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Trump Assassination Attempt

There is aerial footage from right after the shooting and there is a window in the second story right behind, above, and to the left of Crooks’ location… and the window is open.
It seems that there were actually two open windows that were available.
I've been away for a few days and missed the chaos this thread descended into. Thankyou @The Revolting Man for keeping on top of that.

For those who took issue with his moderation, I must point out that he:
1) Removed posts that were debating Torah, both a discouraged topic and off topic for the thread.
2) Posted a brief explanation as to why he had done so.
3) When people objected to his actions and made posts critical of him, carefully refrained from using his moderation privileges to remove these posts, and instead humbly allowed the criticism of himself to stand.

This was the absolutely correct approach to take. Thankyou. I have now removed the posts attacking @The Revolting Man's actions, as they also comprised a distraction from the discussion. This thread is about the Trump assassination attempt, not about whether or not @The Revolting Man offended someone.

On that note, I'll take the liberty of having the final word. Whenever you moderate people, they don't like it, and because they're already upset tend to take some detail out of proportion and use it as a reason to complain. In this case, this comment was found offensive:
I’ll say it once again, if you’re not mature enough to accept that not everyone agrees with you then you’re not mature enough to be on the internet. You’re sure as hell not mature to have any number of wives.
However, this comment was only directed at people who are "not mature enough to accept that not everyone agrees with you". I cannot see why anyone would personally believe that statement applied to them, and therefore cannot see why anyone would believe the comment about wives was directed to them personally. So I can't see any actual reason in the statement itself for people to be offended, and think that the offense taken was instead the natural anti-authoritarian reaction that all of us have when someone moderates us. If anyone does think this statement applies to them specifically, please send me a private message to explain specifically why you meet the description in bold above and we can discuss it further. Otherwise I consider this matter a storm in a teacup and think we are best to forget it ever happened.

All further discussion on this matter to be by private message, any comments here regardless of merit will be deleted to keep this discussion on topic.
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This would explain why Crooks’ body and blood pool are not in the location that the media keeps marking as the location of the shooter.

I saw this on another forum and the explanation for the killer's body having been moved immediately after the fact is:

1. The body was first moved when first responders secured the rifle and then checked the killer to see if he was still alive. Even though he was a bad guy it is still bad form to just let him bleed out and die if he's still alive. Given the blood that poured out of him onto the roof then it is reasonable to believe that his heart was still beating for a while after he received the fatal wound. Meaning that this act on the part of law enforcement was not unreasonable, they were acting to save his life if that was possible.

2. The gruesome ex-post facto photo of the killer (I can post it if needed) shows someone holding up his head for a photograph to ID him.

In some jurisdictions the killer would have been handcuffed prior to a medical professional declaring him deceased.
I saw this on another forum and the explanation for the killer's body having been moved immediately after the fact is:

1. The body was first moved when first responders secured the rifle and then checked the killer to see if he was still alive. Even though he was a bad guy it is still bad form to just let him bleed out and die if he's still alive. Given the blood that poured out of him onto the roof then it is reasonable to believe that his heart was still beating for a while after he received the fatal wound. Meaning that this act on the part of law enforcement was not unreasonable, they were acting to save his life if that was possible.

2. The gruesome ex-post facto photo of the killer (I can post it if needed) shows someone holding up his head for a photograph to ID him.

In some jurisdictions the killer would have been handcuffed prior to a medical professional declaring him deceased.
I can understand reasons for moving a person’s body, however I don’t see any evidence that his body was moved. For example if his body was moved from one end of the roof to the other there would be a blood trail and blood smears. There would be a blood flow down the roof at the original location as well as the one at the new location. Medically there would be no reason to move the body 50 or 60 feet laterally across the roof and then just put him down and say “oh ok he’s dead now just leave him here”. If they were moving him for medical reasons, dead or not, they would have moved him completely off the roof.
What gets my gizzard, is those libtards that are going around claiming that Trump staged the assassination attempt.
Anybody seen the photos of the Alleged Lone Gunman AND his body (or body DOUBLE?) with shorts, and with long pants? He must have been hot, gone down to change, than been worried about sliding off that Slopey Roof.
Anybody seen the photos of the Alleged Lone Gunman AND his body (or body DOUBLE?) with shorts, and with long pants? He must have been hot, gone down to change, than been worried about sliding off that Slopey Roof.
No. Can you share this?
There was. Those pictures/video got out on the net today.
Weird, because in the original aerial footage from sky news, day of, it wasn’t there. Can you share the photos you have seen? I’ll be honest I’m a little skeptical of any photos showing up now in this regard, as there has been plenty of time for the internet photoshoppers to start making stuff up.
I am preparing a news summary, and will try to find the photos and videos. Alex Jones was the first I heard refer to the pants/shorts issue, although multiple sources have addressed the bodycam video from the roof of the alleged "lone gunman." And how the scene was then scrubbed (no evidence markers, no photos of crime scene - nothing presented to Congress, note, etc.)

NOTE: I welcome other links; I am sure there will be some, at least briefly...
That has him in shorts. Are you saying there are also pictures of him in long pants?
There's a day one shot from the side that I recall, taken from the ground; I don't have a copy saved, so can't confirm. Alex Jones it at least one I know who has referenced it, and posted it on his videos.
That has him in shorts. Are you saying there are also pictures of him in long pants?

At 4:32 in the bodycam footage that @Mark C very helpfully posted (thank you!) you can see the zip-on/off pants legs laying on the roof. That explains why he was seen in long pants and then shorts.

Good eye! This is what peer-review and information sharing is for. First I've heard that...

(But it begs other questions:
- wasn't he afraid of sliding off the Slopey Roof? Or getting shot in progress?
- and why? If you're gonna die in a minute anyway, what does it matter?)
and why? If you're gonna die in a minute anyway, what does it matter?)
I doubt that dying was in his plans.
His handlers probably convinced him that they had his back, why else the three foreign bank accounts?