting in schisms.
Song by Natasha Owens ,"The Chosen One" has at least 36 million views on Tik Tok, 750 K on YouTube. True Social, and Rumble probably has much views as well. I do not know what are qualification of "the chosen one" and who qualified him. Promoting such things about yourself seems quite arrogant. If God still opposes the proud I am expecting humiliation from Trump's own behavior to continue apart from what anti Trump Christians would do. I just hope many American Christians prior to election day start talking Ashwaganda with a week ahead or start perfecting directive "In every thing give thanks".
Song by Natasha Owens ,"The Chosen One" has at least 36 million views on Tik Tok, 750 K on YouTube. True Social, and Rumble probably has much views as well. I do not know what are qualification of "the chosen one" and who qualified him. Promoting such things about yourself seems quite arrogant. If God still opposes the proud I am expecting humiliation from Trump's own behavior to continue apart from what anti Trump Christians would do. I just hope many American Christians prior to election day start talking Ashwaganda with a week ahead or start perfecting directive "In every thing give thanks".
If the adversary wanted to shut someone off, then there would be a radio silence. There would be no FBI raid. There would be no un-fair trial. When someone is a true outsider - like Ron Paul I believe was (wanted to end the Federal Reserve) - the weapon of choice is usually radio silence. Trump even admits he's not even a Christian:

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Song by Natasha Owens ,"The Chosen One" has at least 36 million views on Tik Tok, 750 K on YouTube. True Social, and Rumble probably has much views as well. I do not know what are qualification of "the chosen one" and who qualified him. Promoting such things about yourself seems quite arrogant. If God still opposes the proud I am expecting humiliation from Trump's own behavior to continue apart from what anti Trump Christians would do. I just hope many American Christians prior to election day start talking Ashwaganda with a week ahead or start perfecting directive "In every thing give thanks".
I watched it, the song talks about how he is imperfect and human.
The question is whether or not Yah chose him for his job. Just because people believe that He did doesn’t mean that something is wrong with him.
Is he somewhat proud? Yes
Is he too proud? I’ll leave that for Yah to judge, but I’ve seen a lot worse in the pulpits.

Mordecai asked Esther if she wasn’t the chosen one for the job.
Be careful, being judgmental is easy, but it ain’t always very righteous.
Be careful, being judgmental is easy, but it ain’t always very righteous.
Thank you for the warning. You are right. Someday I hope to figure out when it is appropriate to label people's fruits and when it is not.

Funny thing about that song, it can make just as much sense if snippets of Biden campaign videos were playing in the background. ( Except the last stanza ).

Brothers and sisters lay down your stones
There’s only one God and He’s (definitely God) still on the throne
He (God or Trump?) stands for me, he (God or Trump?) stands for you
He (God or Trump?) stands for freedom, he (God or Trump?) stands for truth
Trump is the chosen one.

inappropriate veneration of Trump was properly called out by some, and they did right thing for doing so.

Acts 12:21-23: And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
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Thank you for the warning. You are right. Someday I hope to figure out when it is appropriate to label people's fruits and when it is not.

Funny thing about that song, it can make just as much sense if snippets of Biden campaign videos were playing in the background. ( Except the last stanza ).

Brothers and sisters lay down your stones
There’s only one God and He’s (definitely God) still on the throne
He (God or Trump?) stands for me, he (God or Trump?) stands for you
He (God or Trump?) stands for freedom, he (God or Trump?) stands for truth
Trump is the chosen one.

inappropriate veneration of Trump was properly called out by some, and they did right thing for doing so.

Acts 12:21-23: And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
According to the rules of grammar that I was taught, the use of he or she always refers to the last person mentioned.
So since Trump isn’t even mentioned in this verse, it can only be Yah himself who is being spoken of.
Any attempt to make the statements about Trump is absolutely disingenuous.

People see what they want to see, no matter what the truth is.

Are there off-kilter fanatics? There always is.
But don’t try to make them representative of the movement.