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2019 Summer Conference and Family Retreat (late July)

Naomi (17), Holly Hannah (15) and I will be driving down from Pennsylvania, planning to arrive on Thursday and leave Monday. Kristin (ageless) will likely attend as well, but there is some question about whether she will drive with us or fly down and meet us there. At least three of us are definite, though. I'll let you know exactly what kind of room(s) we want after I acquire the details.

Anyway, YAHOO!!! Florida was a real treat last month, but being with the larger group will be a great blessing as well. Can't wait to see old friends and meet new ones.

I noticed that on the email that was sent out, it says West of Okc and in the forum it says South of Okc. Just thought I would mention that :)

We like to keep everyone guessing until the info is sent out via email. ;) Maybe the truth is South-Westernly? (probably not a word but oh well.)
Thanks @andrew for getting the ball rolling. We are planning on sending out the Summer Retreat email hopefully by this weekend for all those who have asked for it. @Verifyveritas76 I will confirm the RV pricing soon. I do know that if you would like to tent it is $10 per person per day.
Per person or per tent?
@Patricia C , the tenting sites are in various places they said. Any place that is flat is good. I would recommend near a bath house and they are in two areas. The cost to tent (and I am suspecting RV'ing but haven't gotten a confirmation yet) is $10 per person per day. Children 3 and under are free.
That sounds like they really don’t want people camping or RVing.
I know what you are feeling. They explained it this way, the camp has lots of free activities for the attendees to use to make their stay fun. Thus they charge $5 per person to come on property if you aren't staying in their lodging. The other $5 is for the use of the Bath houses and the sites. I am hoping they have a set price for the RV's, along with the $5 per day charge maybe. I will let you know as soon as I know. I know it gets pricey for a family. I did actually tell him that but he was confident that for all their camp offered it was really a good deal. I have come across other nicer camps who charge per person per day also. We just haven't ever stayed at any, yet.
Where’s the dis like button?

Edit: I just realized that there were two phrases listed. The dislike is of course with the conflict! Not the 2 or 4 planning to be there. Hope you guys can make it.

Thanks. It looks like our conflict has resolved itself and we should be able to go. Right now head count is 2 or 3. One will be away at summer camp.
Signed up last night. Will be there with my daughters from Thursday night to Monday morning. Kristin is flying in and will likely join us Friday afternoon to Monday morning.

I'm really looking forward to both the NW retreat and this one in OK. I've had my plane ticket for the NW retreat for over a month. Praise the Lord I booked my room last night for the OK retreat. I'll be able to drive down Thursday afternoon after 1/2 day of teaching Summer School and DEAR appointments. I'll be there through Monday when the last goodbyes are said. :)

It's hard to believe I joined the BF family last June 5th. Coming up on the 1 year anniversary. The fall retreat in Tennesee was my first. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with so many that I met at that retreat. I've enjoyed making friends through the year from this body of believers. I'm also looking forward to meeting many new friends at these upcoming retreats. Lord willing, see you all soon!
Signed up last night. Will be there with my daughters from Thursday night to Monday morning. Kristin is flying in and will likely join us Friday afternoon to Monday morning.


I look forward to seeing Krisrin again and meeting your daughter. My daughter will be joining me this time around as well. How old is she?

Our daughters are 17 and 15, @Patricia.

Unfortunately, after serious conversation and contemplation (the details of which I'll certainly share at the retreat), neither my wife nor my daughter will be joining me for this retreat. Don't worry; paradoxically, it's good news, and we're all stronger than ever as a family. Sometimes leadership involves releasing those whom one is leading from prior commitments to inspire renewed and fresh appreciation on the part of the releasees for what had grown to be seen as a burden rather than a joyful opportunity -- and we've accomplished that among the four of us.

Therefore, I will not be accompanied by Kristin, Naomi and Holly Hannah in person but will definitely be even more accompanied by them in spirit.

My apologies to anyone who was looking forward to fellowshipping with any of them. They are committed, though, to joining you in 2020, next summer.

And I will be there with bells on!
Our daughters are 17 and 15, @Patricia.

Unfortunately, after serious conversation and contemplation (the details of which I'll certainly share at the retreat), neither my wife nor my daughter will be joining me for this retreat. Don't worry; paradoxically, it's good news, and we're all stronger than ever as a family. Sometimes leadership involves releasing those whom one is leading from prior commitments to inspire renewed and fresh appreciation on the part of the releasees for what had grown to be seen as a burden rather than a joyful opportunity -- and we've accomplished that among the four of us.

Therefore, I will not be accompanied by Kristin, Naomi and Holly Hannah in person but will definitely be even more accompanied by them in spirit.

My apologies to anyone who was looking forward to fellowshipping with any of them. They are committed, though, to joining you in 2020, next summer.

And I will be there with bells on!
I hope your bells don't clash with my gold paint.