Do you think I'm on the right track?
No, brother, I can't say that I do. A big part of that is because I see it the same as
@b_ce said here:
Husband and wife isn't restricted to Christianity alone. The question stands the same.
And here:
anyone married is simply following a blueprint laid out by the creator. In other non western countries they tend to do marriage more biblically, actually. Husbands are still accountable for what they do even if they don't believe what i believe.
Because this is the order that God created and established long before Christ fulfilled the law. And so, when you say this:
in this case we're not talking about an unbroken heirarchy to God
And this:
in this case there is no such heirarchy, because the husband is not serving God. The wife is trying to however. So there are two heirarchies: God -> wife, and husband -> wife. The wife is in a position where she must serve two masters, bad as that is, because she cannot serve God through serving her husband.
I do not believe what follows next can be true so long as it is based on the assumption that the hierarchy is broken for unbelievers. I do believe that her submission to her husband is obedience to God, and in that way she is serving God through her obedience to her husband. Since she was so ordered after the fall, I believe there must be some indemnification for her in seemingly no-win situations, and I believe that indemnification comes through her husband, but
only as long as she remains under his authority. I believe if she rebels and steps out, she has lost that covering. I believe that Eve's subjection to Adam was a pseudo-redemption, an image of Christ interceding for the Chruch, taking her guilt upon Himself, and a stripping away of Adam's excuse that she had authority in the matter (God did not call bs on his argument), taking all the responsibility, as well as the authority, and placing it on his shoulders. I believe salvation for our souls came to all the world, and that in Christ there is no male nor female, but in earth the image remains, and Jew, gentile, Christian, or pagan alike still receive blessings if they adhere to it, and curses (their family and eventually their society devolves into feminism and collapses) if they do not.
she is to generally obey her husband, because God commands it, but not while trumping other commands of God.
Because of what I believe, I cannot endorse this. I believe the law was written and given to men to be the bearers and administrators of it in their own homes. I believe a woman may interpret it as she wishes, and may speak about it with her own husband, but she has zero authority to supercede his decisions. If she did have such authority, then he does not have it and he cannot be responsible for her, and so she has lost her covering and we have lost the image of Christ and His Church. I believe that physical harm and even death may occur as a result of not following the law or of others not following it, but that what we suffer in earth is invomparable with the glory that awaits us.
Having said all that, God is merciful, and even in our broken and confused state, He still loves us and will listen to His Son and allow Him to intercede for us on the day of judgment, no matter if we wrongly we should lead our wives this way, or, as for them, if they wrongly thought it was fine to rebel. But I do believe we will suffer the consequences while still in earth. I also believe that having a flawed image of Christ and His Church may lead to difficulty in our understanding of other things as well as in our witness to others.
Perhaps my beliefs can be summarized thus: Woe to the man who leads his wife into breaking the law, for that would be his sin alone, and woe to the wife who does not follow him into it, for that would be her sin alone.
Hope it doesn't seem like I jumped all over you. After you replied I took some time to think about all that had been said and finally reached those conclusions. It's now my conviction.